What's the rule aquarist? Rules for the novice aquarist


2018-03-18 20:05:14




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How to independently deduce the rule aquarist? “the world”, grade 3 (Vakhrushev A. A.) – the textbook where the concept of the aquarium as an ecosystem. With this information children can understand how and why you need to take care of an aquarium.

rule aquarist

The First rule - the balance

If you just pour in a glass bowl of water and run back the fish, they would soon die. The fact that the aquarium – is a small ecosystem posed by people, that is artificial. And like any ecosystem, the habitat of the fish must be in biological equilibrium. Thus, the first and most important rule aquarist – to create a stable ecosystem, to ensure the nutrient cycle and balance.

But what does it mean in practice? Remember the elements of biogeocenosis, which must be kept in the aquarium. Is the environment non-living components (in our case water, air and soil) and animals: living organisms – earners (producers), consumers (customers) and scavengers (destroyers). In the aquarium must occur nutrient turnover, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and food. To cycle in the system was closed, it must contain all the elements.

To ensure that the aquarium remained the necessary condition must be a constant cycle of substances, then to care for the abode of fish have much less. Consider all these elements in detail and derive rules for the aquarist children that will help young lovers of fish to understand how a small ecosystem.


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rules aquarist

Second rule - water

Fish live in water. But can you pour in the tank any liquid? Of course not. The second rule of the novice aquarist – to properly prepare the water. If some of the cleanest tap water, no rust and bad smell, then she is fine.

Pour it in an open container with the desired size and let stand a day or two. It will evaporate all harmful substances, the temperature rises to room. Too cold water in the tank can not fill it's not like the fish and plants.

The Third rule - the light

For plants And fish need light. But it is also important to maintain a balance. The aquarium should not be placed close to the window, especially in any case can not be put on the window sill. The fact is that if the light is too large, the glass wall will quickly be covered with a green patina, water can begin to bloom.

You can Not put a container and in a dark corner, otherwise the plants will suffer. From the lack of light, they will begin to turn yellow and die. Most often, the lid of the aquarium already mounted lampholders lighting. And if the container has no lid, you can buy a special holder.

rule aquarist grade 3

The Fourth rule - the-air

The Air the fish is also required. Most often, the aquarium equipped with filter with aeration or aerator. These devices provide gas exchange, saturating the water with oxygen and carbon dioxide. But if fish in the aquarium a little, and the capacity is large, and you can do without such equipment. In densely populated aquarium filter and aerator required.

The Fifth rule - manufacturers

In any ecosystem need breadwinners-are living organisms that can create organic matter from inorganic. Manufacturers in the tank are the plants – they consume carbon dioxide and fish waste, but instead produce the necessary oxygen. Many fish are herbivorous and enjoy eating the young shoots. Small fish and fry love to hide in the thickets of green.

Often aquatic plants called algae, but this is incorrect. Algae – the smallest particles, which, if improperly aquarium care form an ugly green patina.

It follows the fifth rule aquarist – in the aquarium need producers-plants. They need to be planted in the ground. On the bottom of the aquarium to sleep, small stones, pebbles or sand. Before use the soil must be washed and boiled.

rule the novice aquarist

Types of plants

What aquatic plants are most often found in home aquariums? Ceratophyllum unpretentious, it can be planted in the ground, just leave to float or be anchored to the driftwood.

Piste, duckweed and riccia float freely on the water surface. But we should not assume that they take up the entire aquarium, otherwise the rest of the inhabitants will lose access to light.

Vallisneria is an unpretentious plant with long slender stems, it has an extensive root system and is planted in the ground. Beautiful look and various types of mosses, e.g. Java moss. It is attached to the driftwood.

Often found in domestic aquariums and gigrofily, echinodorus, cryptocorynes, and ferns.

Rules consumers

Fish – the consumers, as they use food as ready organic matter. But fish not only consume-their metabolic wastes become food for plants and bacteria.

After the plants in the aquarium caught, and the ecosystem began to work (about two weeks), you can run inhabitants. But what? Eyes in the pet store just run, all fish bright and beautiful. The sixth rule aquarist (3rd graders are already well aware of this) gives strict instructions on this account: in the aquarium need producers, but fish it is important to choose the right size and prevent overpopulation.

What does that mean? In a small aquarium you cannot keep the fish, which in future should grow large. For example, for a small group (3-4 individuals) of skalyariy or goldfish need a capacity of 100 liters. If you buy in such a volume of 10 individuals, then the growth of fish there is overpopulation, the water will quickly be contaminated, the inhabitants will become sick and die.

rule of aquarist the world class 3 Vakhrushev

The Seventh rule of the aquarist - the world teaches us that in nature, some fish can eat others, so it is impossible to settle in a tank of a predator and its prey.

Fish can be aggressive or peaceful. Aggressively attack the other or their own species, they cut the fins, and can even kill. So the neighbors of these brats should be able to stand up for themselves. Peaceful fish, easy to get along with others.

Animals must be suitable to each other in many ways. The eighth rule of the aquarist – pick up neighbors from one climatic zone or prefer the same water parameters. For example, goldfish like cold water. In the company of tropical fish to settle them not, if it is impossible to choose a temperature in which all the inhabitants will be comfortable.

Fish Species

What kind of fish and other animals can be kept in your little ecosystem? Consider the most common of aquarium inhabitants.

Guppies – small, bright and very undemanding fish. They are the best choice for a beginner. Guppies are peaceful, undemanding to temperature. Love the clean water. These fish contain groups or pairs. In good conditions, they thrive.

Males are also well suited for beginners. These fish have a feature – they breathe atmospheric air using a special organ. Males males are very bright, elegant. But keep in the same aquarium two males they will fight and can kill each other. Males keep harems-one male and several females.

Sword – a rather large fish. This files most often have red color, but are black, yellow, and mottled types. A distinctive feature of the fish – the long arm on the tail, resembling a sword. Platypus also is undemanding to the conditions.

rules aquarist surrounding

Striped barbs – fast and cocky schooling fish. Contain them in groups of 5 individuals. Barbs can attack slow-moving fish can pull their fins. The aquarium in which they are contained must be covered with a lid – barbs can leap out of the water.

Goldfish can become a real pride of any aquarist. Stand out vualehvostki with elegant fins, orangy with “hats” on the head, telescopes with huge eyes. Goldfish belong to the cold-water species, they are undemanding to the conditions of detention, but prefer to live only in the company with the related types.

Angelfish – very unusual, attract attention. They are predators that can eat all the small fish. Angelfish grow large, and therefore require a large aquarium. Contain them better as a group.

Catfish swim at the bottom, eating the remnants of food and plaque from algae. The most common was spotted ancistrus and corydoras.

Other inhabitants of aquariums

The aquarium is not only fish. Large yellow snail ampullaria often with them side by side. Ampulyarii eat the uneaten food, plaque algae. You can feed them cucumbers, carrots, dandelions.

Rules aquarist say that it is impossible to settle the predator and the victim together. Therefore it is impossible to place in one tank the fish and turtles, crabs, crawfish, large shrimp.

Coexist with some m...

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AR: https://tostpost.com/ar/education/1041-aquarist-aquarist.html

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DE: https://tostpost.com/de/bildung/1758-was-ist-die-wichtigste-regel-aquarianer-regeln-anf-nger-aquarianer.html

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ZH: https://tostpost.com/zh/education/1141-what-s-the-rule-aquarist-rules-for-the-novice-aquarist.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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