Area Of Volgograd. Their fate and history


2019-07-02 21:20:24




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Volgograd is a city - millionaire and a major industrial centre, which replaced the three names (Tsaritsyn, Stalingrad, Volgograd), but no changes ever to the principles of honest work, courage and patriotism.

Area of Volgograd

Sad and tragic was the fate of Stalingrad, which has not spared architectural monuments, ancient buildings of the city. In Volgograd not going to walk the ancient streets, wander through medieval castles, or to visit ancient monasteries and temples, people come here to feel the atmosphere of the tragic events of the great Patriotic war, go for the Memory.

Area of the Volgograd

Stalingrad during the war were almost completely destroyed by enemy bombing and street fighting. Many buildings, including historical, in ruins. The main attractions of the city are connected with the defense of Stalingrad, turning the tide of war. The memory of these heroic events depicted in the numerous memorial complexes and monuments of the city: Mamayev Kurgan, Mill Gerhardt Replica fountain “the dark knight" Pavlov's House.

The Catastrophic scale of destruction in the course of street fighting, destroyed almost the entire residential development of the city in ruins has been transformed more than 90% of the houses of Stalingrad.

In the postwar period, began a large-scale construction work. The city is gradually recovering. In its buildings, layout of parks, gardens, alleys, squares dominated by the style of “Stalinist architecture”. The city was restored and built three new square, the largest and currently the square of Volgograd Square of the fallen fighters, Lenin Square and the Area security officers.

The area of the fallen

The Central town square, one of the largest in the territory, the place where all the important events of the city, parades, rallies – the Square of fallen fighters in Volgograd. Part of it goes to the Park, and then in the Alley of Heroes.

The Initial title of the book is Alexander (in honor of the deceased Emperor Alexander ΙΙ). In its place was a spontaneous peasant market, which were later replaced by shops, taverns and pubs. In 1916 on the territory of the square was built, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, in honor of the rescue of the Imperial family in the disaster on the railroad (the Cathedral was blown up in 1930).

During the Revolution the city was occupied by the troops of Wrangel. Fierce fighting, in 1920, on the square in a mass grave were buried 55 people killed citizens during the Civil war. In the same year, in memory of them, square in Volgograd was renamed the Square of the fallen fighters and the place of their burial monument.

the Square of fallen fighters in Volgograd

During the Stalingrad defense of the city's Central square became a place of bloody and fierce battles. In the basement of TSUM was taken prisoner by the German army field Marshal Paulus. 4 Feb 1943 in square rally Victory in the battle of Stalingrad. Near the graves of the fallen soldiers were buried who died in the battle of Stalingrad. In their honor, in 1963, the square was lit the Eternal Flame.

In 2003, in honor of the 60th anniversary of the great Victory in the historic basement of the Central Department store of Volgograd was opened a Museum of “Memory”. In the room of the basement, where he was captured Friedrich Paulus, the restored interior of the historic times.

The square is another attraction, a living witness of the Stalingrad hell ― poplar, the trunk of which numerous scars from fighting taking place in this area.

Lenin Square

Square, the city, which was renamed very often (Balkan, Nicholas, International, Area January 9, Lenin Square).

Lenin Square of Volgograd

Until the late nineteenth century it was called the Balkan (the name of the district). It was a deplorable place where carts with fish that were transported from Astrakhan in the capital and other cities.

In 1899, the area was consecrated the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and it was renamed the St. Nicholas. In 1917 she again renamed to International, and after 3 years, she gets the name of the Area January 9, in memory of Bloody Sunday.

In the 1930s years was blown up the temple and in its place erect a dwelling house, the area is completely transformed.

During the battle of Stalingrad was the bloodiest battles, the building was completely destroyed. The tragic and bloody was the defense of one of the houses, which was a Grup­PA so­bet­ing soldiers, commanded them to lay­te­Nan­t Afanasiev (CEP­jeanty Pav­fishing was one of the group­PY, he heroically and courageouslydefended the strengthening and after the war, the building was named in his honor - Home of Pav­lo­VA). The group kept the defense at home in those­th­tion 58 days. After the war in memory of the heroic events in this area, the area was renamed in the Area of Defense.

In the postwar years, the territory was built up anew from the old building were just Pavlov's House. In 1960, in the Central part of the square was a monument to Vladimir Lenin, in honor of the 90th anniversary of his birth, and she was again renamed in Lenin Square of Volgograd.

Chekistov Square and the monument to the chekists

The name of the square is also intertwined with the tragic events of the battle of Stalingrad.

Chekistov Square, Volgograd

In 1942, in Stalingrad 10 infantry division of the NKVD troops, along with militias and police, took the first blows of the enemy, who sought to break through to the Volga. For bravery and heroic combat missions, the entire division was awarded the order of Lenin, 20 security officers, he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

After the war in 1947 on the square in Volgograd, a monument to the chekists, whose height is 22 meters. And after exactly 20 years the area will be named – Area Chekistov in Volgograd, in honor of the courage, bravery and valor of soldiers defending the city.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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