TVEL is a... Detailed analysis of


2020-05-03 20:20:12




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This article explains what a fuel rod, what it is, where it is used as is created and whether there are reactors that do not use fuel rods.

Atomic age

definition TVEL

Probably the most young sector of energy is nuclear. Only in the late nineteenth century, scientists were able to partially deal with what is radioactivity, radioactive decay, and which substances have these properties. And a lot of this knowledge was worth living, as the detrimental effects of radiation on living organisms has long remained unknown.

Much later radioactive materials have found application in civilian life and military. Currently, all developed countries have their nuclear weapons and nuclear plants that allow you to obtain a large amount of energy, regardless of fossil fuels or natural resources such as water (we are talking about hydroelectric).



But in order to build a nuclear reactor for electricity production or other purposes, you first need to make the appropriate fuel because natural uranium though is radioactive, but its energy is not enough. Because in most types of reactors use fuel based on enriched uranium, and it, in turn, loaded in a special device called a fuel rod. TVEL – this is a special device that is part of a nuclear reactor contains nuclear fuel. Their design and fuel type we will consider in more detail.


what does it mean TVEL

Depending on the reactor type, some parameters of fuel elements may vary, but their General design and principle of the device is the same. In simple terms, the fuel – it is a hollow tube of zirconium alloy with some other metals, in which the fuel tablets of uranium dioxide.


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what is the TVEL

Uranus is the most “running” radioactive material, on its basis produce many other isotopes used in industry and in weapons. Production it differs little from the extraction of coal and natural state it is completely safe for humans. So the stories about the uranium mines where exiled for life sentenced prisoners, nothing more than a myth. People would rather die from lack of sunlight and heavy work in the mine than from radiation sickness.

Mined uranium is very simple – explosions to break the rock, after which it is delivered to the surface, where the sorting and further processing. The process of uranium enrichment can be done in different ways, but in Russia this is done by using gas centrifuges. First, the uranium is transferred into the gaseous state, after which the gas in the centrifuge under the action of centrifugal force is separated and the desired isotopes are separated. After that they are converted to uranium dioxide, pressed into tablet and loaded into fuel rods. This is the most common method of production of fuel for fuel cell.


The Number of Fuel rods in the reactor depends on its size, type, and capacity. After manufacture they charged into the reactor, where it starts to leak and the reaction of nuclear fission, resulting in a powerful release of vast amounts of heat, which is the source of energy. Also the reactor power can be controlled by the number of fuel elements in the working area. From time to time as the operation they are replaced by new, with “fresh” pills uranium dioxide. So now we know what it means to the rods, how they are made and what they all need. However, not all nuclear reactors need such items and RTGs.


Radioisotope thermoelectric generator is a device, which in its principle is similar to nuclear reactors, but the process is not based on a chain reaction of decay of atoms, and thermal. Simply put, it is a great setup that produces a lot of heat a radioactive substance which, in turn, is converted directly into electricity. Unlike nuclear reactors, RTGs have no moving parts, more reliable, compact and durable. But they have much less efficiency.

Used them mainly in those circumstances where it is impossible to get energy in other ways, or the ways these very difficult. In the years of Soviet RTGs were supplied research and meteorological stations of the far North, coastal lighthouses, marine buoys, etc.

Currently, their service life has expired, but some of them still remains at the original location, and is often not even guarded. The result is a poor case, for example, several such systems hunters for the colored metal has tried to deconstruct and received a strong irradiation, and in Georgia, the locals used them as a source of heat and also suffered radiation sickness.

So now we know the device of the fuel elements and to understand their definition. The fuel rods are important parts of the reactor, without which work is impossible.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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