The independence day is celebrated when?


2020-07-23 12:30:15




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Give the Power output of its citizens in independence Day. Kazakhstan is in these moments full of joyful and merry people. If the celebration falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then the holiday is transferred to the working day, which is on the calendar closest to the festive date.

History celebration

The independence Day of Kazakhstan began to celebrate in 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Supreme Council adopted the law confirming the freedom of the country at the constitutional level. During the collapse of the Soviet Union the state was the last of those who declared their sovereignty.

In today's reality of great importance for citizens is independence Day. Kazakhstan – a rapidly growing young country, a community of people who share common traditions and history.

independence day of Kazakhstan

Success States

After the collapse of the USSR and Kazakhstan branch of the happened significant changes on a global scale. Transformed Parliament, which was divided into two chambers. Began its functioning of their proceedings. All these fundamental changes represents independence Day. Kazakhstan acquired its capital, the centre of public life.

In addition, people are protected by private military forces, guards of the Republic and the troops on the border, Navy. There has been a fundamental transformation of the systems that support the economic environment of the country. All this represents the independence Day of Kazakhstan.

When we celebrate this important day, the mood of the people is an awareness of the unique importance of the event and the deepest pride. If you look at all the countries of the former CIS, and Eastern Europe, it is possible to observe that the leader, attracting more investment from abroad, is Kazakhstan.

independence day of the Republic of Kazakhstan date

The Right control scheme

The Visible result of the implemented actions which improved the system of providing pensions, as well as social life. This state didn't waste any time. Not only pride, but also respect for the spirit, the independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This date is significant. The Kazakhs have something to brag about in the arena of international politics, because they signed a waiver from the use of nuclear weapons of the type within the territory of the state, freed their land from an incredibly dangerous method of warfare.

Also they did a good job on their external appearance. With this power established official relations to conduct diplomatic Affairs in more than 120 countries. Policies promoting friendliness and cooperation in the international arena.

The Country can be proud of its membership in the United Nations, as well as strong interaction with the institutions with the greatest influence in the world. We are talking about the EU Monetary Fund, European Bank. Also is a Red cross and a number of other important organizations. 40 different contracts, with many participants and 700 agreements with two parties labeled this Republic.

the script the day of independence of Kazakhstan

Fun for all

Kazakhstan was recognized by other countries as an independent state, the free Republic. Many have entered into diplomatic relations with it. Appeared in the country's own constitutional freedom, based on which, people are building their lives.

People gathered in one country gain the opportunity to have a subjective international right. Appeared sovereignty. Domestically entrenched power. Now everyone could feel their personal status.

The Open event is independence Day. Kazakhstan magnificently and enthusiastically welcomed the event. With emphasis on this event, Patriotic thinking. Each year, carefully studied the script. The independence day of Kazakhstan aimed largely to engender in the hearts of children love for their state. After all, they will take steps in the future and have become worthy citizens. A reminder about all the great achievements of the Kazakhs brings in the soul of the descendants of pride for our people. Awakened respect for tradition, by the people.

independence day of Kazakhstan

What is included in the program

The independence Day of Kazakhstan is an outstanding event. During its carrying out is obligatory, the President makes a speech to his people, also deklamiruya poems aregames, performed dances, played out scenes, there is a quiz. He gives a lot of joy to both adults and children, and especially the older generation, which has witnessed a metamorphosis of all that is wrong with government. During mass events between people Mature friendliness, the desire of mutual support, depth of understanding and sensitivity. Everyone wants to be a part of the life of the state. The overall emotional atmosphere is very warm.

The Script contains a lot of surprises and joyful moments. Appear on the stage the heroes of fairy tales that is very like little kids. On the big screen showing slides, anthem of the state, as well as the song “My homeland – Kazakhstan». Cheerful songs and dances delight the hearts of the people. Everyone who comes to this event, feels a part of a big family, everyone wakes up pride in the fact that he was born here.

independence day of Kazakhstan

Goal of the festival

The Event is primarily aimed to focus on the symbolism of the state. In this multi-ethnic family, each nation should be warm and happy, everyone has a right to their own culture and language.

Develop the propensity to emotional perception of creativity of the country and artistic material. For art instilled the love through cheerful dances, soulful songs, deep poetry and apt Proverbs. It's nice to feel pride for their country, fellow citizens and to love the native land.

Are proud of

Growing economy of the country after independence. In addition, the political atmosphere has steadily improved. Have been a number of reforms. The Republic has gained credibility among other States. Spent a lot of effort and resources in order to achieve this level of development. Membership in international organizations and regional associations is a clear sign of the fruitful labors and skillful use of the state budget. Made a significant breakthrough, which now can be proud of every citizen.

independence day of Kazakhstan celebrated

A Mass of celebration on this day – an expression of joy for the development and progress that have occurred in recent years. Before conducting the holiday is awarded to figures of art and culture, whose activities made the power even better. Note also honors athletes, politicians and professionals in other fields who have made a significant contribution to the life of the state. Festive events are held in different areas. In the evenings there allowed fireworks, as well as play concerts.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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