How to make sponge cake at home? Recipe for homemade sponge cake


2018-03-25 09:34:15




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How to cook a sponge cake at home? This question is often asked by those who do not like store-bought desserts, and prefer to bake them yourself. It should be noted that the difficult in this is nothing. Especially now that there are an incredible number of different recipes, using which you can easily make any treat. We will consider only a few proven and simple methods.

Classic cooking sponge cake at home

This recipe is known to many Housewives. But if you know it, then learn about it you can just below.

how to make sponge cake at home

So, to prepare delicious and fluffy cake we will need:

  • Large chicken eggs-6 PCs.
  • Light wheat flour-2 glasses;
  • Sand sugar-2 cups;
  • Vanilla – add (5 g);
  • Soda dining room (it is advisable to pay 6% nd vinegar) – dessert spoon;
  • Salt fine iodized – pinch;
  • Vegetable oil-35 ml (for greasing forms).


In strict compliance With all the requirements to create this dessert you will need the delicious and delicate homemade sponge cake. Its recipe involves the use of a large number of eggs. Thanks to this ingredient you will be able to make a pretty fluffy and soft cake. But before that eggs be divided into whites and yolks, then add the last component of sugar and grind everything white. As for the second part of the product, it is recommended to cool, and then add a small pinch of iodized salt and whip in a standing solid foam using blender or halo.sponge cake at home

After these steps both should be joined together, add the vanilla, tablespoon baking soda and wheat flour. In the end you must form a liquid and flavored dough.

Baking Process

Sponge cake at home you can bake in the oven, and in such a modern device as multivarka. We decided to use the first option, since not all the Housewives got mentioned device. Thus, we need to take a detachable form for baking, brush it with oil (preferably vegetable), and then pour all of the previously mixed dough. To prepare the cake in a preheated oven at a temperature of 195-200 degrees is not less than 55-60 minutes. After the cake will rise and browned, it should be placed on a chopping Board lined with baking paper, then cool completely and cut into 2, 3 or 4 layers (depending on the thickness of the baked product).

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Required components for a cream

cooking a sponge cake at home

Before you can cook a sponge cake at home, you should consider what kind of cream for the dessert you want to use. Because of the stuffing will depend on the taste and softness of your baked goods. We offer butter cream, so how the cake will be more delicate and airy. For this we need:

  • Cream 40% - 300 ml;
  • Powdered sugar-1 Cup;
  • Dark or white chocolate – 1,6 tiles;
  • Strawberry garden fresh – 10-15 pieces (use optional).

Make a delicious airy cream

To cook a sponge cake at home, you should take heavy cream and whisk them thoroughly, gradually powdering the sugar. In the end, you should get lush and voluminous white mass. In addition, it is recommended in a separate bowl grate dark and white chocolate, as well as in cold water to wash garden fresh strawberries, remove the stalk and slice it with a very thin plate.

The process of forming the dessert

homemade sponge cake

Homemade sponge cake is formed very easily and quickly. To do this, take the cut sponge cakes, lay one of them on cortico and liberally lubricated his cream. To give the dessert an unusual taste and beautiful appearance, the filling preferably evenly spread plate of fresh strawberries. You are then required to repeat the procedure to make all the cakes were stacked. The surface of the formed cake follows a similar pattern to the cream, and then sprinkle the shavings of chocolate.

How to bring to the table?

Now you know how to cook a sponge cake at home. It should be noted that after the formation of the dessert should be kept in a cooling chamber, where it is desirable to maintain not less than three hours. Then soft soaked cake to be cut into portions and served to guests along with hot tea.

Prepare a sponge cake at home using semolina

To make this unusual but delicious dessert, we need:homemade sponge cake recipe

  • Semolina-160 g;
  • Large eggs-4 PCs.;
  • Sand sugar – about 200 g;
  • Vanilla – 7.
  • Butter fresh cream – 55 g (for greasing form);
  • Soda diner (recommended to repay 6% nd vinegar) – dessert spoon no slides;
  • Fresh milk 2.5% fat content – 350ml.

Cooking dough and pastries

Eggs should be very vzbit with sugar, then add the semolina, a tablespoon of slaked soda and vanilla. Mix all the ingredients together, they should be kept at room temperature for half an hour, and then placed in a split mold greased with butter, and send in the oven for 15 minutes. After this time the dishes with podrumyanivaniya the cake should be removed, and then evenly pour it fresh milk again and bake for a quarter of an hour.

Manne Finished cake should allow to cool directly in the form of cold air. Further, it is recommended to cut into two parts.sponge cake at home

The Necessary ingredients for the toppings

The Cream for this cake you can use any. We recommend to use a filling based on condensed milk, as the cake will turn out very tasty and fragrant. To do this, you must purchase:

  • Creamy fresh butter-180 g;
  • Milk nevarenai condensed – standard Bank;
  • Chocolate dark – 1.5 tiles.

Cooking cream

To make this stuffing, it is necessary to soften the butter, and then severely beat it with a mixer, gradually pouring the condensed milk. As a result, you should get a delicious airy cream. You also want to chop dark chocolate on a grater or make a glaze by adding a couple of spoonfuls of milk.

Generated a delicious cake

how to make sponge cake at home

To the dessert turned out beautiful, you should take special tortiza and put on her Manne cake. It is required apply a liberal amount of thickened cream and then close the second part of the biscuit. Further, on the surface of the cake should likewise apply the toppings, including sides, and sprinkle it with chocolate shavings. If desired, this cake can pour warmish glaze.

The Correct serving dessert

Learn how to make sponge cake at home, you know. Now I want to tell you how it should properly serve. This formed the dessert you want to stand in refrigerator at least 4 hours, then remove, cut into portions pieces and serve it to the guests on saucers with tea. Bon appetit!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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