Glutamic acid in the bodybuilding and sport: instructions for use, performance and reviews


2018-03-24 15:38:10




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Amino acids are crucial for our body. Just today, doctors have identified many items of essential and nonessential amino acids that come along with food. Today we are interested in glutamic acid. In bodybuilding it is one of the most important nutrition elements responsible for the secretion of growth hormone, which is extremely important in the recruitment of muscle mass. Today we want to explore some more of this amazing amino acid and tell you how it is used all over the world.glutamic acid in bodybuilding

What this is

Glutamic acid in bodybuilding known for a long time. This is one of the elements that make up proteins in our body. It is not essential, the body can replenish from other amino acids that come from food. It's beef and eggs, beans and cheese, so at any table will be. However, the glutamic acid in the bodybuilding is used in addition in tablet form. Let's look at what it requires to athletes in increased amounts.

Why it is body

More accurately it would be called L-glutamic acid. In bodybuilding has long been noted that the better and faster the human metabolism is, the more likely the body will come to the standards expected of professional sports. And this amino acid is the active participant of all types of metabolism. Its impact is very diverse, and it helps to transmit signals through the nerves to the brain. Formed from glutamic aminobutyric acid, which improves blood flow to the brain.glutamic acid in bodybuilding manual

Increased protein needs

Who is familiar with the same as professional athletes? During intense weight they have to absorb huge amount of protein, and additionally protein shakes. With them splitting formed an incredibly toxic substance-ammonia. To the body they are not etched under the influence of glutamine ammonia is converted into urea, which is excreted by natural means. Additionally, the amino acid helps to stimulate the activity of adrenal gland.glutamic acid in bodybuilding usage instructions

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A Great sport and the body

Later on we'll look at how to take glutamic acid in bodybuilding. But for now let's focus on what it will give to your body. Glutamine – the main component of muscle tissue. Without it the formation if possible, it is far behind in timing and intensity. And it makes a huge difference. Imagine people month after month is laid out in the gym and no results. What will happen? Motivation is sharply reduced, and perhaps he'll drop classes.

Why glutamine plays such an important role in this process? For the athlete also valuable is the ability of glutamine to compensate for the lack of oxygen. The more intense the physical exercise, the more your body will feel. Thus, a simple amino acid that is in many foods, helps build muscle and restore the body after stress. how to take glutamic acid in bodybuilding


It Should be noted that even the safest drug should not be taken without advice of a doctor or fitness trainer. However, if you look at the popularity, the leading position is glutamic acid in bodybuilding. How to apply it, as we now discuss. This amino acid is very unstable in solutions. So if you plan to drink it immediately after workout, then take in the hall in the form of powder and consume on the spot.


And here everything is very individual. Obviously, before hiring it is important to consult a doctor. However, we will tell you the General scheme of the application of glutamic acid in bodybuilding. The instructions recommend daily use of 8 to 20 g of glycogen per day. Thus, the dosage strongly depends on the individual diet. Sometimes experienced bodybuilders increase the dose to 40 g per day, however this should be done gradually, tracking the condition of his body.glutamic acid in bodybuilding how to apply

Different regimens

Because all athletes are different, different will and way. Moreover, an inexperienced bodybuilder may be difficult to find the optimal scheme, therefore it is best to consult a professional trainer. However, our task is to tell you how to use glutamic acid in bodybuilding. Instruction manual recommends that beginners take a little over 2 minutes. This method provides the most complete digestion of muscles.

In the days of high physical activity, the body requires proper food and oxygen supply. Therefore, glutamine is recommended to take before entering the gym and after a workout. Usually it is recommended to take 5-20 grams at a time to the drug had the greatest effect.

It is Very important to amino acid drink plenty of fluids. Experienced trainers recommend taking it with protein shake or just with food. But with other amino acids to mix it upnot worth it, need at least a temporary break.

Increased dosage

If the athlete decided to dry his body and at the same time to gain muscle mass, you need to change the dosage. Usually this period of enforced low-carb diet. Therefore, the coach shall designate a minimum of 30 g of glutamine per day to avoid muscle catabolism. That is, if the body does not have enough carbohydrates, it will start to suck the amino acids from your muscles. No growth and strengthening in this case is impossible. It is necessary to note one more curious fact. A daily intake of glutamine in the amount of 20-40 g allows you to activate the immune system. Doctors set the example of patients who have received bone marrow transplant. And athletes at high loads a good immune system.

Judging by the comments of the experienced athletes, intake of this amino acid in the right dosage helps to significantly boost the capabilities of your body and faster to achieve your goals. As an experiment been carried out cycle training, a predetermined time. Several people rocked as usual, and others took glutamic acid. In the result it was obvious that in the second case, all the indicators are far ahead. In addition, athletes demonstrate improved health and well-being.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."


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