Russian language: the indefinite verb form is...


2019-06-30 23:00:26




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The Infinitive is indefinite or the initial form of the verb. It would seem, what a simple thing! But this language phenomenon has its own characteristics and even “pitfalls”, which will be discussed later in this article.

Brief description of the infinitive in the Russian language

Indefinite Verb form — this is what we see written in the dictionary entry. He does not have mood, person, number, time, that is not changed depending on who performs the action because that person simply does not. However, this verb does have some signs of - view (perfect or imperfect) and the conjugation (first or second). In addition, it is characterized by the recoverability or irrevocability, as well as transitivity or eternity.

indefinite verb form is

How to understand that the verb is in the infinitive

To specify that a given form of the word denoting the action, is actually the infinitive, need to ask her questions indefinite form of the verb. These include: “What to do?" (e.g., “read” or “talk”) or ‘What to do?" (e.g., “give” or “drinking”). If a verb answers them, then he is in the initial form.

In addition, the infinitive in the Russian language there is always a suffix: -th-, -ti-, -CH-, -St - and -STI-. It should be noted that some linguists argue that this is the end of the verb indefinite form, as this morpheme is subject to change. However, the controversy did not subside until now.

Why use an indefinite form of the verb

Rich Enough for the various possibilities of use of the infinitive that is Russian language. The indefinite form of the verb can be in sentence subject, predicate, by definition, a Supplement and be an integral part of the verbal predicate to Express the imperative mood or the future tense. Next, we take a closer look at each of these cases in the examples.

the end of the verb indefinite form

Specific syntactic role of the verb in the initial form

Therefore, a verb in the infinitive form — the subject, if he or characterized. For example:

  • To Draw was the meaning of his life.
  • To Be a mother — is the meaning of life Svetlana.

In these proposals “Paint” and “To be (the mother)” are subject, as a separate, independent action.

In addition, the proposal can stand two infinitives, one of which characterizes a different:

  • To Live means to love.

Then there “Live” — the subject of a “Love” — the predicate. Defines the part of the sentence in this case is easy: the subject comes before the predicate. Also, instead of "Means" can be a dash or the word “It”, “is” and the like.

Russian language the indefinite form of the verb

The Infinitive can be defined, if it is like this, for example:

  • He went to bed with a firm decision to read the book tomorrow.

It Turns out that the verb “to read" it answers the question “how?” With which decision he went to bed? To read (a book tomorrow). That is, the indefinite verb form — this definition if it refers to a noun, which means the need, decision, desire, expression of will, and the like.

Uncertain form of a verb also happens to be a complement if, for example, is used in this sentence:

  • Papa asked Lena to pick up a pencil.

That is the verb “asked” is a full lexical meaning. Both verbs belong to different people (“Asked” — to the Pope, and “Raise” — Lena).

The Infinitive is an integral part of the verbal predicate, when used with a verb that indicates the start, continuation or completion of the action, that is, is of secondary importance. For example:

  • The Puppy quickly began to fill.
  • The Teacher continued to teach.

"Started" and "Continued" — these are the verbs, so the "To fall asleep" and "News" will be parts of the predicate.

questions indefinite form of the verb

The Infinitive expresses an imperative, if used in an authoritative tone. For example, the commander may order: “Silence!” and the captain of the ship to shout: “All hands on deck!

The Initial form of the verb expresses future time in sentences like this:

  • Yes, not to be Ivan the pilot!

That is, it should contain a hint of annoyance orregret.

Common errors in writing

In most cases the indefinite verb form — it's easy to the spelling thing, but sometimes people still get confused. This happens when the verb is reflexive. Simply forget the soft sign before a suffixSmiling, so it turns out that the verb in the third person and singular. And sometimes it is very difficult to understand when reading.

In order to avoid errors and how to write suffixes (or endings of verbs indefinite form), need to them mentally, ask questions: ‘CHDo?” or “CHWhat to do?” If the verb is clearly responsible for them, you need to put the soft sign. For example, the last word in the sentence "Peter is going to sleep" is a soft sign, as Peter going What to do? To sleep.

Thus, the indefinite verb form — this is quite an interesting and important part of the language that can be used in different cases, the main thing — they are good to learn.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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