The food chain in the forest. General concepts and examples


2019-05-28 14:20:29




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Most organisms feed on organic food, this is the specificity of their activity on our planet. Among this food, and plants and meat of other animals, their products work and dead matter, ready for decomposition. The process of nutrition in different species of plants and animals are different, but always formed the so-called food chain. They convert matter and energy and nutrients can thus jump from one thing to another, carrying out the circulation of substances in nature.the food chain in a mixed forest

Food Chain in the forest

Forests of various kinds covered quite a lot of land surface. It & ndash; light and an instrument of purification of our planet. No wonder many modern progressive academics and activists stand against massive deforestation. The supply chain in the woods can be quite varied, but usually includes no more than 3-5 units. In order to understand the essence of the issue, refer to the possible components of this chain in the woods

Producers and consumers

  1. The First – autotrophic organisms that feed on inorganic food. They take energy and matter to create your own objects using gases and salt from their environment. As an example-green plants that get their power from sunlight through photosynthesis. Or numerous types of organisms that live everywhere: in air, in soil, in water. It is the producers account for the majority of the first link in any food chain in the forest (some examples will be given below).
  2. The Second – heterotrophic organisms that feed on organic matter. Among them – the first order those directly involved in nutrition through plants and bacteria. Second order – those who eat animal food (predators or carnivorous).

supply chain in the spruce forest


They, as a rule, starts the food chain in the forest. They are the first link in this cycle. Trees and shrubs, herbs and mosses produce food from inorganic substances using sunlight, gases and minerals. The supply chain in the woods, for example, can start with birch, the bark of which is eating the hare, and it in turn kills and eats the wolf.make a food chain in the forest

Plant-eating animals

In different forests are abundant in animals that eat plant food. Of course, the tropical forest, for example, is very different in its content from lands of the middle band. In the jungle, inhabited by various species of animals, many of which – herbivores, and thus constitute the second link in the food chain, feeding on plant food. From elephants and rhinos to hardly noticeable insects, amphibians and birds to mammals. For example, in Brazil, for example, there are over 700 species of butterflies, almost all of them – herbivorous.

Poorly, of course, the fauna in the forest belt of Central Russia. Accordingly, variants of the power supply circuit in a mixed forest is much less. Squirrels and hares, other rodents, and deer and elk, hares – that's the basis for such combinations.the food chain in the forest examples

Predators or carnivorous

They are so called because they eat the flesh, eating the flesh of other animals. In the food chain occupy a dominant position, often as the final link. In our forests that foxes and wolves, owls and eagles, sometimes – bears (but in fact they belong to the omnivorous animals that can eat both plant and animal food). In the food chain can participate one or a few predators that eat each other. Enclosing element, as a rule, is the largest and most powerful carnivores. In the forest of the middle band this role can perform, for example, the wolf. These predators are not numerous and their population is limited nutritional base and energy resources. Because according to the law of conservation of energy, the transition of nutrients from one level to the next could lose up to 90% of the resource. Perhaps that is why the number of links in most food chains may not exceed five.


They feed on the remains of other organisms. Oddly enough, but their nature forests are also quite a lot from microbes and insects to birds and mammals. Many beetles, for example, use as food the dead bodies of other insects and even vertebrates. And bacteria capable of decomposing the dead bodies of mammals in a relatively short time. Organisms are scavengers play in naturea huge role. They destroy matter, converting it into inorganic substances, release energy, using it for their livelihoods. If not for the scavengers, probably, all earthly space would be covered with dead bodies of all time animals and chain in the woods

Examples of food chains in the forest

To make the supply chain in the woods, you need to know about the inhabitants who live there. And also about what these animals eat.

  1. The bark of the birch-insect larvae-small birds-birds of prey.
  2. Dry leaves – bacteria.
  3. Caterpillar butterfly-mouse-snake-hedgehog-the Fox.
  4. Acorn-mouse-Fox.
  5. Cereals – mouse – Filin.

There are longer: dry leaves – bacteria – rain worms-mice-mole-hedgehog-Fox-wolf. But, as a rule, the number of links not more than five. The supply chain in the spruce forest is a little different from the same in deciduous.

  1. Cereals Seeds – Sparrow – a catamite.
  2. Flowers (nectar) – butterfly – frog – too.
  3. Fir cone – woodpecker – white.

The Food chain can sometimes intertwine with each other, forming a more complex, multilevel structures, merging into a single forest ecosystem. For example, Fox does not hesitate to eat insects and their larvae, and mammals, so several food chains overlap.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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