Antifriction materials: overview of properties, application


2020-04-02 11:20:24




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The Process of maintenance of technical plant, machinery and separate elemental groups of equipment is inevitably accompanied by wear. The mutual mechanical action of parts on each other with varying degrees of intensity leads to abrasion of their surfaces and the destruction of the internal structure. Moreover, this influence often has and the environment in the form of erosion and cavitation. As a result, there is a loss of operability of equipment or at least drop in performance. Presented below reviews of frictional and antifrictional powder materials will help to understand ways to minimize unwanted friction. Such materials are recommended for use for industrial equipment, and home appliances and for construction of the instrument.

material friction

Differences of frictional and antifrictional materials

The Consideration of these materials in one context because their function is linked with the General characteristics of the work – coefficient of friction. But if antifriction elements and additives are responsible for lowering this value, friction – on the contrary, increase it. Thus, for example, powder alloys with a high coefficient of friction provide wear resistance and mechanical strength of the Taskforce. To achieve such qualities in the composition of the friction materials are made of refractory oxides, carbides of boron, silicon etc. In contrast to the anti-friction elements, the friction often represent and fully functional bodies in the mechanisms. This, in particular, can be the brake and clutch.


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Keeping the problem of increasing friction, they are parallel to perform specific technical tasks. At the same time, and friction and antifriction materials before use undergo rigorous laboratory tests. The same alloys for brakes are full-scale and bench-scale tests, in which we can determine the feasibility of their application in practice. The most technologically advanced friction materials made of polymers today are produced by different methods. So, for the mechanisms of the brake band is applied the technique of pressing – the forms are made of pads, plates and sectors. Tape materials produced by the woven technique, lining – by rolling.

Properties of antifriction materials

The Parts with anti-friction function needs to match a wide range of requirements defining their essential working qualities. First and foremost, the material must be compatible with the mating connector, and the working environment. In terms of compatibility before and after running the material provides the necessary degree of lowering of the friction. Here it should be noted pererabatyvaemogo as such. This property determines the ability of course to adjust the geometry of the surface under the optimal shape that is suitable for the location. In other words, the details erased the extra structure with asperities, after which earnings will provide a work environment with minimal loads.

antifriction powder materials

Wear resistance – is also an important property possessed by these materials. Antifriction elements must have a structure that provides resistance to different types of wear. At the same time, it should not be overly rigid and solid, as in this case, will increase the risk of seizure, which is undesirable for an anti-friction material. Moreover, technicians allocate such property, as the absorption of solid particles. The fact that the friction in varying degrees could facilitate the allocation of small items – often metal. In turn, anti-friction surface has the ability to “push” such particles, removing them from the workspace.

Metallic antifriction materials

The Product with a metal base are the most comprehensive range of anti-friction elements of the group. Most of them focused on operation in fluid friction regime, i.e. in conditions, when the bearings are separated by shafts with thin oil layer. And yet when you stop and start the unit inevitably arises the so-called boundary friction regime, in which the oil film can break down under high temperatures. The metal parts used in the bearing group can be divided into two types: elements with soft texture and solid inserts and alloys with hard base and soft inserts. Speaking about the first group, as anti-friction materials can be used babbit, brass and bronze alloys. Thanks to their soft structure they are quick to work and long time retain the characteristics of the oil film. On the other hand, solid-state inclusion cause increased wear resistance in mechanical contact with adjacent components – for example, with the same shaft.

The mean babbit alloy, which forms the basis of lead or tin. Also for the sake of improving certain qualities in the structure can be added alloying alloys. Increase in the number of properties you can mention corrosion resistance, hardness, toughness and strength. Change particular features is determined by whatused alloying materials. Anti-friction babbits can be modified with cadmium, Nickel, copper, antimony, etc. for Example, the standard babbit contains about 80% tin or lead, 10% antimony and the remainder being copper and cadmium.

antifriction polymeric materials

Lead alloys as a means of minimizing friction

The Initial level of anti-friction alloys are lead babbits. Affordability determines the specifics of operation of the material – in the least responsible work functions. Lead-based in comparison with tin babbit provides high mechanical strength and low corrosion protection. However, in such alloys is not complete without a tin – its content can reach 18%. In addition, included in the composition and a copper component that prevents segregation processes – uneven distribution of different weights of the metals in the product.

The Simplest lead materials with anti-friction property are characterized by a high degree of brittleness, therefore they are used in conditions with low dynamic loads. In particular, bearings for track machines, locomotives and heavy machinery items constitute the target niche where use of such materials. Antifriction alloys with application of calcium can be called a modification of the lead alloys. In this case, refers to such qualities as high density and low thermal conductivity. The Foundation is also lead, but in a significant fractions of it also complement the inclusion of sodium, calcium and antimony. As for weaknesses of this material include oxidation, therefore, in chemically active environments, its use is not recommended.

Speaking about the babbit, it can be stated that this is not the most effective solution to minimise friction, but in the aggregate quality, it is advantageous from the point of view of operation. Materials, anti-friction properties which can offset the reduced fatigue that can impair the efficiency of the item. However, in some cases, the lack of strength is compensated by the inclusion in the design of steel or cast iron housings.

properties of polymer materials and anti-friction

Features a bronze anti-friction alloys

Physico-chemical properties of bronze combines with the requirements for antifriction alloys. This metal, in particular, provides adequate performance of the specific pressure, the possibility of operation in conditions of impact loads, high rotational speed bearing, etc. But also the choice of bronze for the various functions will depend on its brand. The same format of operation of the ear at impact is acceptable for the brand БрОС30, but not recommended for Brag. There are differences in the bronze class of materials for mechanical properties. This group of qualities will depend on the nature of pairing with hardened shafts and the use of axle which can have the additional reinforcement. And again, it is impossible to speak about the solidity of structure of the alloy.

The Bronze ware, which can also include tin, brass, lead. Thus, if all these metals can be used as the basis of Babbitt antifriction materials based on copper are extremely rare. In this case, the copper component often acts as the same additive content ratio of 2-3%. Best are a tin-lead combination inclusions. They provide adequate performance of the alloy as antifriction component, although other compositions lose mechanical strength. Combined bronze materials used in the manufacture of monolithic bearings for motors, turbines, compressors and other components that operate at high pressure and low sliding speed.

reviews of frictional and antifrictional powder materials

Powder friction materials

These materials are used in compositions intended for gear and brake assemblies of tracked vehicles, automobiles, machine tools, construction machinery, etc. the Finished product based on the powder components are produced in the form of sector plates, discs and pads. At the same time, the raw materials for antifriction type powder alloys are formed of the same nomenclature as in the case with friction components – the most commonly used iron and copper, but there are other combinations.

For Example, the materials of aluminum and tin bronzes, composed of graphite and lead, effectively manifest themselves in conditions of friction at the sliding velocity of the parts in the order of 50 m/s. By the way, when working bearings at the speed of 5 m/s metal powder product may be replaced by plastic raw material. It is already anti-friction composite material with a flexible working structure and reduced strength. However, the most profitable in terms of use in conditions of increased stress are considered to be materials of iron and copper. As additives used graphite, silicon oxide, or barium. These elements are possible at a pressure of 300 MPa and sliding speed up to 60 m/s.

Powder antifriction materials

Of powdered raw materials and antifriction products. They are characterized by highwear resistance, low coefficient of friction and the ability of running fast to the shaft. Also antifriction powder materials have a number of advantages compared to alloys that minimize friction. Suffice it to say that the performance of wear resistance, on average, higher than the same of. The porous structure formed of powder metals, allows for efficient impregnation lubricant.

Manufacturers have the opportunity to shape the final product in different types. It can be a frame or matrix parts from the intermediate cavities filled with another hint of raw materials. Conversely, in some areas more in demand antifriction powder materials having marketingnow frame basis. In the special comb provided solid inclusions of different levels of dispersion. This quality is of great importance from the point of view of possibility of regulation of parameters determining the intensity of the friction parts.

the raw materials for antifriction type powder alloy

Antifriction polymeric materials

Modern polymeric materials provides the opportunity to gain new technical and operational quality parts, lowering the friction. As the basics can be used and composite alloys, and metal powders. One of the main distinguishing properties of these materials is the ability to evenly distribute the additive throughout the structure, which later will perform the function of solid lubricant. In the list of such substances say graphites, sulphides, plastics and other compounds. Working and properties of polymeric antifriction materials is largely converge on a basic level without the use of modifiers: it is low friction, and resistance to chemically active environments, and the possibility of exploitation in the aquatic environment. If to speak about the unique qualities of the polymers can perform your tasks even without reinforcement with special grease.

Application of materials to protect against friction

Most of antifriction elements initially calculated for use in the bearing groups. Among them, and parts designed for increased durability, and features that enhance slide. In engineering and machine tools these products are used in the manufacture of engines, pistons, assemblies coupling, turbines, etc. Here, the consumables are based antifriction materials of sliding bearings that are embedded into the structure of chassis and stationary equipment.

The Construction industry is also not without anti-friction features. Through such details strengthen civil construction, installation and masonry materials. In the construction of Railways they are used in the Assembly of structural elements of rolling stock. Spread and application of antifriction materials based on polymers, which have a place, for example, as a connecting structure, pulleys, gears, belt drives, etc.

antifriction materials of sliding bearings


The Challenge of reducing friction, at first glance, may seem a secondary and often optional. Improvement of lubricating fluids really helps to relieve some of the auxiliary mechanisms from the technical elements, reducing the wear of the working group. The transition period between the classic babbit to a modified high performance grease can be called antifriction polymeric materials with a soft texture and versatility from the point of view of working conditions. However, the operation of metal parts at high pressure and physical impact still requires the inclusion of a solid antifriction bearings. Moreover, this class of materials is not simply rooted in the past, but develops at the expense of improving the characteristics of strength, hardness and mechanical resistance.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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