Stringed musical instrument - types and the history of


2018-03-20 01:42:11




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The group of plucked string is quite a large number of musical instruments. This harp, guitar, balalaika, lute, mandolin, lute and many others. How did the most famous of them extant? The history of many of these musical instruments is full of interesting facts.

stringed musical instrument

Where did the harp?

Harp – is a stringed musical instrument, which appeared one of the first on the Ground. Initially, harp was modified from a normal hunting bow. Apparently, even then, ancient man has tried, except for one string, attach to it the basis of several “strings”. Interestingly, this tool is mentioned in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. In this letter each character represents a specific concept. When the Egyptians wanted to write the word “beautiful”, “wonderful”, they painted just the harp. She was known to the ancient Egyptians even 3 thousand years BC the lyre and harp are the two closest relatives hunting bow.

Playing the harp in Ireland

Once the most revered was the Irish harp. In ancient times they were standing at the next hierarchy level after the leaders. Often, the harpists were blind – under their game read poems of the Irish bards. The musicians played ancient Saga, using a small portable harp. This stringed musical instrument sounds very melodic. It is often used by composers when you need to create a mysterious atmosphere or to introduce to the audience the mysterious natural look.

stringed musical instrument

Where does the beginning of the modern guitar?

Researchers of the history of music still can't give a definite answer to the question of the appearance of the guitar. The tools are prototypes that date back to several millennia BC. It is believed that the origin of the guitar is also associated with the use of a hunting bow. Ancestors of the modern guitar was found by geologists in the excavation of settlements of the ancient Egyptians. This stringed musical instrument appeared about 4 thousand years ago. Presumably, it is from Egypt it was spread throughout the Mediterranean coast.


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Harp – the ancestor of the Spanish guitar

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what stringed musical instrument

History of the balalaika in Russia

All known stringed musical instrument that has become one of the national symbols of Russia, – the balalaika. When she appeared in Russia, one clearly can not say. There is an assumption that the balalaika is descended from the dombra, which played a Kirghiz kaysaki. The earliest mention of the balalaika in history date back to 1688.

However, one certain thing – himself this stringed musical instrument was invented by the common people. Serfs to at least briefly forget about his plight, he loved to have fun and play balalaika. Used it and buffoons, to travel around the fairs with the imagination.

The Sad story connected with the ban on the use of the balalaika by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The enraged ruler at the time ordered the destruction of all stringed musical instrument that existed in the population. If anyone dares to disobey the king will be subjected to cruel flogged and sent into exile. However, after the death of the autocrat, the ban was lifted, and balalaika sounded in Russian huts.

National musical instrument of Georgia

And what a stringed musical instrument circulated on Georgian soil? It panduri – the main instrument for musical accompaniment, which are sung songs of praise and read the poem. Have panduri and “brother” - a tool called the chonguri. They look very similar, but their musical qualities are different. In most often found in Eastern Georgia. This Georgian stringed musical instrument is still widespread in areas such as Kakheti, Tusheti, Kartli, Pagesuite.

 Georgian stringed musical instrument

How did banjo

This musical instrument has always been associated with American country style. However, the banjo can be proud of much more ancient history. Because it has African roots. It is believed that for the first time, the banjo began to play black slaves that were brought to American soil. He himself is a musical instrument native to Africa. Initially to create the banjos Africans were used not even a tree, and pumpkin. She pulled the strings of horse hair or hemp.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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