How to replace cigarette? There is a solution.


2018-03-24 16:44:08




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Smoking – addiction, unfortunately, to get rid of it easy. Many avid smokers, pretty "mocking" of my own body and earned in the end to illness and shortness of breath want to get rid of nicotine cravings. And here arises a serious question: “But what to replace cigarettes?”

What to replace cigarettes

Solutions to the problem are many, but each will have to choose your. Most likely, among friends there are willing to help and give you advice how to quit Smoking. Provides for free medical advice, and good advice and support of her family – a good tool in the fight against addiction.

Candy, gum (preferably peppermint or cinnamon), nuts and crackers-maybe it is something you can replace cigarettes? Drink with a straw, herbal drinks, made with calamus or licorice root, to rinse the mouth with infusions of mint – which not only people trying to quit Smoking. And some of it really helped. By the way, in the period of parting with a cigarette is desirable to give up spicy and salty, smoked meat, coffee and alcohol. After all, they reinforce the desire to smoke.

But the consumption of potatoes, eggs, dishes of peas and beans, peanuts, in contrast, will help the body to cope with the addiction. Such products to some extent, even “ease” suffering, because they contain nicotinic acid.How to quit Smoking for freeSomeone is trying to brew oats and rye, and someone agonizing over the question "what to substitute cigarettes", pockets the seeds. The plight of the war, as they say, all good, and struggle with their own addiction is not easy. And should firmly grasp one prerequisite: even the most careful chewing sunflower seeds – is nothing without a strong desire to leave cigarettes. Any change gives short-term effect. For the complete disposal of the important deep inner work on oneself.

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First and foremost, believe in yourself. You will cope, you will be able to quit Smoking! With the support of her family – really important. You have a good friend who is also trying to replace cigarettes? Unite and fight together, supporting each other in moments of weakness.

Some lucky people already got rid of the addiction to tobacco, reduced the number of cigarettes smoked gradually, other – has dropped sharply. If one method didn't work, you can always try another or start again. In both cases, it is advisable to drink plenty of water – it will help to flush nicotine from the body. Another Council – thorough cleaning of the teeth. After all, getting rid of the unpleasant taste in the mouth and improve the condition of teeth and gums – a nice bonus.

You are tormented over the question of what to replace cigarettes? Look around – is there no other ways to pleasure yourself? Find this fascinating case to time the breaks are simply not there. Exercise, do sports seriously – fitness classes will help relieve stress and vent emotions. The health benefits are obvious, and after a serious workout would not want to be delayed.

how can I replace cigarette

Willpower – the most important thing. Let your family be a support on the difficult path of getting rid of nicotine addiction and the health of loved ones – another reason to quit Smoking.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."



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