Fibula – what is it? Metal fastener for clothing


2020-07-03 05:28:17




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Nowadays, there are many accessories used as clasps, but the very first was the fibula. This item was the only type of fastener in the period from ancient times to the early middle Ages.

what is a fibula

What is a fibula?

I do Not know, fibula – what is it? This is a clasp for garment, made of metal, which was used in the iron and bronze ages. The subject consisted of several parts, the top is sometimes decorated. A little later, the brooch began to be used not only as fasteners, but also as a decoration, in the Baltic States this trend is preserved today.

Parts of fibulae

The Closure over time was modified, but is most common object, consisting of the following parts:

  • Needle for stitching clothes.
  • Needle holder. This is the fillet, or narrow headband, which comes to the end of the needle. The needle holder is needed to keep the needle in the same position and of protection of the fingers from the needle.
  • Case or bow fibulae.
  • Spring for connecting the needles with a bow.

During the prehistoric period, the fibula has undergone numerous changes. Each era has left its mark – have changed the bow, the subject began to serve as decoration. Changed the mechanism of action of the spring and needle holder, from the operation of which depended on the suitability of a fastener and so on.

So, the brooch - what is it? The simplest closure consisted of staples and needles. In surviving to the present day the subject is clearly visible the original form – a square or a circle. After the product began to use as a decoration, he began to paint with enamel, apply a drawing and precious stones. Wore this jewelry-clasp and men, and the female half of humanity. Fibula needed for fastening clothes, often cloak. In ancient times they served as a cloak-type covering, the ends of which was required to bind.

pin brooch

Later, the brooch was transformed into a kind brooch-pin, which was pinned up the ends of the scarves and collars. Over time, the mount is missing and the brooch remained in quality jewelry that women wear today.

Following the design of the brooch consists of a housing and the needle. The case was made in open bezel (a horseshoe shape), just the brooch got a greater prevalence. The owner of the jewelry, depending on the status, decorated rim and needle holder precious stones, metals or pattern.

Types of clasps

Among the Museum exhibits produced by archaeologists, there are different kinds of brooches. All these old clasps have their own names, the data depending on what time and the people they treated. Known brooch

  • Greek and Roman.
  • Hungarian and Scandinavian.
  • Byzantine and others.

For some people brooch not only was the buckles for clothing and jewelry were used as amulets from evil spirits and spoilage. After the appearance of the French brooch-pins, the protective function passed to it.

In Hungary, brooches originally were made exclusively of wire. The mechanism of the product was next – one end of the shackle, a short helical turn, passed the needle, a second end, who was also a swirling spiral, was its holder.

Scandinavian brooches happened, most likely, from the Hungarian, their difference was – the needle and the handle was not a single entity, elements skewer each other.


The Greek metal clasp for clothing consisted mostly of couples or four spiral circles, connected to each other. The needle came out of one spiral and fixed to another. The spiral shape of the needle holder evidence of the inextricable link Greek decorations with Scandinavian and Hungarian. In addition, the same clothing was discovered during excavations in the South of Italy and separate the area of Central Europe, where they were most likely from Greece.

Italic fibulae most diverse mechanism of action and the shape of the base. In the old italic fibulae structure of the needle holder hardly differs from the Scandinavian and Hungarian, that is, it is formed by several spiral turns. But in the future can be traced to the modification – spiral needle holder is replaced by a first flat plate of circular shape, and after time, there is a plate with wrapped edges, forming a groove, ending with a button.

metal clasp for clothing

Forms of italic fibulae

They were discovered in several forms (speechis the form of the arch):

  • Dogovornye (the shape of a semicircle). This is the oldest type of brooch. The handle can be a single thickness, with seal on some sections, smooth or with stripes in different directions, decorated with beads and so on.
  • Scaphoid – arcuate, thickened in the middle of the hollow arc. The holder for the needle in this model can be long or short.
  • Winding is the most diverse group. The samples are very different – with a fancy curved handle, with the long groove as the needle holder, with the button on the end of the chute (there are on the latest fibulae), etc.

Carrossa brooches

Centrissimo called the samples from the elongated shape of the arch, which flows seamlessly into the fluted needle holder with a button and wrapped up ending. Such fasteners have been discovered in large quantities during the excavation of the burial ground Centrose among other things the Italian decoration.

types of clasps

Halstattersee brooches

The burial Hallstatt among the various forms of italic fibulae was discovered some samples that are specific for this area. Of great interest are the clasps accompany and arbolitovye form. The first type consists of a pair of spiral circles, connected among themselves, this form resembles Hungarian, Scandinavian and Greek brooch. Since they were excavated in Hallstatt, and the designation received appropriate – hallstatts type.

The hallmark erbolatovich brooches is that the spiral is a spiral with many turns, situated perpendicular to the arc. In a separate erbolatovich clasps the end of the needle holder is decorated with miniature heads of animal or human, inclined backward or upward.

jewelry clasp

Assignment brooches

The answer to the question about the brooch - that is, you already know. What is its purpose? Ancient Greek female population pinned the brooch on the upper and on the lower clothing, males used the product only on top of clothing. Often men coats fixed with a fibula on the right shoulder, less often on the chest. Women pinned the clasps on both shoulders.

The Description of the brooch found in the work of “Odyssey”: “Godly Odysseus was dressed in purple woolen double cloak; to it was attached a gold clasp, with a pair of tubes; on the outside of the clasps a skillful master portrayed the dog, holding in front paws a speckled DOE, reveling in her flutter; and all were amazed by the liveliness with which was painted gold figurines – as one choked his victim, and the other trying to escape, opposed legs”.

Some women were sealed floors tunics of a variety of fasteners. A little later began to stab hem slightly above the knee, so it turned out a kind of crease, giving the garment a special look. As buckle fibula was used mainly on belts and dressings.

Interesting! In Ancient Greece and Rome brooch also it was customary to call a special clip of the foreskin. These accessories were used in order to comply with the norms of decency with the appearance of a Nude male, for example, an athlete or a Gladiator.

metal jewelry

Today Where you can buy the brooch?

Fibula - what it is, we found out. Where can I buy it? To date, the production of fibulae doing in Estonia. There exists an Association "UCF" traditional brooch assortment of art products which occupy a special place. To find there can be a variety of fasteners: flat, square, conical, shape in the form of a horseshoe and other. Samples decorated with embossed geometric pattern, a cone-shaped – plant. As finish some brooches using “eyes” from gemstones.

Those who cannot get a brooch in Estonia, it is recommended to pay attention to the range of thematic divisions that sell Antiques, or just order a metal ornament from the master, specializing in the production of symbolic objects.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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