Mining engineer: what you need to know about this profession?


2018-03-27 15:17:12




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Mining engineer – specialty, the relevance of which increases every day. The reason is the progress that has engulfed the whole modern world. After all, if a century ago the invention of the telephone required the presence of only 9 species of minerals, its current version has increased this threshold to 55 names.

And a similar trend is observed in all sectors of modern industry. And in order to provide them with the necessary raw materials, mining companies annually increase its staff several times. Therefore, a good mining engineer can count on a decent job.

But how do you become a good specialist? Exactly where to study this profession? And then to get a promising place? All this and we'll talk.

mining engineer

Who is a mining engineer?

The Main task of the mining engineer is the design and maintenance of mining machinery. It can work not only with solid materials, but also oil or natural gas. It all depends on his education and the areas in which the company operates.

It should Also be noted that mining engineer – this is a leadership position. Let it not stands at the very top of the hierarchy, several subordinates he always has. For example, it may be fitters, welders, electricians and so on.

What has to deal with this person?

So, the full list of all of the duties of this work has developed at a specific company job description. Mining engineer, went to work, should read it mandatory. Because the only way to know for sure and to avoid potential misunderstanding with the leadership in the future.


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 the work of a mining engineer

Here is a small list of those duties that can be imputed to the mining engineer:

  • Projection techniques designed for search, extraction and transportation of natural minerals.
  • The Creation of systems of ventilation, water and electricity in the mines and quarries.
  • Install gas and oil wells and drilling rigs.
  • Creating various kinds of tools designed to improve the functioning of the mining enterprise.
  • Maintain different kinds of documentation and drawings.
  • Validation tools and systems for faults, and if necessary, repair them.
  • Certification of equipment in accordance with established norms and standards of the Russian Federation.

Where to go to school?

Mining engineer – it is a profession that requires higher education. Consequently, you will need to find a University that is able to teach a person all the necessary skills and abilities.

 mining engineer specialty

Overall fit following areas:

  • Oil and gas business;
  • Physical processes in the mining industry;
  • Technology of geological exploration;
  • Open-pit mining;
  • Mining and underground construction.

The training involves a deep study of Geology, and calculus. In addition, you will have to learn all the rules and standards used to create drawings and plans. And, of course, will have to develop a good legislative base in order to clearly understand where it is possible to carry out the extraction of ore, and where to do so is strictly prohibited.

Personal qualities

In Addition to proper education, an important factor is also the personal qualities of the future employee. Quite often employers check candidates for the position through interviews and probationary period. What do they want?

the profession of a mining engineer

So, the profession of mining engineer – this is primarily a big responsibility. Any misstep could cost the company in a round sum. Besides the quality of the work of this officer depends the security of miners. For example, improperly designed ventilation can cost them their lives.

Also a mining engineer should be prepared for the fact that he will have to work overtime. The reason for this may be narrow deadlines of the project or unexpected failure that needs to be resolved quickly. Therefore, it needs to have a strong nervous system, endurance and, most important, love your work.

Mining engineer

After graduation, every engineer with a diploma can proceed to the execution of their duties. And at that moment the young professionals, the question arises: “And where best to look for a job?”

First of all you should understand one important point: the most prestigious companies not only require a diploma confirming the education, they still need and experience from three years. Of course, to try their luck can do that, because, as they say, the attempt - not torture, but it is not necessary to feed unnecessary illusions.

job description mining engineer

Therefore, for young professionals the best solution is employment in a small company, only gaining momentum in the mining business. First, to get here much easier, and secondly, it's the perfect way to get the necessary experience. And then who knows, maybe in a few years the young company will get stronger, andthen don't even have to change their place of work.

Pros and cons of work

Let's Start with the positive. Mining engineer – this is a prestigious position that - at least - happy feelings. In addition, these experts get a pretty good salary, what motivates you to work. Also this position can not be called dirty or dusty, and several of the subordinates greatly simplify life.

Among the disadvantages, you should identify the high competition, especially in the oil industry. Also not everyone is like that quite often have to travel to far objects.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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