Needle mouse husbandry and care at home


2020-07-03 12:39:14




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Needle mouse belongs to the Murid family of rodents of the genus. It is a small animal with a length from 7 to 13 inches, which today are pleased to give birth to lovers of Pets.

Distinctive features

Needle mouse differs from its congeners big eyes and round ears. Her back is covered in small needles, thanks to them, she resembles a hedgehog. The coloration of these animals pale yellow or reddish-brown. Less common dark gray needle mouse. Photos of this animal give pleasure to lovers of domestic animals.needle mouse

Adult males differ from females. They have long fur, and the neck is formed even the semblance of a lion's mane. A unique feature, which has needle-like mouse - regeneration. In case of danger, they shed their skin. After leaving no scars, and the body is fully restored. Here's how: skin cells move to the surface of the wound, beneath them are concentrated embryonic cells from which grows a new skin.

Where do you live mouse?

His homeland needle that mouse, Saudi Arabia, and the Islands of Crete, Cyprus and North Africa. These territories originally divorced these animals. In nature there are several types of rodents, but often in captivity can be found in Cairo the kind of needle mouse. She lives in a hole, which is usually herself and digs. Although it may use and housing, and abandoned by other rodents, if such encounter.

needle mouse photo

The activity Period of these animals is necessary for early morning and late evening. This is a sociable creature, which invariably lives in a group with other dogs. Great as a pet.

How to keep a mouse at home?

The House of these animals are kept in small metal cage or in a terrarium behind glass. Necessarily such a home must be a wide bottom and low sides. From above you can close the net. Choosing a house for a mouse, be sure to remember that this is a rodent, so to cut wooden ceiling for him is not difficult. Can also suffer many other materials, and the animal may crawl through the narrow slit, to be on the outside and then cause damage to many things already in your apartment.

At the bottom of the cage put a large amount of chips or finely chopped paper. Install a small house in which the little mouse will be able to sleep, steady the trough and a drinking bowl, which she would not be able to turn. Come up with for her or buy in a pet shop various accessories for games. This is a very mobile animal. Suitable wheel for Jogging, a variety of branches, ladders and shelters.

how many lives needle mouse

The Cage is better to install near the wall. Since the mouse can be susceptible to hypothermia, it must be protected from drafts. Many wonder about how many lives needle mouse. Funny pet you can afford to provide for three years.

Care of the mouse

Mouse loves cleanliness and order. So every day it is necessary to remove the cell, to sweep away the remaining food, thoroughly wash and clean the feeding dish and drinking bowl. If you decide that you have a home to live needle mouse, keeping, caring for her play a huge role. Litter for animal control several times a week.

This is a very shy rodents, so do not want to in the house along with mouse lived a cat or a dog. Moreover, the animal does not immediately get used to the person. Be prepared that contact will take some time. Definitely in the cage, equip the animal shelter, where he can easily hide at any time. The first time it will be in high demand.

needle mouse care content

This is a gregarious animal. So either just buy a few needle-shaped relatives, or pay much attention to the game and care for your pet. Mice love to play with small balls, to chew wooden blocks and other toys. Keep only those that the wooden objects that the mouse can chew, did not contain residues of paint or lacquer. Otherwise the pet can have serious health problems.

Removing the cage and pouring the feed, especially at first, avoid sudden movements that can scare a mouse. Try not to talk loudly, gradually accustoming your pet to his voice. Needle mouse is smart enough and after a short period of time can even respond to the nickname that you give, and the owner to meet with a joyful squeak.

What eats the mouse?

The Diet of mice is very diverse. They can be fed a variety of grain,seeds, cottage cheese, protein, boiled eggs, and of course, they love cheese. Don't forget to pamper your pet. The needle mice treats include fruits, berries and bread. Keep the diet of the pet are regularly attended all the necessary minerals and vitamins.

needle mouse feeding

If desired, in pet stores you can buy special food for rodents, which contains the necessary substance. It is very important to be healthy needle mouse. Feeding also should include twigs of fruit trees. With their help, rodents sharpen their teeth. However, many plants may be poisonous. It's Hemlock, celandine, Lily, fern, rosemary. Sure that they do not get in your pet's diet.

Breeding mice

Like all rodents, mice are very prolific. So don't be surprised if your pet will begin to proliferate all year round. Under favorable living conditions and stable nutrition is not surprising. To reproduce they can in the months. In his house the female builds a small nest in which the little ones are born. Hay, paper, twigs and a variety of cloth as materials for this shelter traditionally uses a needle mouse. Reproduction especially actively occurs in the first year and a half of life adults.

Mice are born at night, in the same litter can be from 5 to 10 young. The light they appear naked, not weighing more than two grams and a body length maximum of 3 cm. So just to know the sex of the newborn is almost impossible. Later, the males grow much larger.needle mouse reproduction

In the feeding period will necessarily include in the diet of pet milk. The cubs are growing fast, already after 5 days they weigh twice more than at birth. Two weeks later, begin to see three able to eat independently. Maternal instincts have needle-like mice are very bright, they cherish their young, carefully take care of them. Remember, newborn pups cannot be picked up. A foreign smell can scare them away from the mother, and she will cease to feed them. In this case, the babies will simply die from hunger.

How to train your animals?

Needle mouse well go on contact with people and quickly tamed. If a human is not enough, then they can quickly escape. The animals are very shy and can even die from fright, so they should be treated gently and with care.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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