Depreciation of fixed assets of the enterprise: concept and types


2020-07-02 23:23:08




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All the activities of any enterprise completely depends on the available resources or funds, which, as you know, is not unlimited. To the Fund of the organization include cash, used in the production process equipment, and human resources. Over time the equipment, for example, are physically worn and obsolete, respectively, decreases its value. In this case, you should talk about the concept of depreciation of fixed assets or resources, implying a gradual loss of any major boon to their original values. Account wear and tear of production resources is an important component accounting for fixed assets of the company. Its management is in the competence of accountants, employees of economic and financial departments, executives of the company.

Types of depreciation of fixed assets

Physical wear and tear means gradual deterioration of the basic means of labour in the process of their continuous operation during the manufacture of products manufactured by the enterprise. Depreciation of fixed assets or resources of the enterprise in their use, is a legitimate and economically justified. However, the acceleration of wear of resources, for example, the machines contributes to their poor maintenance, the use, storage in unsuitable for such purposes. In this case, refers to physical deterioration of the second kind.

The size of the physical deterioration of resources of the enterprise depends on:

- their quality;

- their load in the production process;

- the quality of care for these resources;

- features of process of production;

- the professionalism of staff working with resources.

The Reason for the decline in the value of material goods can be not only the loss of them over time consumer qualities, but also their moral deterioration. This depreciation of fixed assets can be associated with the appearance of a similar, but cheaper and more modern tools.


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As an example of obsolescence can result used a few decades ago the typewriter to write newspaper articles and literary works. Today is unlikely to find at least one journalist or a writer using such a device. Was replaced by a more convenient and versatile computers.

Modern enterprises for the production of a product part of the duties the person performs specialized equipment. Moral depreciation of fixed assets is always associated with the development of technical progress. The use of new modern equipment has a positive effect on the overall efficiency of production allows us to produce maximum number of products in a shorter period of time.

As already mentioned, the production costs associated with the physical and moral obsolescence of the capital resources of the company are managed by specialists in charge of finances. Not to mention the concept of the coefficient of depreciation of fixed assets, showing the extent to which can be financed in the future to replace obsolete resources with new, more efficient. This rate is calculated on the basis of the balance sheet.

Depreciation – this is the process of transferring the cost of basic resources of production, as the loss of their original cost and value for the price etc of products. From the point of view of accounting, the rate of deterioration of resources (funds) is the ratio of depreciation to original cost of those resources. It is believed that the company operates with low efficiency and the high level of costs, if the rate of deterioration of its resources is more than 50%. Such production may be considered unprofitable.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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