To direct taxes is tax on what? Classification of taxes


2018-03-21 05:03:16




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The Tax system of most countries provides for both direct and indirect payments. And those and others can be significant from the point of view of replenishment of the state budget. Russian legislation also provides for both kinds of taxes. Presented to both categories can be quite a wide range of varieties. What are the specifics of the Russian direct taxes? What is their fundamental difference from the indirect payments to the state budget?

To direct taxes is tax

The Essence of direct taxes

What are direct taxes? Examples thereof can be found in the legislation of most countries of the world. Including in Russia. But before examining specific kinds of direct taxes, study more the essence of the corresponding term. What are the most common theoretical concepts relevant to consider fees?

Among Russian experts extended the definition of direct taxes as fees, which are levied by the government on income or assets of taxpayers, individuals or legal entities. The main feature of the payment of the obligations in question, — the corresponding payments are made by the citizen or organization, or delegating appropriate powers to the tax agent, if required by law. Thus, subject to the payment of direct taxes is, as de jure and de facto, the taxpayer.

Specifics of indirect taxes

In turn, the indirect taxes involve a different scheme. Formally, their payer is considered a subject — for example, a company involved in sales. But in fact, indirect taxes paid by customers of the organization — the physical persons or legal entities, as the value of the appropriate contributions are generally laid in the selling price of the product. Examples of fees in question, — VAT, excise tax. Firm that sells goods in the market, therefore, puts them into the cost of the holiday goods, and then transfers the relevant amount to the budget of the Russian Federation.


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Classification of liabilities

What could be the classification of direct taxes?

Collections of the appropriate type can be assigned to the different categories based on different grounds. In principle, in relation to direct taxes, you can apply the same classification criteria that for any other payments established by the Russian legislation.

Federal direct taxes

So, taxes in Russia are Federal, regional and local. In theory under any of these categories can receive both direct and indirect budgetary obligations.

Another possible criterion for classification of direct taxes — the subject of their payment. Those can be a citizen, individual entrepreneur, legal entity, foreign organization or a person with a passport of another country. In some cases, also may matter whether the taxpayer is a resident of the Russian Federation, or live most of the time abroad.

In principle applicable is the basis for the classification of taxes as a form of tax base. It can be represented, for example, in the form of property, revenues for goods sold or income for services rendered.

Another possible basis for the classification of the fees in question, — the subject of the calculation of payments. The fact that it may be the taxpayer himself, so, for example, a government Agency acting administrator of a tax, particularly on.

Tax on excise

Examine the nature of some direct payment to the obligations established in Russia in more detail.

Examples of direct taxes in Russia

What in Russia is established by law direct taxes? Examples thereof can be found in legal acts in a wide range. Direct taxes include, in particular:

  • Pit — its subjects are natural persons;
  • Income tax — it's done the legal entity;
  • The property tax, presented in two varieties — citizens and legal entities.

Let us Consider in more detail the specifics of the noted fees.

Learn to start the Federal direct taxes. That is, those that are paid in the Central budget system of the Russian Federation.

Personal income tax

To direct taxes include tax that is charged on personal income of natural persons, or personal income tax. As a rule, is calculated on the salary of the citizen, but may also be applied to other types of revenue that gets people — for example, following the sale of assets or other transactions that benefited.

Income tax Rate for the Russians — 13% if they have resident status, and 30% if they live mostly abroad. Legislation of the Russian Federation a number of deductions for personal income tax, in particular deductions provided to citizens who purchased, at its expense, the property.

Income Tax business

To direct taxes include the tax paid by enterprises within the General system of calculating payments to the budget or DOS. Usually this fee is paid by large businesses as small businesses and entrepreneurs often seek to conduct business according to the USN, UTII or another system involving the reduction of the tax burden. This is understandable — the rate of profit tax in Russia is 20%. This is significantly more than the USN.

Direct taxes examples

The tax Rate on profits generated by commercial activity, additionally actually divided into 2 types. The fact that 2% from the tax in question should be transferred to the Federal budget, 18% - in regional. Thus, the collection in question, can be attributed to two levels - Federal and regional.

In turn, the rate of withholding tax under the simplified tax system for individual entrepreneurs may be 6% of the profits of the company or 15% of the company's revenue. Consider the payment obligation is calculated based on taxable base, which is defined as the difference between revenues and expenses of the taxpayer. It can be noted that SP does not pay the tax in question. The respective obligations of the legislation of the Russian Federation assigned only to legal entities, and branches of foreign institutions that carry out in Russia commercial activity.

An Important aspect of the tax, in question, — determine the method by which a taxpayer include income and expenses to a particular period. Those two — cash and accrual method. The first concept of the tax calculation assumes that income should be measured at the time of the transaction, i.e. after the conditions for the relevant contract. For example, the delivered goods or rendered services. In turn, the essence of the cash method — in the definition of income once the customer is actually calculated with a supplier, transferring financial means to the account or paying in cash.

Considering Russia direct taxes, it will be useful to study the specificity, in particular, property tax. Those two.

Property Tax

To direct taxes include the tax on property of physical persons. This collection — the Federal. In the General case it is calculated on the basis of the taxable base, which is reflected in the value of the property owned by the taxpayer and the square of the corresponding object.

Classification of direct taxes

Until 2015, the corresponding figure was calculated based on the inventory value of the property. Legislation of the Russian Federation a number of deductions regarding the collection, referred to. So, the taxable base can be reduced by 10 square meters, if we are talking about the room, 20 sq m if the preference applies to the apartment, 50 square meters, if the deduction involves the owner of the house.

Property Tax of legal entities

To direct taxes include the tax on property of legal entities. Its nature is somewhat different from the corresponding collection for the citizens. First of all, note that this tax — the regional, not Federal. Authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation at the same fixed rate independently — to the extent reflected in the provisions of the tax code. Regional legislators may set a special order of definition of tax base, benefits, as well as algorithms for their application by taxpayers. To pay the fee, referred to, needs of the organization, having owned both movable and immovable assets. Thus in structure of the tax base can be included in the property, which the firm transferred for temporary possession or trust.

Who calculates property taxes?

The Distinction between property taxes, referred to, can be done also depending on who is in accordance with the law of the subject of calculating these taxes. In this case, there is a practical example of the classification of taxes according to one of the criteria laid down by us in the beginning of the article.

income tax Rate

The fact that in the case of payments to individuals amount to payment to the budget imposed by structures, on. Specialists of the tax service, having information about the presence of citizens of certain types of property, calculate the property tax and send notice of its payment by mail. Legal entities, in turn, must determine the amount of the payment obligations of their own.


Review the specifics of one of the indirect taxes. Among those — the value added tax, VAT. This fee is usually included, as we noted above, the ex-factory cost of the goods. In fact, the VAT is paid by the buyer, but from a legal point of view, the obligations included in the budget are borne by the supplier. VAT rate-18% or 10% for individual business transactions. The legislation provides for the application of VAT payers number of deductions.

tax Rate on profits


So, we considered a number of examples of direct and indirect taxes, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The main criterion of distinction between them — the actual status of the payer and someone who needs to transfer the relevant payments into the budget based on the requirements of the legislation. We will help you to visually capture, are fundamentally different than direct and indirect taxes, the table below.

Прямые налоги

Косвенные налоги

Кто платит де-юре

Налогоплательщик — юрлицо, физлицо


Кто платит де-факто


Клиент налогоплательщика, покупатель — юрлицо или физлицо

Примеры налогов

НДФЛ, налог на прибыль юрлиц, имущественные налоги

НДС, акцизы, таможенные пошлины

В ряде случаев разграничение между прямыми и косвенными налогами провести довольно проблематично. Дело в том, что фирма может, в частности, и не включать НДС в структуру отпускной стоимости товара — в целях оптимизации налогообложения или с целью повышения конкурентоспособности на рынке. В этом случае компания будет плательщиком НДС как с юридической, так и фактической точки зрения.

С точки зрения наполнения бюджета РФ значимыми могут быть как прямые, так и косвенные налоги. Поэтому государство постоянно совершенствует подходы к организации эффективного сбора и тех и других платежей.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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