"Filocalia" for dogs vitamin complex to maintain the health of Pets


2020-07-03 14:18:08




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The Drug complex action “Filocalia” for dogs has a huge advantage. It ensures proper bone development and other body systems Pets. With regular use of this vitamin complex, Pets become more hardy, healthy and well groomed. “Filocalia" dogs — this is a useful vitamin Supplement, which can ensure the normal development of the tissues of the skeletal system and the functioning of the organism as a whole. This comprehensive product is able to normalize all processes in the body. It contributes to the longevity of the pet. The main positive sides of drugs are immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties, as well as the ability to remove toxins from the body of the animal.

Principle of operation

A Daily intake of “Fitoterapia” for dogs provides a huge benefit. This drug is completely eliminates the occurrence of negative consequences in case of unbalanced nutrition of Pets. This vitamin Supplement is crucial for proper development of puppies and support the health of adult individuals. Thanks to the use of this drug in dogs increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

filocalia for dogs

Vitamin a drugs

“Filocalia” for dogs contains such important components as bone meal, various vitamin-mineral supplements and trace elements. Produced the drug in powder form with a fairly specific smell. This form of the vitamin complex is the most convenient for further additions of the drug in pet food.


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  • Proteins and fats;
  • Vitamins A, E and D3;
  • All the B vitamins;
  • Niacin and folic kisloty;
  • Biotin;
  • Calci;
  • Kali;
  • Kremny;
  • It;
  • Nutri;
  • Magni;
  • For;
  • Sara;
  • Made;
  • Jelezo;
  • Cobalt;
  • Marganets.

small breed


“Filocalia" for dogs have enough range. The use of this drug is recommended in the following cases:

  • As a preventative measure and treatment of metabolic disorders;
  • To enhance immunity and resistance to infectious diseases;
  • Treatment and prevention of rickets;
  • Skin diseases.
  • The recovery of the body after childbirth and improve lactation;
  • Deficiencies.

filocalia for puppies

Taking the drug and doses of

The Vitamin-mineral mixture for dogs is added to the feed every day. There are a variety of dosages, which vary depending on the size of the breed of Pets.

For large dog breeds this rate varies from 1 teaspoon for puppies and up to 4 spoons for feeding females. For medium breeds of dogs allowed rate is 2-3 tablespoons. Small breeds should also be consumed along with food this Supplement. The daily requirement of animals of this species is 1-2 tablespoons.

In cases of slow growth Pets, with the weakening of the body by disease or other factors, the daily dose can be increased to a maximum of 2 times.

vitamin-mineral mixture for dogs

Advantages of vitamin complex

  • Strengthens the muscles of the animal and has a positive impact on maintaining the health of the teeth and the skeletal system.
  • Provides the body with trace elements, which lead in excellent condition and are easily digested.
  • “Filocalia" prevents the appearance and further growth of malignant tumors.
  • Provides holyblue function on the body.
  • The Drug strengthens blood vessels and contributes to the timely renewal of cells, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Relieves allergic reactions and unwanted effects due to the presence in the product is the most useful grape seed extract.
  • Has a role of stimulator of bowel function. Works equally effectively on both large and small breed dogs.
  • Restores the protective function of the body of the animal, improving the health of the dog.
  • Influences the blood flow, thus providing saturation of internal organs and tissues with oxygen. This function is ensured thanks to the presence of vitamin complex of extract of Astragalus.

Contraindications for admission

It is Strictly forbidden the intake of this vitamin complex in disorders of the stomach and bitches, who led the offspring of not less than one week ago. An invalid phenomenon during the reception is an overdose.

Acceptable storage conditions

“Filocalia” for puppies and dogs requires strict adherence to storage conditions. This vitamin complex is necessary to keep in dark and dry place. The room temperature should not exceed 30 ºC. subject to all rules during storage of the drug shelf life is 1 year. In the case of neglecting the manufacturer's recommendations vitamin Supplement could adversely affect animal health.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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