They give the sheep anywhere? Wool, and more!


2020-06-06 22:00:09




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The Sheep – these are the animals that produce a large number of products, including meat, fat, skin, and fat. Distinguish between fine-wool, semi-fine and coarse wool breeds of animals. Among them, a separate group highlighted the Merino wool which has special qualities.Merino wool

It is believed that Merino is a type of cattle in this direction appeared in the 2-3 century BC in southwest Asia, where it spread to the West. In the early 20th century, the breed was actively spreading in Australia, the Merino wool which allows to produce the most refined materials have been successfully bred in Europe. In the Soviet Union on the basis of local and imported samples were created of the breed, most suitable for operation in different regions of the country.Merino wool reviews

Of All the Soviet experts brought in about a dozen different species, among which the most famous country, Stavropol, Askania, Soviet Merino, Caucasian, Altai, etc. All animals are United by a genetic predisposition to the additional reserve of the skin on the neck (in the form of several hanging folds).

Wool sheep-Merino has the small cross section (toninas) of the hair, which is in accordance with the classification should not be more than 25 micrometers. Each of the above breeds this index is different. For example, Soviet Merino gives Tonin primarily 20-23 µm (18-20 µm and less), and salskaya breed - usually 20-25 µm. Additionally, in assessing the quality of wool raw look at what fortress, tortuosity, elasticity, extensibility, some glitter, a color, and what moisture it has. It also assesses the color of the yolk.


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Merino Wool, the reviews which we have compiled for yourself indirectly by buying, for example, high-grade knitted fabric, also differs enviable own length. For example, salskaya sheep breed during a haircut get a basic fleece length of about 8 cm, with the sheep – about 9 cm note that males almost always turns out more long hair and more meat (live weight before slaughter can reach 100 kilograms or more).wool sheep Merino

How often cut the ribbon? Wool rocks in this direction are collected once in April-may, when the air will get warm enough that the animals had been “without a coat”. Incorrect is the view that all raw material has the above unique qualities. The best wool get only part of the back, neck, hips and thighs of each animal. Sort it manually from raw material obtained from the breast, legs, heads, and subjected to further processing. The average yield of pure wool from Merino breeds is about 42-50 percent.

Where in Russia today, mainly grown anywhere? The wool of these animals get in the middle and Lower Volga, the steppe territories of the Caucasus, in southern Siberia. In the countries of the former Soviet Merino sheep developed in Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, some regions of the Caucasus. Leaders in the total number of sheep of different areas today are China, Australia and India.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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