How to save money with a small salary? What can you save?


2018-03-20 08:29:13




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How to save money with a small salary? In modern life, this question is often relevant. Time does not stand still, and it radically changed our way of life. There are times when financially things are not going the best way. Connected it may be with the crisis in the country, lack of jobs, the employment on probation with a reduced salary and other objective reasons. How to feed yourself and your family in this case? How to live with dignity? In this article we try to reveal the theme: “How to save money with a small salary”. Consider some of the most effective strategies to financial planning and ways to make extra income that allow you to stay "afloat" during the monetary crisis.


Before you begin note that you should never lose heart and be afraid of difficulties. Today you have a small salary and difficult living situation. Do not wait until everything goes by itself. Strive to improve their situation: constantly looking for a job with more decent earnings. Do not pass up various side jobs, extra money will never happen. Believe in yourself. Though not immediately, but it will turn out, the main thing is to make efforts. And now back to our routine.

how to save money with a small salary

Control of income and expenditures

How to save money with a small salary? First, be sure to have the habit to control the income and expenditure of its funds. A sample of this – accounting records, which are accurate to the penny can trace where the money was received for a specific period and what it was spent on. To plan your budget, enough to start paper home accounts or open the appropriate file in the computer. If you choose the latter option, it is best to use a special program, or at least get an ordinary spreadsheet.


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Zaim notebook to monitor income and expenses, you need to divide each sheet into two parts. In the first part, you must record your income, and the second – costs. Analyzing the second column of this workbook, you will be able to see what you can take the funds and what can be deleted.

Piggy Bank for money

How to save money with a small salary? Get a piggy Bank. Another good habit – the ability to set aside money from each paycheck. This can be either a fixed and arbitrary amount. How to save money? The best option – set aside 10% of monthly income. By placing the money in a piggy Bank, you too will feel the difference. But after a few months you will see that the amount in the Bank increased considerably and you can afford any unplanned purchase. Also the accumulated amount of money it is advisable to put in the Bank at interest to Finance, so to speak, “worked”.

Plan costs

Just think back to the days when your salary could not be called small. Sure sometimes you get your hands on the money in the first days or hours are not restrained, and spent a significant part of money on things that were not necessities. It is important to understand that such times in the past, and it is imperative to get rid of the habit of buying useless or not so necessary things.

how to save money on the products

First, select the part of money for all necessary utilities. Next, set aside some funds to pay for the Internet, mobile communications, television (if you have cable). Maybe sometimes you should stop using any services that will save you a portion of the proceeds. For example, to disconnect a cable or to cut the budget for mobile communications.

Next, you should defer part of their salaries on purchasing food and household products. Remember that many products are not a priority in the list of needed goods, and often buying them can be dispensed with, promensil his rash desire. You can also save some part of money, buying products and household chemicals at the wholesale stores, where prices are typically for a few tens of percent lower.

how to start saving money

The last thing to do would be to spend the remaining money on your wardrobe. Do not buy things rashly. In a severe financial position best only occasionally to update your wardrobe, adding a couple of things. In this case you can save money by buying clothing items in various second-hand, second-hand stores and sales.

Try not to hurt

As strange As it may sound, but try not to get sick. Every disease – this is not only a waste of medicines but also reduce your ability to work. Due to sick leave your earnings will be significantly reduced, and in addition to this appear does not need spending on drugs. Try to lead a healthy lifestyle. First and foremost, get rid of bad habits such as Smoking and alcohol, it's also an additional graph in your notebook of expenses.


Communication with others – this is one of the mainfactors in the success of each person. Develop existing relationships with friends and meet new ones! Never be afraid to learn about interesting jobs and offer their candidacy for the execution of a particular work. Do this always, but not too Intrusive, so that people did not have to avoid.

All thoughts about a successful future

Many people say that dreaming about something – it is useless or even harmful waste of time. But we all know the expression that says that thoughts are very tangible. And this is sometimes true! When a person is about something thinks, then it hundreds of times in the head scroll, as if he was able to achieve this. We conclude that, dreaming about money, you will develop your mind to many new ways the big money.

ways to save money

Other ways of saving money

  1. If you have children, it is likely that the large salaries you have to spend on buying toys that have recently become more and more expensive. How to save money in the family? One of the outputs from this situation is that your child should never take with you to the store. The children are always asking parents to buy something for them if mom and dad take them with him. And here is not the principle of necessity of the subject, but simply a stubborn desire to buy this thing. Remember: if a child saw and wanted some toy or treat, get him to give them up will be very difficult. Children do not realize that the parents reflect on the question: “How to save money in the family?”. They simply see something beautiful and want to get it.
  2. In the habit of many people includes a visit to various entertainment events. These include restaurants, clubs, cafes, a paid site for entertainment, etc. it is Clear that all this is necessary for us to meet our emotional state, but do it in a moment of crisis quite impractical. As an option, to go to places on the money saved every month or two. But if you have a small salary, it is better not to spend money on entertainment.
    people save money
  3. How to start saving money? Do not take more than is required for the purchase of scheduled goods. Go to the store with a shopping list and allow yourself to take as much money as necessary to pay for them. Often people allow themselves to buy the right things, if they remain in your pocket the extra money, beware of such situations. How to save money on the products? Visit large supermarkets and wholesale outlets. There price is much lower than in conventional stores.
  4. Love to drive a car? In a moment of crisis it is best to put the car in the garage and go for a drive in public transport. This measure is very effective, because the price of gasoline is much higher than the price of the ticket. And even more effective option is to walk, if the distance allows. Try sometimes to pass the distance from work or from friends to the house on foot, and for a month these walks you will see that save. Besides it is good for health.
  5. Where can I save money yet? In case of failure of any household appliances or items not in a hurry to contact a professional technician. Perhaps some of the damage you will be able to eliminate personally, and with some faults to help cope neighbors or friends. But still, if it becomes clear that failure cannot cope, then do not delay with a call to the specialist. The sooner you begin to rectify the fault, the greater the chance that repairs will cost less amount of money.
    how to save money


How do people save money? Enjoy all of the above methods. Our tips will help you live adequately with a small salary. But don't stand in one place and deal with the current Affairs. Remember that this is only compulsory measures related to your financial situation. Try to quickly regain a high income and start to live the old life, leaving her some good habits from this article! Don't settle for small, aspire to a new job and a better income.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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