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Yakutskaya GRES — the main source of electricity in the Republic of Sakha. The world's first power plant built on permafrost. A real Point it Also the only one on earth like object working in the climatic zone, where the difference in winter and summer temperatures is no less than 100 OC.
Is the object directly on the territory of Yakutsk, in North-Eastern part, Close from AboutZera Hamastan. The Lena river is from this station less than a kilometer away. The exact address of the Jahres as follows: Yakutsk, Country quarter, Krzhizhanovskogo, 2.
Build Yakutskaya GRES nI Acholi in 1966, Approved by the It the project by the government of the Union was not immediately. The debate surrounding the construction of the station beyond the Arctic circle at that time was violent. But the decision on the construction of this ‘extreme” object's In Yakutsk In End end was accepted.
To Begin its work GRES was December 30, 1969 But due to a ruptured pipeline timing Start this important facility for the country was disrupted. The Builders of the station had to urgently repair the consequences of the accident. As a result, the launch of SDPP took place, But the 9 January 1970 On this day, withStation's first gas turbine with a capacity of 25 thousand KVT.
Second unit Yakutskaya GRES Start work at the end of this year. Design Power First station left Else approximately 12 months. From this point on then available The Republic Acute shortage of electricity Was Cleared.
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The second stage of Construction of the plant began in 1974, has Completed the construction of this facility in 1985. Last turbine in this station was launched in 1982
Unlike many other similar objects, Yakut GRES operates in a closed energy system. Stop this station Turn for the Republic to be a disaster. Because if that happens, a large part of the population of Yakutia will remain without electricity, heat and water. And decrease the air temperature in the Republic of May To -50 OC.
Thus, the Yakutsk GRES — the object is very important. To avoid any incidents, the station maximum attention is paid to this issue, for example, as the timely prevention and repair of existing equipment. Check the operation of turbines, generators Etc. Jahres carried out very often. Also management of the company carefully suited to issues such as recruitment. Workers on Jahres work only qualified.
The Owner of the station in 2017 is OJSC AK “Yakutskenergo”. The Russian energy company, In turn is part of the RAO ES of the East, ownedOJSC “RusHydro”. The First Director of the Yakut GRES was in A. Chandolin. This man lived a long and eventful working life and had many state awards. Actively involved in social activities V. A. Chandolin and after retirement. Unfortunately, quite recently, on November 16, 2017 - he Left out of life. Today the company is headed by R. A. Iskhakov, Assigned on this post in the summer of 2016 he Previously worked on the station, but in the position of chief engineer.
To Work this station is May not only natural gas but also on diesel fuel. While it operates as a classic CHP. That is, it produces not only electricity but also heat. For the Arctic this design TPP is the most relevant and appropriate.
Provides warmth and light this object Currently nine districts of the Central region of the Republic. Share IGRES account for 94% of All consumed by the population of this part of the region's electricity. In addition, the station is one of the main suppliers of heat For the city of Yakutsk.
Only Agres there are eight modern turbines (four in two lines). The installed electric capacity of the Yakut GRES-1 in 2017 is 368 MW. The heat capacity of this station is Is 573 Gcal/HR.
Initially Jahres was built exclusively to generate electricity. Modified It the project with the addition of functions CHP was in 1971, Then at the gas turbine station was installed in a special Elements - heaters network water. As a result, residents of Yakutsk were provided Cheap heating and GW. The water is heated at the station From the exhaust from the turbine in a pipe of exhaust gases. That is the warmth of GRES Throws very Cheap - almost free.
Since the start Jahres in operation it has been several decades. Repairs By for total time It work, of course, was carried out. So, for example, modernization was carried out here in the late 80-ies. However, by the beginning of the zero set Else in Soviet times, the equipment of the power plant is beginning to become obsolete. Therefore, in order to provide Trusted work station It leadership has made a decision on Hold It large-scale reconstruction of. The first work in this direction on the Yakut GRES was held on Else at the beginning of zero years.
In 2005, the station was completed reconstruction of the first stage. It four Soviet turbine, which took power 25 MW, was replaced by the new model ГТУ на 45 МВт. В результате электрический потенциал станции возрос с 240 до 320 МВт. Тепловая же мощность при этом повысилась до 572 Гкал/ч. В 2010 г. на ЯГРЭС был установлен аварийный источник электроэнергии в составе 4хГТ-12. После этого мощность станции и возросла до имеющихся сегодня 368 МВт.
Несмотря на то что реконструкции на ЯГРЭС проводились, со свое задачей на настоящий момент эта станция все же справляется не настолько эффективно, как бы этого хотелось. Поэтому в 2014 г. было принято решение о строительстве второй Якутской ГРЭС. «РусГидро» объявило конкурс среди желающих заняться ее возведением. Новая станция стала одним из четырех проектов по строительству энергообъектов на Дальнем Востоке, инвестируемых этой компанией.
Запущена ЯГРЭС-2 должна была быть в конце 2017 г. Однако подключить ее к энергосистеме Якутска, к сожалению, пришлось раньше — в начале октября этого года. Принято решение об экстренном пуске было в связи с произошедшей аварией на ЯГРЭС-1. Если бы станцию не запустили, население Якутска и еще нескольких районов республики осталось бы без тепла и света.
Как и первая в Якутске ГРЭС, ЯГРЭС-2 работает в том числе и как ТЭЦ. Электрическая ее мощность составляет 170 МВт, а тепловая - 469 Гкал/ч. То есть эта станция является очень даже неплохим подспорьем для более масштабной пока первой ЯГРЭС.
Сообщили об инциденте на первой Якутской станции СМИ в воскресенье, 1 октября 2017 г. В этот день на трансформаторной подстанции ГРЭС произошел хлопок и загорелось масло. Через некоторое время огонь охватил уже около 70 м2 метров площади помещения.
Ликвидировать пожар на Якутской ГРЭС сотрудникам экстренных служб удалось достаточно быстро. Однако сама станция поставлять энергию в сеть республики прекратила. В результате обесточенными оказались город Якутск и прилегающие к нему территории. Без света остались десять районов. Помимо этого, населению была прекращена подача холодной и горячей воды.
При взрыве на ГРЭС пострадал и один человек — рабочий, находившийся на момент хлопка в трансформаторной подстанции. После случившегося на ЯГРЭС инцидента СК РФ было возбуждено уголовное дело по статье «Нарушение правил безопасности».
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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