The day of military communications


2019-08-26 03:20:22




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The Day of military communications is considered the direct birthday of the signal corps. Since 1919, it is celebrated on 20 October. Mainly because on this day took place the final formation of the communications office as part of the Field staff and headed by chief Manager - head of communications. This contributed to the order of the Revolutionary military Council.

Then there was made the selection of the communication service to the special service of specialized staffs and troops of communication – in an independent special troops. This was the Foundation for the future structure of the modern signal corps. And without them it becomes impossible to control the Armed Forces, as military communication this is the main material basis.

How well and quickly established the efficiency of this system depends very largely the speed command, as well as the timeliness and accuracy of the use of weapons and combat equipment. Therefore, the Day of military communications – is a celebration of a responsible, responsive, attentive and courageous people.

During its development, the military relationship has overcome difficult and quite a long way, which is inextricably linked with the creation of the Armed Forces, with methods and techniques of application of the military art, with its constant improvement and a gradual change of its forms.

At First, it was the most primitive audio and visual means of communication intended for direct transmission of commands and signals on the battlefield. At the present time – is a modern multi-channel automated system, which is able to provide communication at unlimited distances (almost).

Regardless of whether used stationary or moving objects, the signal is fixed and on the water, on land and in the air, and under water. And on the Day of military communications is to honor not only those who worked or is working in this field, but also those who for such a long time perfecting the whole system.

Today it is a complex organism which consists of many nodes, which differ in their purpose. In addition, it consists of thousands of miles of radio links. In its composition – radio relay, wire, tropospheric and other forms of communication.

The Armed Forces are obviously in need of military communications, as in the air. Because the use of lethal force quickly and effectively is possible only if the responsible implementation of these men of their own work. And at least once a year the Day the operator is obliged to carry the words of gratitude and respect.

These professionals are always on guard for our peace. And not for nothing, they get their orders, decorations and simple words of gratitude. After all, their work is far from easy. Can be solely responsible and courageous people who are always ready to take alarm. And that is very important – quickly to react to it. And rapidity of action and the coordinated work of all units save lives for quite a long time.

The Day of military communications – a celebration of all those who have a military connection. Due attention should be given to the high professionalism of commanders, field training of units and formations, ready to run the personnel of the various task complexity. Thousands of soldiers are performing their duty with honor, taking part in counter-terrorism and peacekeeping operations.

In the development of communications in war time and today, have contributed to many Russian inventors and scientists. So, during the war operators were warned about the danger, about where and how to locate enemy troops, handed fighters of the important information received from the military command. Today, these people guard our peace, protecting our lives.

And in their professional holiday not only do they accept congratulations with the Day of military communications, but also receive gifts from relatives, friends, colleagues, and, of course, do not remain without awards and prizes from the management.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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