Chinese goods in the "Taobao": customer reviews


2018-09-28 22:00:53




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“Taobao” – Chinese Internet-shop that is created for the end user. The system functions on the C2C Protocol. What is it? This is a special form of electronic Commerce that involves the sale of products and provision of services by consumers to each other. The site stands as a mediator between buyer and seller. A platform has been created by the famous company with one goal – to facilitate transactions with consumers and sellers, whether is retail or wholesale. About “Taobao” the feedback often positive, although there are negative aspects, and it is quite obvious – there can be formed a unified opinion at all.

General information about the site

company Logo

The Site offers customers a wide range of different products for every taste. This clothing, shoes, and accessories, and headgear, various appliances and other consumer goods. There is a new guarantee products and pre-owned. Those who bought on “Taobao”, reviews left different, it all depends on the seller, product quality and buyer (if it is not had to taste, it is unlikely that it will leave a good recommendation, even if the deal was perfect). Possible sale at a fixed price or at a bargain, also have the auction. Early to register on the portal, it was necessary to have a Chinese Bank account and Chinese room operator, now things are different, things have become easier and it is marked with the user reviews when buying for “Taobao”. The main competitors of the company are considered and


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Now the “Taobao” – the world leader in sales of footwear, apparel and accessories. China annually creates a lot of interesting things that are in demand all over the world. Even famous brands have established production of its things in the middle Kingdom. All due to the fact that in China you can find an inexpensive labor force, due to which you will be able to produce products of excellent quality at the best price. Reviews about orders with “Taobao” saying that many players enjoyed this platform because it is successfully developing in conditions of tough global competition. Users like Chinese goods, some continue to buy them exclusively in the network, because in conventional markets or boutiques everything comes out more expensive.

In addition, Chinese manufacturers always follow the fashion trends and trends, their clothing is quality, style, it is modern and unusual, and many this is what people are looking for. A lot of users to buy things on this site, because it is much cheaper than purchasing an outfit in a regular store, in addition, you can save not only money, but time and effort. On “Taobao” the products are a huge demand because people trust the opinions of others.


Today the leader among the popular Internet shopping is exactly “Taobao”, and it has its own reasons. Portal popular the large choice of things and different products, known for affordable prices, discounts, promotions and auctions. When making purchases on the “Taobao” the reviews from other people, consider in the first place. Recommendations are always true, nobody buys the opinions of others to look better.

Online you will find negative comments from those who do not like the interface of the portal – Chinese. Because the opinions and negative people simply are unable to deal with the language barrier. It is recommended just to use the store in a browser with a built-in translator. Will be useful to read different recommendations on the website and also the customer reviews about “Taobao”.

What are the sizes?

People shopping from Taobao

Each user will be able to pick up goods from China, clothes or shoes. On the portal you will find a variety of clothing sizes, starting from XS and XXS and ending 4-5 XL. Those who ordered for “Taobao”, leave positive reviews, the site works around the clock, so make a purchase of not make. Each product on the website is a guarantee of quality. If you send a thing, and it is damaged, then the administration will deal with this issue and will return the spent means. Because so many on the “Taobao” customers that were pleased with the cooperation and would not change the site to any other.

Details about

The Ordering of goods, users is time-consuming, but do not forget that buying a product in China, it will have to wait at least three weeks, but a big plus-savings. The fact that many sellers in the CIS countries have already set up a certain business to buy goods in China and sell in their cities, countries with large margin. Why would you choose to pay, isn't it better to wait a little longer, but the savings to purchase another thing?

If you are tied to a specific date, then hurry to order goods well in advance (preferably a couple of months), to accurately get it in time. If you have any questions, you can even contact the customer support and learn about everything in detail. Questions can be asked also for the sellers from which you wishto buy this or that thing.

Attention! All purchases on the portal are issued after full payment, the goods are delivered to virtually every part of the world.

On these pages you'll find a huge product catalog that includes the different number of items. The catalog is daily updated, every seller is trying to offer customers cooperation beneficial to the two parties. Unfortunately, you can't try on any clothes beforehand, carefully study the portal table if necessary specifies with the seller for more details.

The Portal has a very convenient search engine that allows you to choose any product. Each product has a detailed description in the catalog, because the client knows in advance all of the future purchase is looking at the pictures and reads “Taobao” customer reviews, with photos or without them.


Taobao products reviews

Since January 2014, “Taobao” can register anyone from anywhere in the world. You only need to specify the mobile number of the country, where the person wishing to register. This phone will come SMS-the message with the activation of the account. All products on the portal are paid with Visa. Read reviews about the online store “Taobao” from the happy Russian buyers and make sure that there is nothing to fear and can save money on the shopping now!

Even back in 2008, the turnover of a major Corporation made up of approximately one hundred billion yuan, which is about fifteen billion dollars. The share of the “Taobao” was approximately 1 % of transactions in the Chinese market, and it is incredibly much.

As of 2011, “Taobao” have already had 80% of online sales, and the number of users that made an account on the site, exceeded 370 million.

According to correspondents, “Xinhua news," in 2012 a turnover of Taobao and Alipay has reached one trillion yuan, which is comparable only with turnover of eBay and Amazon.

In 2011, there were reports that Alibaba Group, the Corporation decided to reorganize the company and to divide it into three parts. The main purpose – to increase competitiveness and to develop different models of doing business. As you can see, the idea was a success, because now all the portals of Alibaba Group bring huge profits to the owners.

Buy, buy and to buy again?

Feedback on the work of “Taobao” positive, negative and neutral. To buy there products or not – it's only you. For conscience ' sake is to do a trial order and look at the system. Of course, you can focus on the feedback on “Taobao”. Network their weight, and many are written in a positive way, because for you to make the choice, no one can. Trust the buyers or not – it is purely individual.

How to buy goods?

portal Interface Taobao

You can find the network a lot of feedback on “Taobao”, which describes how to carry out the purchase. Make it simple, if you understand how the site works. The average user that is not familiar with the Chinese shops, it can be difficult at first, because it cost to publish a short manual on how to make purchases on this portal. First you will need to register on the site. So you will be able to communicate with the sellers to see the entire range of the goods offered on the site – the fact that there are shops that can see only the registered users and others without signing up offers a limited number of pages, and further viewing is required just the same password. Registration will take you no more than ten minutes.

Step one. Product selection

To begin, you will need to go to the site itself “Taobao”. Here you will find a wealth of information, including in the form of hieroglyphics. As already mentioned, you can use a special browser that will automatically translate the page. As soon as figured out the interface, you can navigate directly to the directory where you will see a variety of categories. Yes, the half of the information loses its meaning and we can only guess what was going on, because from the top, use the filters (price range, sorting by popularity etc.). Chose the product? Go to his page and be careful when viewing descriptions.

Step two. Checking for care

“Taobao” in Russian reviews a lot because watch and study them carefully. Often write useful information about the clothing sizes. Always look at the products, photos, and settings that are placed on the page. Don't assume if you specify the size “M”, it means exactly this size! Sometimes it happens that the jeans are listed as XXXL, can be 88 inches in the hips – and it's not an isolated case. About it you will talk on “Taobao” feedback on the Russian language.

Do Not forget that “Taobao” – Chinese clothing site, because it can get weird sizes of things that do not even meet European standards. Study the pictures and recommendations of bloggers and other people. A lot of guys from Russia “Taobao” leave the detailed reviews to others it was easier to buy.

Here are some guidelinesother: it is better to take one size larger than Vice versa. Great clothes to take easier, but malomerki are very frequent. Inconsiderate guys who buy small clothes, after trying to resell it on the Internet and often without success, because the competition is large and the selection.

Step three. Shipping

portal Logo Taobao

Free shipping via China post on the portal, but it needs to look. Yes, for transportation to the destination will have to pay, but if you can save a little, why not take advantage of it. Plenty of shopping portal offers free shipping, usually it's the producers from Beijing. Choose the goods they have, for example, if you do not want to overpay a lot.

Don't forget: you still have to pay for shipping — this is the position of the site, there's nothing you can do about it. You can read on “Taobao” reviews with photos and to ensure that the delivery – paid.

The Fourth step. The issue price

Use the photo for ordering goods at the best value. Many sellers on the portal offer the same products and prices can vary greatly. For example, a t-shirt at Russian prices can range from 180 to 750 rubles, while all the characteristics are exactly the same. Of course, it is better to buy cheaper goods, but how to find this profitable product?

The Fifth step. Checkout

Like the article? Sure about your choice? Then you can proceed with the payment. It is very simple, methods on the portal a lot. Pay with your Visa card – one of them. The transfer of funds should be performed by parts: for the goods and services you deliver. It's not so expensive if you buy more than one thing, and to collect a set, or enjoy things together with friends (the amount of delivery simply divide among themselves and thus save). Unfortunately, you will not know how much will cost shipping (depending on weight), but can roughly calculate it and, turning to professionals for help.

By the way, as soon as the goods arrive at the warehouse in China, then the buyer receives an SMS notification. The product is permitted to remain free for twenty days. It is very convenient, especially if you order from multiple vendors, wait until all the goods arrive at the destination and sent in one parcel things yourself (so you can save a little on shipment). When all the orders arrive to the warehouse, you are in your profile can go to the list, click on the green button under the price of any item, to arrange sending parcels to his country.

If you click on the blue button, you will combine all orders into one. It should be mentioned that the action is available if the goods have already arrived at the warehouse. As soon as you combine them, you will see a window where you specify the weight of the parcel and the total amount of delivery. If you're satisfied with, press the orange button and send the order to his country. Upon completion you will see a window where you must enter the delivery address. Pay for the cost of shipping. If everything is OK, then at the end a message will appear on completion of an order. It now remains only to wait for their purchases.

What “Taobao”?

PC logo portal Taobao

People's Opinions are different, someone portal liked it, and now it's the only place to shop, other people he never liked. You can even collect the reviews fashionable wardrobe to “Taobao” and look perfect. To do this, it is enough to study the recommendations of the famous beauty bloggers who are regular buyers on this website. They will help other people to deal with purchases, place your order and will advise sellers, clothes or other things. Do not think that there is only clothing, the choice and range of products is huge! You can find positive feedback on “Taobao” tulle and other things, unusual at first glance.

Watch and analyze the situation. In some cases it is better to abandon the purchase, especially if the reviews on the product an overwhelming amount of unflattering. Be careful: no matter what you choose — clothes, shoes or linens. Feedback on “Taobao” read always to make sure that your items will arrive safe and sound and make sure it is high quality!

What are the negative points noted by users?

As has been said, about the portal's opinions are different-someone he liked, others – no. Of the negative aspects many say the costly shipping. Yes, delivery will be paid, and there's nothing you can do about it. Some users did not like that the portal is completely Chinese. Of course, it is difficult to understand the characters, but you can use your browser “Chrome”, which has an automatic translator, and everything will become clear.

More of the negative aspects users have noted a long delivery. It is also not very good, but unfortunately are all Chinese stores, some deliver faster than others – not.

Users did not like “roulette”. What does it mean? Sometimes it is not clear what kind of person will receive the item (it is about the size and quality). Many users are accustomed to European sizes, but in China things are different. Because you want to study the size chart reviewsbuyers in your country to determine the size and quality of a thing.

Another of the negative points people have noted that the parcel can be lost in transit. Unfortunately, the logistics can be a problem, and the mail will be in no hurry to resolve them. Usually in China everything moves without problems, but abroad begins to meet obstacles in the way. In such situations, you can open a dispute on the portal and get their money back.

Some users have noted an unpleasant odor parcels, but even this is not the biggest problem. If you wish, you can just air things or to wait a couple of days and the smell itself will disappear.

In most cases people are not satisfied with the delivery, or rather its time, but there's nothing to do – all the things sent from another country.

Should you buy on the portal?

purchase Buttons in Taobao

Before you make an order to “Taobao”, think: are you ready for this? To really find the real thing, you will have to search through a lot of unnecessary. If you intentionally go to the store, you will see more or less selected things, but here would have to find something interesting and unusual. Prepare in advance for difficulties, because the parcel is not coming to you for a couple of days, you will need to be patient for weeks.

This method is suitable for those who wish to buy unique and interesting things that are hard to find anywhere else. Can still be one problem – it is difficult to resist and only buy what you really need. You may not be that person who loves shopping and always leave the Mall with bags still, the temptation to “Taobao”, you will hardly be able to resist the attractive price, beautiful and bright clothes, shoes and accessories.

What are the secrets worth remembering?

Absolutely unprofitable to buy goods for a small amount, this is not Aliexpress where shipping is free. The Commission to “Taobao” can be up to 25 %, if the purchase amount to sixteen dollars. Therefore it is best to cooperate with friends or other people that want to order goods on the website, but for shipping don't want to pay exorbitant money.

Before you buy – will be examined in detail. It may take even a few days, but it's not terrible, most importantly — understand how things work on the site. It's not easy, because many people prefer other sites. However, you will be satisfied with the outcome – things on the portal of inexpensive, unusual, and cooperate with others can be a great to save on shipping.

“Taobao” – it is a great portal that allows you to buy things at competitive prices, if everything is correct to think and to do. Of course, you can look for something else, it is only your business, but need to read up on “Taobao” in Russian reviews and then have to decide something.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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