To hygienic properties of fabrics are what properties?


2019-06-27 08:20:29




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Clothing to protect people not only from high or low temperature and precipitation but also from solar radiation, wind, and mechanical damage. The skin surface should be hidden from these impacts, as well as from dust, dirt and pathogens. The material should not be harmful chemicals and other impurities. There are special characteristics of fabrics that determine their properties and the ability to perform certain functions. This can be thermal insulation properties, ability to absorb dust and dirt protection, chemicals and insect bites. Such characteristics are called hygienic properties of the hygienic properties of fabrics are

What property of tissue called hygienic

There are several material properties that are related to hygiene:

  • Hygroscopicity;
  • Soakage;
  • Dust capacity;
  • Sorption properties;
  • Thermal insulation properties;
  • No harmful primesei;
  • Kapilyarnosti;
  • Videogamemaster;
  • Vodovorot;
  • Vozduhoplavatel;
  • Paropronitsaemost.

What is the hygroscopicity

Hygroscopicity is the ability of a material to absorb moisture from the atmosphere. This is an unstable index, but one of the most important. Hygroscopicity varies depending on temperature and humidity. If such changes had not occurred, then this property does not have mattered. The hygroscopicity parameter determines how well the fabric regulates heat exchange between the human body and its environment. The process of absorption by the material moisture depends on humidity and time of year. Indoor air is usually more dry than outside, causing the figure in the first case will be lower.


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In the process of condensation of water vapor is always allocated a certain amount of heat which must be compensated if the person leaves the enclosed space and out into the fresh air. This releases this amount of heat which is normally consumed by the body in a few hours. It happens not overnight, but gradually. The ability to absorb moisture depends on the composition of the material, its structure, fibers and other qualities of the cloth. There are special tables of properties of tissues that determine the difference between particular material. One of them is usually present and the hygroscopicity.characteristics of fabrics

The Soakage of the tissues

Also to the hygienic properties of fabrics include soakage. Hygroscopicity refers to the absorption of vapor and soakage – to liquid absorption. This property is particularly important for materials which are made towels, shirts, sheets and other products. Additional features of nanocement are the capillarity and the water absorption. The first property is defined by the strip of cloth, lowered by one party in a special blend consisting of a crystallizer and a solution of eosin in alcohol. Second – by soaking the sample in water for 1 minute. Sufficient soakage of the tissues corresponds to 100% absorption of moisture and capillarity in the range of 100-400 mm.

Table of properties of cotton and linen fabrics: physical and mechanical, hygienic, technological

When comparing tissues revealed such of their quality.

FabricCotton fabricsLinen
StrengthLess durable than flaxSolid
CreasingCollapsibleHighly crushable
HygroscopicityHighHigher than cotton
Thermal propertiesAverageWeak
Osypaemost NitaSlabaSrednyaya

Water resistance and water-resistant fabrics

To hygienic properties of tissues also relates at the same time – the ability of fabric to resist wetting. This is achieved by applying to the surface a special coating that prevents the penetration of water. At the same time does not affect the permeability, because the pores of the material are not clogged and continue to ignore water vapor and gases.

Water-Repellent fabric is not equal to waterproof. In this case, the pores in the cloth are filled with substance, forming a thin protective film that prevents couple and moisture to penetrate through the surface of the material. This negatively affects the hygienic properties of fabrics. Water-repellent fabric often used for sewing coats, jackets, manufacturers of umbrellas, in wool and suiting materials. The ability to pass water is of great importance for tent fabrics and tarpaulins. In the tables of “fabric Properties” usually present this option in which it is possible to determine whether to use the material for special products.fabric table

Breathable fabric

Breathability — an important characteristic of the tissue, expressed in ability to pass air and to ensure that the garment will be well ventilated, keeping a certain ratio of humidity and gas composition of the air gap under the material. Carbon dioxide tends to accumulate in the space under the clothes. Its concentration inthis increases two times in comparison with ordinary air. If the content of this substance in the space under the clothes will be 0.1%, there may come the faint. Man begins to lose interest and feel a strong fatigue. Because it is so important to the fabric is well ventilated, and its structure was porous.water-repellent fabric

What is the vapor permeability, dust holding capacity and lucariomaster

To hygienic properties of fabrics are also water vapor permeability and lucariomaster. Vapor permeability is the ability of material to transmit water vapor, which is constantly formed on the skin due to sweating. In normal conditions the human body can excrete about 1 l of vapor, but under heavy load, this number may be increased in 12 times. This property of the fabric is calculated, based on the amount of water vapor passing through the material in 1 hour. Of particular importance this feature has for the cloth, which is made of linen, dresses and blouses, men's suits and lining.what property of tissue called hygienic

To the hygienic properties of the fabric are lucariomaster and teplonositel. Lucariomaster is the behavior of the tissue, determined by the amount of UV rays that miss the surface of the material. A number of rays necessary for human organism to function properly. But they are able to penetrate into the matter, be reflected and absorbed. These properties depend on the composition of the cloth, its finish and structure.

Teplonositel has the greatest value for tissue, which is made from warm clothes. Heat exchange between human body and the environment – it is a complex process and involves many factors that affect the choice of a suitable material.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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