Is it possible loan refinancing with a bad credit history? How to refinance with bad credit history?


2018-03-27 13:43:13




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Making “a big and expensive” the loan, many borrowers do not even believe that they can expect the fate of the defaulters. However, time passes and at some stage they are facing with financial problems. Credit history is ruined, and the debts start to grow like a snowball. In this case, the ideal option would be a refinance loan with a bad credit history. What is this service? And is it realistic to for the desperate debtors?

refinancing loan with bad credit history

Does a negative review in the credit history for the Bank's decision?

For anyone not a big secret the fact of mistrust on the part of credit institutions to new customers or security risk to citizens. In particular, we are talking about borrowers who, for certain reasons, were ruined credit history. It may be the last pebble on the scales, which will lead to a preponderance in favor of the debtor. But borrowers with damaged reputation has a chance to refinance with a poor credit history. How is that possible?

How does refinancing?

First of all, it should be said that the refinancing is a special Bank service, which enables borrowers to modify the original credit terms in its favor. Of course, this does not mean that you will write off your debt. However, thanks to this service, the defaulters have an excellent opportunity to seek a review of the loan agreement. What do you mean?

how to refinance a loan with bad credit history

In simple words, the borrower comes into a lending institution and requests to perform the refinancing of its loan. Of course, for this he must be very good reasons and evidence. For example, in an accident or natural disaster, he lost his only housing. He was fired from work, he received a severe injury on the job, was fired, etc.


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In such situations, the Bank executes a refinance loan with a bad credit history. Ie it increases the term of the loan and thereby reduces the monthly payment amount to match the current financial possibilities of the client.

Refinancing is done and third-party banks other than the financial institution lender. These programs are aimed at attracting and, simply, “poaching” customers from rivals. Such loans are treated as ‘mixed credits" (a set of several consumer loans, loans, cash, or credit card) and large loans (loans and mortgages). What banks pay attention, when you issue a refinance loan with a bad credit history and which of them can get this service?

refinance with bad credit history

Banks In which operate the program of refinancing?

Applications to refinance are active in many Russian banks. They are in such organizations as:

  • Sberbank of Russia (housing loans and consumer loans to refinance);
  • VTB 24 (refinance of cash loans, credit cards, car loans and commodity loans);
  • "Rosselhozbank" (consumer loans);
  • "Alfa-Bank" (mortgage) and others.

“Tell me where you took the credit, and I'll tell you who you are”

First, to draw the attention of the Bank, is a credit institution, where the debtor took out a loan. After all, reputation is not only the borrowers, but at financial institutions. And to be honest, some banks have long been confounded by unreliability. In addition, a reason of bad credit history of the borrower can be a banal error of the Manager of the Bank, accidentally twisting up the names, etc.

To Prove this fact really, if the borrower is 100% sure of his innocence. For this before applying for a refinance loan with a bad credit history, you must contact TSBKI or CRB in place (if you know what your KEY). And then, knowing the lender to spoil your story, you can prove your innocence in court. Later, with a court verdict and confirming his reputation, you can safely go to the Bank.

The same applies to the machinations of loans for example, if you become a victim of fraud, issued in your name the loan.

The Amount, timing and causes of insolvency

Before we tell you how to refinance a loan with a bad credit history, the Bank will definitely try to find out the causes of your non-payment. Especially representatives of financial organizations will be interested in the following:

  • The amount of default;
  • Frequency of non-payment (how regular they were);
  • What is the term of your debt (day, month, year);
  • At what time was delayed payment (a month, two, etc.).

Usually, a small amount of debt (and one-time-payment) is not fatal, so these the borrowers you can expect to refinance with a poor credit history. But what if you still brought in «blacklist» Dodgers and refused to refinance?

refinancing loan with bad credit history

Options solve“expensive” credits

If you are refused in several banks, referring to your unreliability, you shouldn't sprinkle ashes on his head. There are many other alternatives. For example, you can always contact not to large banks, and small. First, as a rule, have no shortage of customers, so we can too discriminate against non-payers. Small credit organizations (for example, “Tempbank”) are fighting for each customer and therefore more loyal to the defaulters.

In addition, if you are not able to do a refinancing loan with a bad credit history to banks, you can always use the services of non-banking organizations. It can be MFI. They are also loyal to customers, however, their representatives are usually not given large amounts of the first counter.

The initial treatment you will be able to get about 4 000-10 000. If the loan will be repaid on time, the loan amount will be increased. The most that you can expect in MFIs – 1-2 million rubles. Unlike banks, microfinance institutions grant loans for a short period, and the percentage for the use of such loans is much higher.

refinance with bad credit history

If you decided in that whatever was to arrange the refinancing in the Bank, as security for their reliability, you can provide collateral. Or you can seek the services of guarantors.

In short, if you need to find a solution to the problem. It would wish.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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