Planting cabbage - it's easy


2020-06-06 18:20:09




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Planting cabbages

Cabbage is a vegetable grown mainly by the seedling. This not only helps to bring the harvest, but also makes the cabbage more dense and well ripened. They without any problems can lie for several months in the cellar.

Varieties of cabbage are many. Seedling in home grown is quite simple. The main thing is to not delayed the planting of cabbage. Experts say that the “overblown” to the period of the formation of two leaves of the seedlings may result in inadequate crop.

Planting of cabbage is carried out mainly on smooth farmland. On wet soil with a close passage of groundwater and irrigated areas seedlings planted on ridges and crests manually.

Varieties of this vegetable crops are of two categories: early cultivars and late ripening. Favorable days for planting cabbage crop which are harvested early than other subspecies – it is early may. In the ground seedlings are placed in lightly compacted schemes, so that between the rows remained to forty centimeters.

Planting late cabbage varieties is a bit later: from mid-may to mid-June.Favorable days for planting cabbage

Some experienced gardeners soak the seedlings for a few minutes in a one percent solution of Malathion, thereby protecting it from pests.

The First thing to do is to choose the right site for planting in the open ground seedlings. It certainly should be on all sides open space with a fairly loose, fertile and moisture-permeable soil. It is preferable to change every year area. The best predecessors of this vegetable are beans, cucumbers, some roots. And if the area is also growing cabbage, then put it on the same place better in three years.


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The Planting of a cabbage involves digging with the entrenching tool small holes. The depth of the pits is done so that the present first leaf of the seedlings planted in the state was at the surface of the soil.Fertilizer when planting cabbage

Before boarding, you must sort through all the seedlings, putting aside the weak and destroying the patient. Planting cabbage should be possible on a cloudy day when it's spitting drizzle.

After putting seedlings in the ground sprinkle the plant with earth, compacted. Then the seedlings are watered with water and multiroute humus or dry soil, so she can keep the necessary moisture in the ground and prevent evaporation.

For the early establishment of the seedling after planting it during the week, watered very little, maintaining a wet only the upper soil layer. Young plants are preferably the same in the afternoon and still be protected from direct sunlight within a week.

Planting of cabbage that is grown first in pots torfomineralnyh not be complexity, but it almost always gives good results.

Almost all varieties of that vegetable crops respond well to organic matter. Therefore, if fertilizer when planting cabbage made in the spring, it is better to use compost or compost at the rate of two or three kilograms per square meter.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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