Bush is the plant that has that?


2018-03-21 02:58:13




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Among all known plants a special place occupy a variety of shrubs. This is due to their intermediate position between herbs and trees, as well as the extremely important agricultural value. In this article we consider the evidence to determine what the shrub is called a plant that has its own characteristics. Also make sure their diversity.

Bush called the plant which has

Possible variations of plants

As the modern diversity of plants is extremely high, it is necessary for their classification. Not only on strictly defined taxonomic units, which help to determine the location in the system of the organic world, but also in appearance of the plant, that is in his life form.

The Most common system is the classification of Serebryakov I. G., adopted in 1964. According to it, all plants are divided into the following groups:

  1. Woody plants. This category includes the trees, shrubs and bushes.
  2. Poludragocennye - shrubs and shrubs.
  3. Ground herbs.
  4. Water grass.

The basis of this classification is the length of the skeletal axis of the plant and the duration of his life.

Serebryakov, Bush called a plant that has several stems of wood. In General, this is true and is a recognized feature of such plants. However, there are some subtleties of the structure of the shrubs.

Bush called the plant which has several stems of wood

Bush is the plant that has...

To answer the question of what is called the shrub, we will first give some simple well-known examples of such plants. At:

  • Siren;
  • Mozhevelnik;
  • Rabine;
  • Cheremuha;
  • Oblepicha;
  • Wild rose and others.

Now, when already clearly formed in the minds of the visual representation of these plants, it is possible to define from a scientific point of view.


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Bush called the plant that has originally one wooden barrel, but with a very young age becomes a few more trunks emerging from dormant buds. That is, all stems turns out quite a lot.

The Adult shrub is the plant that has several equivalent wooden trunks, among which it is impossible to distinguish between the main. While basal rosette remains the only for all stems. These plants can vary considerably in height.

For example, the cherry tree is a fairly tall shrub, resembling in many respects already is. A dwarf willow is a very low flowering shrubs, whose height does not exceed 5 cm.

Bush called the plant which has multiple

Main features shrubs

To summarize all of the above and to highlight some key distinctive characteristics of shrubs:

  1. The Presence of initially single barrel wood type.
  2. The Formation over time of many woody stems, which are completely equivalent to the whole plant.
  3. The Presence of a single basal rosette for all stems.
  4. Different sizes and fit for life.
  5. A shorter period of the life cycle compared to the trees.
  6. Inhabit almost all climatic zones of the Earth, ranging from subtropical and ending with the tundra.
  7. All of the trunks over time updated, which occurs due to the death of the old and new growth.

So, Bush is the plant that has a number of distinctive features, allowing to isolate them from the herbs and the trees.

Classification shrubs

Like all other natural forms of plants, shrubs have their own classification. According to her, they are of the following types:

  1. Those that have a very woody stem throughout its length. Among them we can identify several variants: loose, aerocrine, lianovidnye, erect, prostrate, cushion-like and real.
  2. With short trunks.
  3. Storing water in stems of leafless bushes.
  4. Parasitic and polyparasitism form.

Take a closer look at each group and give examples to have an idea about these plants.

Bush called the plant which has 1 single woody stalk

Shrubs with woody shoots, extra-long

What types belong to this group we outlined above. Now let us characterize briefly each of them and give some examples.

  1. Erect shrub is the plant that has 1 (one) woody stem and few side branches growing upright. These are transitional forms between shrubs and trees. To this group belongs the majority of species. Examples are: Astragalus, birch, bird cherry, Rowan and others.
  2. These shrubs. It is those in which the aboveground part of the shoot is less durable and more delicate than underground xiaodie. Examples: rose, barberry, bamboo, sea buckthorn, snowberry, lilac and others.
  3. Creeping shrubs - those whose stems and branches are laying on the ground, in some places entrenched. Examples: mountain alder,juniper, willows.
  4. Lianovidnye shrubs and trees, vines, they are used for the growth of other trees. The difference is that the thickness of the trunk at the bushes are much smaller. Examples: honeysuckle, parthenocissus, lemongrass and others.

Obviously, this type involves the largest number of species known today shrub forms.

Bush called the plant which has

Shrubs with short shoots

This shrub is the plant that has a wooden stem with very frequent rosettes of leaves and much shorter internodes. So from the side they look more like lush grass.

The Examples are few species of Heather, soulistic, Erica, rhododendron, and others. Habitat - Australia & Oceania.


This group contains several different species that have adapted to life at the expense of other plants. A typical example is the mistletoe. This parasite lives in the trees and draining them of all vitality. Thus he has a fairly extensive deciduous and the crown is actively pursuing the process of photosynthesis.

Attaches shrub parasite to the tree branches using special devices - haustoria. Also in an example, Osiris white and members of the family remeslennikova.

An Interesting representative of this family, known in Australia as the Christmas tree nuytsia abylkassymova. The name she received a beautiful bright orange and yellow flowers that bloom right up to the New year.

It is Obvious that parasitic shrub is the plant that has special adaptations for life at the expense of other plant forms. Isolated parasites are the root, stem, aboveground and underground.

Bush called the plant which has a wooden stalk

Leafless shrubs

These include several families of cacti. Their thick fleshy stems are used for storing water, and the leaves are reduced almost into needles to reduce the evaporating surface. That is why those bushes have got such a name. Place of growth is obvious - desert and typical desert.

Examples include species of the genus Opuntia. In height these bushes reach four meters, the flowers are bright yellow or red colors. This also includes species of the genus Euphorbia, which are used by people for various purposes.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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