Mardi Gras celebration in the kindergarten: script competitions


2020-07-03 08:50:15




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Mardi Gras – this is the most fun and playful holiday that only happens once a year. In this day there are interesting customs, fun games, competitions and much more. Traditionally in the evening burn an effigy, it symbolizes the farewell ceremony in the spring. Adults organize this day dances, bake pancakes and lead dances. I wonder how organized Mardi Gras celebration in kindergarten?Mardi Gras celebration in the kindergarten

Organization of the holiday in

Mardi Gras Celebration in the kindergarten may be organized in a group. For this we first need to create an appropriate atmosphere. It will help to create artificial snow balls, paper snowflakes, samovar, cones, pictures of pancakes and much more. Pre-need to be concerned about Russian folk costumes that will create a festive mood.

the script of the Mardi Gras celebration in the kindergarten

In Advance you want to come up with a scenario of the holiday of Maslenitsa. In kindergarten, as facilitators can be teachers, students or parents of the children. After Breakfast, the group needs to run a fun "Petrushka" and invite all children to the celebration in the Assembly hall. The guys go into a room, see appropriate decorations and in their soul will appear in a festive mood.

Next, the facilitator should say the following phrase: “Kids for the handle grip and the circle become, will be fun to dance to and spring to see”. This should sound fun music and the kids begin to dance with everyone.

The Next part of the script – that's competition. Children must pass the simple test race to throw artificial lumps in the basket or to collect pine cones.

In conclusion, each child needs to obtain a souvenir. Mardi Gras celebration for children of the kindergarten

Fun for the younger group

Festive fun like everyone, even the youngest person. Fortunately, the ceremony can be arranged completely in any group. As for nurseries, it is worth noting that we are talking about kids in age from 1,5 to 3 years, generally they have poorly developed speech.

The celebration of carnival in the kindergarten should be carried out only in the group and under strict supervision of the teachers. For example, you can have a dance program, a small presentation or to invite any creative team. It is not necessary to arrange competitions, as they will be difficult for such an early age.

the purpose of the Mardi Gras celebration in the kindergarten

Organization of the

For children older groups can be organized Mardi Gras celebration in kindergarten on the street. This situation will create the most realistic celebration. As a main leading woman-winter, dressed in appropriate costume. Should she suddenly appear on the Playground, gather in a circle of preschool children and to conduct a series of tests.

the celebration of carnival in the kindergarten

Part one

Winter said to the audience: “Hello, I have a puzzle for you, guess guys?» Next presenter should ask the children some simple questions. For example, you need to guess:

  • That can be white, except for sugar? (snow).
  • Who can create the pattern without arms and legs? (frost).
  • When the snow falls? (in the winter).
  • List the main characters of the Christmas holidays? (Santa Claus, Snowman, snow maiden, etc.).
  • Who comes after winter? (spring).

Children should begin actively to solve these tasks for every correct answer you must give the child a symbol.

Part two

Next Winter appeals to kids: “You guys coped with the test, and now we need some action”. After these words, it is necessary to conduct a number of games:

  1. Children should be divided into two teams, each of which has a hand broom. Transport of Baba Yaga should be around all obstacles. The team that coped with this task first is the winner, the host must issue them with a corresponding character.
  2. Winter is supposed to depict different shapes, and their children to solve, each correct answer is also given a symbol.
  3. Another game – is jumping in sacks. Who was able to overcome the greater distance, he will get a symbol.

Part three

Winter should speak the words: “the Feast came to an end, all guys, all worthy of awards" of the Further leads have to count how many for each child typed characters and to reveal the winner, who will receive the Grand prize,other participants must also receive Souvenirs.

 folklore festival Shrovetide in kindergarten

Festive lunch in kindergarten

Mardi Gras Celebration for kindergarten – it's not only fun, but delicious lunch, which should please all children. For everyday soup, you can add:

  • Oily pancakes with various additives, for example, with condensed milk, sour cream or eggs.
  • Lush fragrant cheese or a casserole.
  • Tasty porridge.

Be Sure to Supplement the meal with compote. Before planning a menu, it is required to consult on this issue with parents, some children may be allergic to a certain product. It is recommended that the lunch was carried out immediately after the active games, then all children need relaxation.

development carnival holiday in kindergarten

Highlights of the festival

At such an important stage, as the design of celebration of Shrovetide in kindergarten, you will want to consider a few basic points:

  • All contests should be focused on the age of the participants.
  • It is Necessary that the whole party lasted from 30 minutes to 1 hour, otherwise children will quickly tire of unnecessary burdens.
  • Should choose the most optimal temperature for the celebration, if the celebration is planned for the street.
  • It is best to create organized event, multiple groups of the same age category.
  • It is Worth considering the psychological mood of each child, no need to force him to participate in competitions, if he has no desire.

During the organization of the festival is to pay attention to such factor as children's health. It is preliminary necessary to the medical officer examined each child. The caregiver is required in advance to alert parents that they would dress the kids warmer.

development carnival holiday in kindergarten

Preparing a child for the event

Folklore festival Shrovetide in kindergarten it is recommended that only after the preparation for it. First and foremost, caregivers should tell children brief information about this festival, it is desirable to support its colourful presentation. You should also create an organized part of the children's ideas, they must sing a song, tell a poem, or show dance. It is recommended to prepare for the competition of drawings or crafts on the same topic. Well-organized approach facilitates a meaningful holiday for children.

Mardi Gras celebration in the kindergarten

What you need to hold the event in kindergarten?

There is a certain purpose of the Mardi Gras celebration in the kindergarten:

  1. To Acquaint each child with such a national holiday, like Mardi Gras.
  2. Development of analytical skills.
  3. To inculcate in them love for their Homeland.
  4. Ensure each child positive emotions.
  5. To learn to perceive folk traditions.
  6. Snap sympathy for the Russian cuisine.
  7. To Enrich the spiritual world.

Options bonuses

We should also talk about the Souvenirs which will be given as basic gifts for kids. You can give a symbol of the holiday, which can be a beautiful painting, a toy-stuffed, tasty treats, a souvenir of colored paper, a talisman and more. At the request allowed to make separate prizes for boys and girls: dolls, robots, cars, kits, gum, pistols and more. You can also come up with a standard Souvenirs for each participant, for example, soft toys. Separately it is necessary to take care of the presentation of sweets, medals and certificates to each child.

Mardi Gras celebration in the kindergarten

Every year in every preschool should be organized Mardi Gras celebration. In kindergarten this will allow not only to enjoy the kids moments, and instill in them a love of Russian traditions and rituals. And ensure a pleasant and memorable children's celebration.

Mardi Gras Celebration for children kindergarten - this is a great occasion to bring together team!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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