Veterinary clinic "Veles" in Obninsk: description, services, reviews


2020-07-03 07:30:11




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Pet. It is a lovely creature with trepidation waiting for a person's home, protects it and even cures various diseases. Unfortunately, harmless pet is often exposed to the disease itself. If this happens, it is recommended to seek help in vetkliniku “Veles” in Obninsk. Qualified staff, quality equipment and extensive experience – all this will allow to achieve a positive result.

veterinary clinic Velez Obninsk

About the organization

Modern veterinary clinic “Veles” in Obninsk was established in 2009. And here she is for the past eight years, encouraged their existence visitors and customers, having four legs. Today, it is the absolute leader in the city that has no competition. Only you can identify some characteristic features of this institution:

veterinary clinic Velez Obninsk

  • Specialists periodically attend refresher courses, which allows them to see the large number of possible ailments.

  • There are several anesthesiologists, capable of making local and General anesthesia.

  • To a greater extent veterinary center is praised due to the presence of the lab. It has the most modern equipment. This will make the quality of diagnosis and find the cause of ailments of your pet.

  • There is a huge range of services for animals in surgery, internal medicine and cardiology.

  • The center is a shop where you can buy the necessary multivitamin, drug or accessory for your beloved pet.

Facility located on Komarova str., house 6, very responsible attitude to their reputation. Therefore, employees are doing everything necessary to ensure that the client was satisfied with the quality of their services.


Many breeders are unable due attention to provide their Pets. Basically, it is due to lack of free time. In vetklinike “Veles” in Obninsk is provided an on-call specialist at home. Moreover, it can be done at fairly low cost. Each animal has been vaccinated. And there is no need to visit a medical institution.

ulitsa Komarova

Main services

Clients may not be disappointed. In the veterinary clinic, which is located at Komarova street, building 6, provides several types of basic services:

veterinary center

  • Performed the initial inspection of the pet. If the animal feels bad, it lead to counseling. The specialist examines him and is determined with the method further diagnosis.

  • Efficiently be dental services: oral examination, treatment or removal of teeth.
  • Surgical examination: surgery, bandaging, removal of foreign bodies, cutting nails, removal of the gland secretion, and more.

  • Improving generic activities, pregnancy and giving birth.

  • A Huge list of variety of services anesthesia: is inside under the skin, in the form of drops or rubbing.

In Addition there are a huge number of diagnostic services with modern equipment. All this will allow to identify the disease at an early stage of its development.

About the cost

The Veterinary center has a large number of benefits. Despite this, it is much more affordable. For example, any vaccination can be done at a low price - only 700 rubles. The cost of all tests and diagnostic measures ranges from 800 to 1500 rubles. From 300 rubles worth of expert advice. Usually, the price of re-examination is reduced. The most expensive service is surgery. It can cost more than 7000 rubles.

veterinary clinic Velez Obninsk reviews

Positive feedback

The existence of the veterinary clinic “Veles” in Obninsk, knows every local resident. People who have used her services, there are several positive qualities:

  • Always polite staff, which is nice to ask for help. They can find approach to any, even the most capricious animal, distracting him from procedures. Pet is satisfied.
  • Only the experts can quickly diagnose. In many other places at the sight of unknown symptoms shrug. It quickly makes diagnosis, and in 99 percent of cases it is possible to quickly identify the cause of the disease.

  • There is No need for a long timeto stand in line. You can book an appointment in any convenient way and come to the appointed time. The patient in front of someone assigned to a particular time of admission, will fail.

  • After the operation the vet within a few months of watching the state of the animal, if necessary, he appoints for him a comprehensive treatment.
  • Of Course, can not but rejoice and affordable prices.

 veterinary clinic Velez Obninsk phone

All of the many reviews about the veterinary clinic “Veles” in Obninsk say that she can be trusted. No doubt.

Negative feedback

Unfortunately, not all clients managed by “please”. Accordingly, there are also negative statements about this medical facility. Basically, they have the following contents:

  • She didn't come to the reception because of illness, and the administration are unable to resolve the situation.

  • The Client was not warned about the possible appearance of adverse effect.
  • In the medical shop did not have the necessary drugs.

The Staff of the veterinary clinic “Veles” in Obninsk strictly monitors all comments left by those who used the services. And tries to fix minor bugs.

Contact information

The Most convenient way to sign up to the expert – fill out the form on the official website, to specify the purpose of visit and wait for the call specialist. You can also go to the institution at the address: Komarova str., house 6, and to obtain detailed information on the admission specialist. You can schedule an appointment by calling the clinic “Veles” In Obninsk. The telephone number found in any modern dictionary.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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