Pet rat: reviews, content, care, feeding, breeding. How long does the rat at home


2020-07-03 12:54:25




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Animal Lovers have very different preferences: someone who likes cats, someone closer to the intelligent and loyal dogs, while others can spend hours watching life underwater inhabitants. And for someone there is no better pet than decorative (or household) rat. Are you surprised? But the history of domestication and the domestication of rats had its origins in the middle Ages.

The First ornamental species, the descendants of the now popular Pets appeared in the early XX century. Pet rat (owner reviews allow you to judge) have a high intellect, wit, guile and memory, which are the envy of many people. These characteristics contribute to the maintenance and growth of their rat reviews

Even people who, to put it mildly, are cool to rodents, with pleasure and interest at the tricks that easy to learn and demonstrate decorative rats. In this article we will tell you all about these Pets. You will learn how many lives the rat at home, than her to feed what she likes and what not accept.


Home decorative rat – a small animal. The male weighs about 600 grams, the female is twice smaller – 300 grams. The length of the body – from 8 to 25 centimeters. Body type and shape of the faces depend on the species, but most often they have an elongated nose. The torso covers wool, density which also depends on the breed, the tail is almost naked, up to 18 centimeters short legs. The more often plain color – red, white, black, gray.


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However, among some species there are individuals with two-tone coat. From the color depends on the color of the eyes, for example, in white rats pink eyes in color, grey – black. how to care for pet rats

Types and breeds of fancy rats

There are many varieties of these animals, but some are more suitable for home maintenance. They differ in the type of wool, size, and lifetime.


An Animal with a smooth shiny coat. This most common domestic rats, which can be purchased at almost every pet store.


Today is not too common that pet rat. Owner reviews show that this is a wonderful pet which is suitable for owners with allergies to dander. Sphynx have almost no hair (on the ankles, under the eyes and in the groin may be sparse fluff).


Larger animals with rounded low-set and large ears. This variety was bred in California (1991). The name of the breed was in honor of the hero of the animated film – elephant long does the rat at home

The rounded Head is broader than in other breeds, and the muzzle is pointed. Body shape – pear-shaped, but shorter than the tailless animals.


The Feature of this rodent is clear from the name of the breed that is the result of mutation. The first tailless rat was not obtained in a scientific laboratory, and the lover from the UK in 1983. This species differs, for example, from the breed standard body shape – it is pear-shaped. The representatives of the tailless rat should not be the rudiment of the tail.


A Special wool distinguishes this pet rat. Owner reviews indicate that it is more long and thin than other breeds. Body satin rat has the same form as in animals of the breed standard and the coat has a high gloss. It is thick and very soft to the touch.

Double Rex

The representatives of this breed is the double of hair. The coat is so short that it is easily visible through the skin, the fur is twisted into a large spiral. The body dissipated hard outer coat and a soft downy hair. You must know that rats of this breed shed.rat as a pet

During this period some sections temporarily is fully lack of hair, sometimes covered with a thin layer of fluff. Color may be different. The mustache is twisted and short.

Life expectancy

On average rats live for about 1.5-2 years, but with proper care this period may be extended up to 4 years. In addition, you should know that to purchase an animal from breeders in kennels or in pet stores, but not in the poultry market. Only in this case, you will receive a guarantee that the animal is healthy and is not a carrier of serious diseases.

I Hope that knowing how many lives a rat in the home, you will seriously consider the choice of animal and create the necessary to wash a homemade rat

Contents of fancy rats at home

If you're going to have such a pet, you need to know that these animals need to communicate. We are not talking about a three-minute contact through the bars. The rodent needs to sit on your shoulder or hand, sniffing me from head to toe, taste you as his master and closest and only friend.

In addition, rats should be allowed more or less free movement ofthe apartment, because they need movement. At the outset, allow your pet to master limited area (e.g. one room) under the close supervision of the owner, then when the animal will respond to his name, he ran to the sound of your voice, it can be set free to walk throughout the apartment.

So, you have determined that the exotic cat as a pet, in need of communication and the real need for free movement. However, it is necessary to own a house. The owner should know how to handle animals, what to feed him and how the character has a pet.

Rat character

This phrase sounds Astraeus and even a little unpleasant. And in fact pet rat (the owner reviews indicate this) has an excellent character and a number of advantages that make this rodent a favorite pet in many families.

A Rat as a pet, for cleanliness is not inferior to the cat. She often washes. With proper and timely cleaning the cage, no unpleasant smell in the house will not. The home rats can be combined with the training of this animal. Don't be surprised, but these animals, like dogs, can execute various commands – “stand”, “lying”, “sit” and others. The treat will help you to achieve the result.

You could say that rats are omnivores. But in this article we will tell you what to feed these rodents should not be. These animals are very interesting to watch in a well-equipped cage with wheel, all kinds of rings and pipes. Rats cleverly used the tail and their grasping paws.

We Equip the house for rodent

This animal is not suitable for aquariums due to poor ventilation and cage for hamsters - because of small area. Home cage for rats should be special. Rather, it is two, but preferably three-storey house, a cottage with a lot of different simulators.home cage for rats

In addition to the impressive size, a home for rats should meet the following requirements:

  • The cell must be made of durable metal bars that are located at a distance of 10 mm;
  • Mandatory deep pan;
  • All equipment should be securely;
  • In the house, you need to install the drinker with clean water; the filler is better to use paper without ink, sawdust, wood shavings (thickness of layer — less than 5 cm);
  • You must have shelter — a secluded place where your pet can relax, hiding from the direct rays of the sun, for arranging such a socket will fit a kid's pail made of plastic or clay pot;
  • In the cage should restore order, not less than once a week — to change the litter completely, clean the pan without the use of a household chemical with a strong aroma.

What to feed a rat?

Many owners, knowing that rats are omnivores, allow a fairly common mistake. Omnivorous doesn't mean that your little pet can eat everything. The diet of this nimble beast, which is constantly exploring the world, it is necessary to form based on his needs.rats-feeding

What need rats? Feeding the pet is products containing large amounts of carbohydrates (50-60% of the diet), protein for animal growth (25-30%), fat (10-20%). Of the animal's diet should be excluded foods prohibited for these animals. These include:

  • Oily, salty and spicy food;
  • Sweetness;
  • Citrus;
  • Raw vegetables: potatoes, beets, beans, cabbage and spinach;
  • Raw meat.

Daily diet of a pet rat should include:

  • Solid food (carrots, crackers, etc.) that will help grind down the constantly growing teeth;
  • The vitamin-mineral complexes, which can be purchased at pet stores and/ or products that can provide the animal with necessary substances: eggplant and bananas, tomato juice and plums, yeast and chalk, onion and garlic, fish oil.

The Rat must lean boiled meat, berries and pitted fruits, milk and dairy products. Per day healthy rat eats 30-40 grams fresh food. She does not have to constantly chew, and don't let her chew on the leftovers a week ago, should be regularly removed from the cell.

Do I Need to bathe a rat?

Wondering how to care for pet rats, many owners are interested in whether water treatments for this animal. Homemade rat not only possible but also need to be sure to bathe. For the females this procedure is performed about once a month, and males should be between monthly bathing wipe with a damp cloth.

How to wash a home rat? Simple enough, but observing certain rules.

  1. During the first bathing is desirable to insure the presence of a second person, in case the animal get spooked.
  2. Close the room from the draft – rats delicate.
  3. Water should not be hot.
  4. Bathe the rat in a container with a small amount of water, especially if your pet is afraid of her. Fluid should be an amount that the rat could stand in the bath.
  5. For washing, you must use a special shampoo for rodents, which does not cause allergic reactions and makes the coat of your animal is shiny and smooth, by such a composition is easily washed off.

Relationship with other animals

Beforeto have an unusual pet, it is important to know not only how to care for pet rats. If you already have in the house animal, it is necessary to consider their compatibility. By nature pet rat is very shy. For this reason, she was long accustomed to other animals. But over time, she realizes that there is no danger, and the animals find a common language.

In many ways this depends on your second pet. If you live a fighting dog or aggressive cat, the rat should be abandoned.


Rats are intelligent and inquisitive, they are very easy to train some skills, which are primarily necessary for successful living with the person.

A Rat can be taught:

  • To respond to the name and comes to its master's call;
  • To return to after walking in the cell;
  • To rise on its hind legs.

Last — rather, the focus for children or guests, but if you teach your pet to respond to the voice and to return home — it's really important in communication nimble animal with the owner.

To rat easily studied, it is necessary to choose a short and sonorous name and stock up on a favorite food of the animal (slices of boiled meat or sunflower seeds). Repeating the name rat gentle and a quiet voice encourage her, if she starts to move as you want. Repeat this exercise periodically, and soon discover that, when they hear your call, she'll come to you.

To Teach the rat to return to the cage is exactly the same, repeating in the house her name. Or at the same time tapping on the cage. For example, in the evening, not forgetting the seeds to treat his friend.

Even easier to teach a rat to stand on its hind legs. Gradually raise the treat right at the nose of the animal. Rodent reach for the treats and will stand on its hind legs. After a short training, he will do it easily and quickly.

Breeding pet rats

If you keep animals of different sexes, then soon they will breed naturally. One female can produce about twenty rat pups every six months. Even when she nurses the babies, it is likely a new pregnancy. Therefore, different sexes of rats in one cage to contain not recommended.home decorative rat

Sexual maturity in domestic rats occurs at six weeks of age. However, healthy children may give the female the age of 5-8 months and the male is older than 1 year. Pregnancy lasts an average of twenty-five days. The female cares for the offspring 4-5 weeks, as long as calves will not develop immunity, and they will not receive from the mother the necessary life experience.

Five weeks the young plants should be transplant from the mother and to separate females from males. But quite often in pet stores do not pay attention to this rule, so there is a risk of purchasing a pregnant female.


Another rule that is often neglected by owners. And it is in vain. Purchased a rat should be isolated from other animals (if they are already living in a cage) for four weeks. It is placed in another house and in another room, because some viruses can sometimes be airborne.

Not to infect older Pets, after associating with a new rat, wash your hands with soap and water, carefully observe the animals, does not appear from him signs of diseases.


Decorative rat, according to the owners, a wonderful family pet — a hilarious and moving, which does not require very complex care. The only drawback many owners called short-term life of the animal, so it is important to observe the conditions of feeding and housing. In order to reduce it even more.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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