Economic reforms 1985-1991: stages and results


2018-03-19 10:25:12




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By the mid 80-ies in the socio-economic and political spheres of life of Soviet republics observed the crisis. Obvious became hopeless backwardness of socialist society from the more developed countries of the world. In order to avoid the final collapse and to improve the situation in the country, the government of the USSR was economic reforms 1985-1991 gg.

economic reforms, 1985 1991

Prerequisites for reform

In the 80-ies of the Soviet economy was on the verge of collapse. Across the country has slowed the pace of its development, and some sectors of the economy has been a strong decline in the level of production. The inefficiency of the socialist economic methods more expressive of manifested in machine building, metallurgy, Metalworking industry and other industries. Even in 1985, the Soviet Union produced about 150 thousand tons of steel, which was more than in USA, metal country is still not enough. The reason for this lay in the imperfect technologies of melting, in which a large part of the raw material turned into chips. The situation was aggravated by mismanagement, where tons of metal just rust under the open sky.

The Economic reforms of the Soviet Union 1985-1991 was necessary not only because of problems in the field of heavy industry. In the early 80-ies in the Soviet Union carried out evaluation of machinery and machine tools domestic production. Of all the sites tested, it was about 20 thousand, the third part was recognized as obsolete and unserviceable. Defective equipment would be removed from production, but it still continued to produce.

economic reforms in 1985 and 1991

Despite the fact that the Soviet Union paid special attention to the development of the defense industry, it also proved to be uncompetitive on the world market. When at the junction of the 70-80-ies throughout the Western world was the microprocessor revolution, in the Soviet Union enormous resources were spent on sustaining the arms race. Because of this, were not allocated sufficient funds for development of science and technology. Soviet society became increasingly lag behind the West in terms of technological and industrial development.


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Political and economic reforms in 1985 and 1991 has also become due to the fall in real living standards of the population. Compared with the end of the 60-ies to 1980, incomes have fallen almost 3 times. The Soviet man has increasingly had to hear the word “deficiency”. All spheres of life struck by bureaucracy and corruption. Was a fall of morality and the common man.

The Coming to power of Gorbachev

In the Spring of 1985, the General Secretary of the CPSU was Mikhail Gorbachev. Realizing that the country's economy is on the verge of collapse, he proclaimed the policy of its reform. On TV sounded new for the Soviet people, the word “restructuring”, whose meaning lies in overcoming stagnant processes, create efficient and reliable management mechanism aimed at improving and accelerating the development of social and economic spheres of life.

the economic reforms of the Soviet Union 1985 1991

The Stages of economic reforms, 1985-1991

The Reform of the Soviet economy can be divided into several stages.

  1. In 1985-1986 the Soviet government headed by Gorbachev tried to save the socialist system by forcing the pace of development of NTR (scientific-technical revolution), re-equipment of machine-building industry and the revitalization of human resources.
  2. In 1987 began an economic reform. Its meaning was intended to preserve centralized control in the transition from administrative methods to economic.
  3. In 1989-1990, announced a policy of gradual transition from socialist model to market economy. Was developed anti-crisis program “500 days”.
  4. In 1991, held a monetary reform. The economic recovery was under breakdown due to inconsistent actions of the government.

results of the 1985 economic reforms of 1991

Acceleration Policy

The Economic reforms of 1985-1991 began with the proclamation of the rate on the accelerated development of the country. In the fall of 1985, Gorbachev urged business leaders to organize multi-shift operations to implement socialist competition and rationalization proposals, to monitor the observance of labour discipline in the workplace, to improve product quality. These actions, according to Moscow, was positively displayed on improving labour productivity and enhancing social and economic spheres of life all over the USSR. Priority was given to the engineering industry, whose products are planned to be used for the conversion of the national economy.

Mikhail Gorbachev Declared a course on acceleration meant a significant increase in the growth rate of the economy. Until 2000, the Soviet leadership was planning to double the production capacity and national income of the state, to raise 2.5 times the productivity.

When Gorbachev began uncompromising struggle with alcoholism. According to the politician and his entourage, the anti-alcohol campaign had a positive impact on the strengthening of discipline and increase productivity. In many regions of the closed plants for the production of wine and vodka products, ruthlessly cut down the vineyards. As a result, the production of alcoholic beverages in the USSR has decreased in 2 times. Due to the elimination of wine and spirits companies, the country suffered multimillion-dollar losses. The lack of money in the state budget resulted in the delay of salaries. To make up for the missing funds, the government adopted the decision on the printing of new money.

stages of economic reforms, 1985 1991

The Economic reforms of 1985-1991 in the USSR manifested itself in the prohibition of Soviet citizens to profit from unearned income. For work on private hiring, unauthorized trading and other non-state types of activities a person could go to prison for up to 5 years. But it soon became clear that such measures are ineffective, and in November 1986, a law allowing the USSR self-employment.

Accelerate the development of machinery has led to a reduction in funding for other industries. Because of this from the free sale began to disappear the consumer goods. NTR, which in the process of restructuring was given a special role, has not received its development. The crisis further weakened the state. By the end of 1986 it became apparent that a qualitative reform of the economy is impossible to conduct due to the imperfect system of state planning.

Economic changes of the years 1987-1989

In 1987 the post of Prime Minister Nikolai Ryzhkov that promise for a year and a half to stabilize the economy. His government initiated a series of reforms aimed at the establishment of the socialist market. Businesses transferred to cost accounting, they were granted partial self-government, expanded the scope of their autonomy. The organization received the right to cooperate with partners from foreign countries, and their leaders did not obey any more the market, neither the officials. Began to appear the first cooperatives associated with the shadow structures. The result of such a policy for the Soviet Union were unfavorable: the government ceased to control the economy of the state. The transition to a socialist market became impossible. Economic reforms, 1985-1991 did not bring the expected results.

economic reforms in 1985 and 1991 in the Soviet Union

Further attempts to restore the economy

Finding a way out of the crisis went on and on. In 1989, Soviet economists Grigory Yavlinsky and S. Shatalin has developed a program called "500 days”. Its essence lies in the transfer into the hands of private individuals state enterprises and the country's transition to a market economy. The document paid little attention to issues such as the reform of the political system of the state, privatization of property, denationalization of land ownership, monetary reform. Economists promised that the embodiment of their concept to life will not affect the material situation of the population. Approved by the Supreme Council of the USSR the program was to take effect from October 1990, But it had one major drawback: it does not reflect the interests of the nomenklatura elite. Because of this, Gorbachev at the last moment was chosen is another program that failed to ensure the transition to a market economy.

Monetary reform and the collapse of the Soviet economy

One of the latest attempts to stabilize the economic situation was the holding of the 1991 monetary reform. Gorbachev had planned to use it to replenish the Treasury and stop the decline of the ruble. But reform has led to uncontrolled growth of prices and a decline in living standards of the people. The discontent reached its limit. In many regions of the state swept strikes. Everywhere began to manifest national separatism.

political and economic reforms, 1985 1991


The Results of economic reform 1...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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