The tax system is an effective instrument of state policy


2018-03-31 22:50:08




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The Tax system-a complex of taxes and fees, which are collected from business entities and citizens in accordance with the relevant legislation (e.g. the Tax code). The necessity of its existence due to the functional state of the tasks and stages of development depend on the historical features of the evolution of statehood. In other words, the organization and structure of the tax system should characterize the level of statehood of the country and development of its economy.


The Tax system – the combination of income charged to the budgets of different levels, the construction of which is based on certain principles in accordance with the Tax code and the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Domestic tax system is characterized by a three-level type implies its division into Federal, regional and local taxes. This type is consistent with global practices of different Federal system

The main principles of the tax system, special attention should be given to such:

- each person must pay taxes and fees in a timely manner;

taxes are not discriminatory and cannot be applied in a variety of ways, based on racial, social or religious criteria;

- don't apply differentiated rates, as well as certain privileges based on ownership, place of the formation of capital or nationality;

- not allowed arbitrariness in determining the value of tax payment.

Taxation and the tax system

taxation and the tax systemThe Efficiency of any tax system must be ensured by the observance of certain requirements, criteria and basic principles of taxation:

justice, involving the uniformity and proportionality in the distribution of taxes among the citizens;

is the certainty which lies in the accurate determination of the amount the method and time of payment;

facilities: withholding tax is at the most convenient time and most convenient way for the payer;

- economy, implying the reduction of costs for taxation.

The principles formulated in the 18th century, A. Smith.

Features of the tax system

This system serves as a mechanism of state control for reallocation or income distribution, which defines its functions.

features of the tax systemSo, the tax system – is a tool that contributes to the formation of the revenue part of state budget spent on various needs of the country, expressed in the maintenance of the state apparatus, the army, science and technology, education, orphanages, health and the environment. The factors listed above are an expression of the tax system's fiscal function.

The Tax system – it is an effective tool for economic regulation of the state, manifested in the effects on social reproduction, due to the introduction of certain restrictions or the exercise of control of some processes. Thus, in this manifestation of the tax system we are talking about its economic functions.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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