How to plant beets: tips gardener


2019-06-15 21:00:18




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Before you can sow beets, gardeners need a serious knowledge in its cultivation. Even the shape of the root depend on some characteristics of culture. The flat shape indicates that it is early maturing variety, vegetation period which continues for 70-80 days. The round beet growing season lasts 100 days, it belongs to mid-season varieties. The roots, having a conical shape, ripens the longest and refers to the late-ripening varieties. Naturally, the later the crop is removed, especially suitable grown and gathered products for winter storage. To the question about how to plant beets, there are two main response – sowing seeds and planting seedlings. The algorithm of sowing seeds consists of the following stages:how to plant beets

  • The pre-sowing soak of seeds (about a day);
  • Choice of time of sowing. If it is desirable to obtain early products, it is best to sow seeds in winter or early spring. However, they begin to grow at 3-5 degrees Celsius and, depending on the future temperature, seedlings can appear in the range of 12-20 days. To produce a crop in winter, seeds are planted in early summer;
  • Direct sowing of seeds in prepared soil to a depth of about 4 inches. The main attention of the gardener prepares the soil for seeding should be paid to how to plant beets with a low level of acidity. To eliminate the scourge should be better ash or lime. seedling beet

Beets – relatively cold-resistant culture, the shoots can transfer the freeze to three degrees. However, there is the agricultural zone of risky agriculture, in which the appropriate cultivation of sugar beet seedlings. It's mostly the Northern areas of the country. Seedling beets in this case, were planted about thirty days after the end of the stable in this area of frost, and the plant will form about 4-6 leaves.


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The First thinning in technology, how to plant beets, should be done when the sprout fully formed 3-4 leaves. The sample step between shoots of about 3-4 cm During this process retained most viable seedlings, and lagging behind in their development are removed. The second thinning is carried out the same procedure, only the space between plants should be increased to 8-10 cm, and root by this time should reach several centimeters in diameter. After each thinning, it is recommended to make organics in the form of slurry, or to carry out the feeding fertilizers at the rate of 30 - 50 g/sq m In the process of how to plant beets and efficiently to take care of it, fit an important requirement that this culture does not tolerate shaded areas, but very demanding to light. the cultivation of beet rassadoy

According to the advice of experienced gardeners, if beets are grown for domestic use, its most effective to plant on the perimeter of a potato field. Then the family will not remain in the winter without such a universally useful product, it is necessary not only to make borscht, but also all kinds of snacks.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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