World day against AIDS, December 1: history


2018-04-04 07:30:21




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Today such a disease as AIDS is known in every corner of the globe. It is rightly called a large-scale epidemic, the plague of the 20th and 21st centuries, the real threat to humanity. Every year on the 1st December the whole world celebrates the day of struggle against AIDS. This is not just another significant date in the calendar and the day of mourning for the millions dead from this incurable disease.


Today, more than 42 million of people living in different parts of the world, suffer from a deadly virus that causes human immune deficiency. Every day about 15 thousand people fall into the category of patients. day against AIDS on December 1Day against AIDS, December 1, aims to put a stop to this terrible statistic and reduce the rate of spread of the epidemic around the world.

Grim discovery

As has been said, every year people celebrate world day against AIDS on 1 December. The history of this disease thus consists of about 35 years. In 1981 in the United States of America was first registered AIDS or AIDS, which is caused by the virus deficiency immune human (HIV). This was followed by an emergency meeting of health officials from countries around the world, where agreement was reached on the exchange of information about HIV/AIDS and the observance of social tolerance.

Part of scientists blames the emergence of HIV, the monkey that was infected by this terrible virus man back in the 20-ies of the last century. As a result of recent scientific research, it was found that the source of the epidemic was in West Africa. In 1959 the world's AIDS killed the first man. Anyway it was recorded for the first time. A carrier of the virus was a resident of the Congo. Ten years in the United States of America women of easy virtue were symptomatic. world day against AIDS on December 1At that time, scientists did not attach any importance to this, believing that prostitutes are sick with pneumonia. After another nine years, in 1978, there were foci of localization of the epidemic around the world – in the US, Tanzania, Haiti, and Sweden.

And after three years of specialized center involved in the control and prevention of disease, has been given the official recognition of the existence of HIV and AIDS. While the lion's share of patients were homosexuals. At the time America was discovered 440 carriers of the virus, provoking a lack of immunity. Half of these people died.

Origin of the disease: open medical

The Scientist Michael Gottlieb came to the conclusion that the cause of the disease is a severe defeat of the system of internal human organs that are responsible for immunity. In 1982, AIDS became known as a disease of four English letters, “N” on the assumption that most of the immunodeficiency virus was affected gay men, Haitians and drug addicts, stitching heroin, and patients with hemophilia.

It is Noteworthy that the presence of reduced immunity previously recorded in children born prematurely. But studies of physicians have shown that AIDS patients suffered from the acquired immunodeficiency virus, but not innate.

The Viral origin of the disease was open to scientists from France — Montagnier. In 1983 in the lymph nodes suffering from AIDS of the man they had found a virus which was called LAV.

A year later, Robert Gallo, who heads the Institute of Virology of University of Maryland, made a statement in which it was reported that found the real cause of disease. His study was the isolation of the virus from the blood of the patient. Isolated the retrovirus was named HTLV-III and were the same as in LAV.

In 1985, scientists came to the conclusion that the immunodeficiency virus is transmitted to humans via blood, breast milk and sexual transmission. With the developed test donated blood for the first time began to check for the presence of immunodeficiency virus.

Another discovery shocked the world in 1986. Along with his colleagues, Montagnier has discovered a new virus that was discovered in Guinea-Bissau and the Cape Verde Islands. Comparative analysis showed that both virus — completely different from other infections caused by different pathogens, with different course of the disease and symptoms. It was proved that both viruses exist for a long time, particularly prior to the spread of the AIDS pandemic.

Day AIDS — 1 December

In 1987, it was announced the official statement of the world health organization, which reported that the pathogen of such terrible diseases as AIDS, is a virus that causes a lack of immunity in humans. In the same year was developed and adopted a program and strategyproviding a number of activities aimed at combating this terrible disease. One of them was the introduction of the drug "AZT" designed to fight the virus.

 1 December world day against AIDS World day against AIDS on 1 December was first recorded in 1988. This date symbolizes the combined efforts of all people living on planet Earth, in the fight against this terrible tragedy. The organization held events primarily involves support for preventive action and maximum access to information about this illness. Many countries in the world not only on December 1 — world day of fight against AIDS, but also before and after it conduct various events aimed at combating AIDS.

A World-renowned symbol of a pandemic

Today the majority of the population is known to be a symbol, like a red ribbon. In day of struggle against AIDS 1 December millions of people attach it on clothes as a sign that you realize how dreadful can be the consequences of this day against AIDS on 1 December story

Red ribbon was invented in 1991 by artist Frank Moore. The idea of creating he had borrowed from the neighbors, who wore yellow ribbons. Thus they expressed their hope for a speedy return of his daughter, held military service in the Persian Gulf.

During the military conflict in the Gulf were still and green ribbon resembling in form the letter V. They symbolized the bitterness of loss caused by the killings of children in Atlanta. In the end, the new York artist decided that the symbol of the fight against AIDS can also be a tape. Red ribbon is not just a fashionable attribute, but a sort of unspoken statement that on December 1 — world day of fight against AIDS - the plague two centuries. This is a terrible, incurable disease, and its causes must be fought.

Professional marketers and artists have developed a concept to introduce this character as metaphors in activities aimed at the prevention of this disease. The project was officially called "Red ribbon" was launched in 2000 on the 45th official ceremony of the Tony Awards. The participants and nominees pinned the red ribbon with a safety pin to clothing as a sign of understanding, compassion and hope for a future without AIDS. Most everyone wanted to have on the world day against AIDS, December 1, the red ribbons worn by all the inhabitants of the planet Earth.1 December international day of struggle against AIDS

Hopes were justified. A short time later a red symbol became very popular and was almost a mandatory part of the decoration on many social events. Prevented this and vehement opponents of the ongoing prevention activities, which at that time was a lot.

HIV and AIDS: what is the difference

Often these two concepts are called synonyms. However, it is fundamentally wrong. AIDS means the immune deficiency in the human body. This may result in a lot of different reasons. Among them, the heavy, long-term, chronic disease, irradiation, congenital malformations, age-related changes of the body, potent drugs and medicines. Modern medicine refers to as the AIDS penultimate stage of the lesion by the human immunodeficiency virus.

HIV has a special way of defeat. The infection spreads very fast and causes a severe lack of immunity, which, in turn, provokes malignant tumors, other infections and secondary disease.


The Day of struggle against AIDS on 1 December every year is a terrible time for millions of people, who often was negligent in yourself and your health. The main route of entry of the virus into the human body is blood. Become a carrier of the virus is possible and during sexual intercourse, most often it occurs in homosexual contacts. 1 December the whole world celebrates the day of struggle against AIDSAlso a mother who has the virus can pass it to the child in the womb, through the placenta, during passing of the baby through the birth canal, feeding breast milk. Threat in this respect, and personal hygiene items such as razor, toothbrush and other such items. Air-drop way, and also feces and urine do not transmit the virus.

There are several ways of getting the virus in the human body — through damage to the skin and through mucous in conducting medical procedures or diagnosis of the organism, fertilization of the egg by artificial means, injection of drugs or tattooing.

In most countries of the world printed millions of booklets telling about the transmission of the virus. They handed out free in the world day against AIDS on 1 December. Prevention — the main lever in the struggle with this infection.

Risk Group

Most commonly, the disease affects homosexuals and people leading an immoral life. Another category — are drug addicts using drugs intravenously. The majority of the sick children contracted the disease from their mothers who have AIDS have HIV. Second place for infection is children, who carried out a blood transfusion. Infection undergoesmedical staff specializing in contact with blood and other fluids of patients with HIV or AIDS.

world day against AIDS on 1 December prophylaxisThe virus can sleep in the human body 10-12 years. Initial symptoms often attributed to other less dangerous diseases and do not give them much importance. However, it should be understood that in this case without conducting proper medical care to the HIV enters the last stage — AIDS.


December 1 — the international day of fight against AIDS. This date annually calls on the world community not just to remember about this yet incurable disease, but also to be tolerant to those who is already a carrier of this disease. And, importantly, must understand each of living on the planet — it should be understood that prevention is very important in the struggle for health.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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