Functional duties of a nurse treatment room, her rights and responsibilities


2020-07-03 01:28:08




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Usually, when making the employment contract to accept a job at the hospital paramedics it is proposed to study functional duties of a nurse. This is necessary in order to avoid possible conflicts between the administration of the medical institution and the new employee. Because in the employment contract, as a rule, not all the features provided work is formulated clearly and completely. The job of the user of duties of a nurse and painted as specific as possible.

For example, in practice hospitals often disputable situation on the delimitation of the functions of the procedural nurses, and assistant nurses. If, for example, the responsibilities of the assistant nurse include cleaning of the treatment room, then procedural nurse shall be exempt from this work, and, accordingly, the paragraph on cleaning the working area in her contract of employment is excluded.

So, according to the job description functional responsibilities of nurses in the treatment room Department of the hospital include:

  • Implementation of treatment and diagnostic procedures at medical appointments;

  • Providing first medical aid;

  • Support the work of the treatment room and the necessary materials, that is, a regular check of instruments, dressings, medicines, blood and blood substitutes;

  • Adherence to the rules of infection control (compliance with disinfection and sterilization the asepsis and antiseptics);

  • Drawing blood from a vein for biochemical research and send it to the laboratory.

  • Ensure strict control and storage of drugs of groups A and B;

  • Timely filling in medical documents on special accounting forms;

  • Adherence to rules and regulations of medical ethics (storage of medical mysteries, the observance of subordinate relations, lucid and patient explanation to patients of a physician);

  • Adherence to the rules of internal labor regulations;

  • Periodic training;

  • The preparation of the Cabinet for the reception of patients;

  • The disinfection of the surfaces of the room for procedures;

  • Holding the quartz treatment and ventilation of the Cabinet approved the administration of the facility schedule.

It should be noted that the structure of the job descriptions must include, along with the section “Functional duties of the nurse” even her rights. This category includes:


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- a reasonable claim to the administration on the issue of creating a work environment that allows qualitatively and in time to perform functional duties of the nurse;

- implementation of control of work of Junior medical staff;

- make suggestions to management offices to improve functioning of health facilities (within the competence of the nurse);

- participation in conferences and meetings nursing staff;

- the appeal of actions of the leadership of the Department to the chief physician of the medical institution.

In Addition to the rights and duties job description nurses also provides for certain responsibilities of nurses, which he carries at his workplace, for:

- safety in the implementation of medical procedures, adherence to rules of antisepsis, asepsis;

- the safety of medicine and equipment Cabinet;

- the timeliness and correctness of the documentation of the treatment room.

Thus, the knowledge of the structure and main points of their official duties newly minted nurse treatment room will allow, on the one hand, to prevent violations of her rights, and on the other to determine the area of responsibility in the workplace.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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