Analysis of liquidity of the enterprise


2020-07-03 02:22:07




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Often the company is faced with a very unpleasant situation, when, according to financial statements it has sizeable assets, however, is unable to repay its term debt. This is possible due to the fact that a large part of the enterprise's assets are illiquid, i.e., cannot be sold or exchanged for cash, which can be used to repay the debt.

The Company, which monitors the liquidity risks to be recognized as bankrupt, even if consistently makes a profit. That is why the analysis of company liquidity is no less important than analysis of profit. Liquidity, in General, translates literally as flexibility and management is the ability to transfer the asset to cash. The longer time is required for translation, the less liquid is the asset. For example, intangible assets are essentially liquid, as most liquid are considered cash.

However, the cash account for a small part in the structure of assets of the company, and they are usually only enough to repay the daily small expenses such as the purchase of a kettle for the office. For large debt payments, in order ctob at the appropriate time the company was liquidity, and it should conduct an analysis of liquidity and financial stability. 

The Enterprise needs to carefully plan cash flows and the dates on which the most liquid assets will be exchanged for liquid. However, quite often there are all kinds of mistakes and confusion. For example, an entity may not always be able to obtain for an asset the amount of cash, in which he was assessed. In this case,  it can be in a situation of lack of funds to pay current debt. This situation is denoted as the liquidity risk of the company.

To minimize such risk, the company has consistently maintained a reserve in liquid assets at optimum level. Such reserves are controlled with the help of special liquidity ratios. The main factor included in the analysis of liquidity of the enterprise, – this is the factor reflecting current liquidity. It determines how many times the volume of current assets more than the amount of current liabilities. The minimum valid value for this coefficient – two.

However, not all current assets can be changed to money in an emergency, for example, when almost all the creditors demand debt repayment. Especially dangerous is the inventories, as they cannot always sell for book value. Therefore, the analysis of liquidity of the enterprise Implies their exclusion from the list of current assets, the calculation of the indicator of quick liquidity. This figure should not drop below one.

Despite the fact that all the considered asset can be converted into cash quickly if the company takes the money right now, it can face certain problems if not support absolute liquidity at the optimum level – at least 0.2. In the calculation of this indicator considers only those assets that can be exchanged instantly (cash and non-cash and certain securities).

Analysis of liquidity of the enterprise, based on the above factors, not only allows managers of the company to effectively manage its commitments, but also is a signal to creditors, saying that the company is all right, and it may be time to return allocated funds. Therefore, it is important to maintain all indicators at the optimum level.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
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