Popular riddles about the snail, or the best way to develop associative thinking


2020-07-03 05:26:09




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Popular folklore has been producing a lot of new creations thanks to the wide imagination of authors and the permanent occurrence in life new things. Puzzles help kids to better know the world around them and train the attention of adults. Mystery snailSo, about the usual for us animals, insects or plants and their characteristics, kids learn from a very early age.

The Most common tip

The Formation of associative thinking in children helps them in the future to find answers to many questions. So, for example, puzzles about the snail for kids often define it as that which carries their own apartments. In every book with the riddles you can find many variants of such puzzles just in the form of questions: “Who in his own house carries?” or “those Who may enter in the open field, without leaving their own homes?” or in the form of short poems.

Options for senior

A Mystery snail for school-age children may not indicate the root feature, and to focus on other distinctive features of the creature. Mystery snail for kidsFor example:

“the trail climb horns

Will not you butt?

I touched them up a little —

Horns hid again”.

Actually, in the books of various authors and in magazines, you can meet a lot of mysteries about a snail that will position it as a slow, sticky and soft creature that lives in the house, like a twirl. So, not necessary to look for games with a child rhymed lines, you can just invite him to answer questions like: “Who walks, not leaving home?” or “Summer on the stitches crawl horns, who is this?”

Puzzle to the agreement.

For toddlers, parents often come up with a number of educational games to further expand their horizons. Many are helpful in this rhyme. Riddles about the snail on the agreement. often it does not require logical thinking from the baby, an answer comes to mind as soon as the child is required to pronounce it. Obvious examples of such puzzles are the rhyming lines:

“She's in no hurry –

Have a place to sleep and have a place to live.

On the back, like a Cape,

Dragging your house ...”

By the Way, these rhymes themselves asking, the kid can be confusing. Many parents specifically choose this rhymes to develop the child's ability to think quickly and analyze a speech, not making hasty conclusions. So, you can find riddles about a snail similar to the following:

“This little animal

Not Moving very fast.

On the back of the house-twirl

Is your house ...”

Agree, and I want to say “Snap!” to make a rhyme, but because the description corresponds to the slow horned lady – the cochlea.


Of Course, mysteries about the snail and any other animal are perceived by kids with a great interest in rhymed form. Find similar rhymes can be set, for example, in children's books with mysteries that are sold everywhere.Mystery snail for kids

But if the child is sufficiently intelligent, it is like a puzzle, you can easily invent your own, just describing the kid distinctive features of the animal, because thanks to this correspondence exploring the child in the future when real meeting with the living beings he will understand who is in front of him. Chad can offer and, conversely, to enumerate certain features of the target animal to an adult he was in the role of defendant.

Living in the modern world, many children are faced with the usual farm animals only school age, so training them in early childhood helps to properly respond to such a meeting.

Teach and develop your kids so that in the pursuit of modern requirements, they did not forget about the simple truths!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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