The act of reflective elements. Reflective elements on clothing for children


2020-07-28 23:00:21




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The largest number of accidents occurs in the dark. At this time, drivers are difficult in time to see a man left on the roadway. Adverse weather conditions and unlit areas of the streets further exacerbate the situation. But to protect pedestrians help reflective elements on their clothes.

In the evening and at night on poorly lit roads, the driver much earlier and from a large distance will notice the pedestrian, who has at least one reflective element on top of the clothes. It is a proven fact. The results showed that the response and actions of drivers are almost 90% dependent on timely they receive visual information.

reflective element

The human Eye in the dark, alas, can perceive only 5% of what he easily distinguishes between a day. This is the reason the vast majority of road accidents occurring on the roads of our (and only our) country at dusk and night. The driver notices too late crossing the carriageway of a person. But when the clothes are at least some reflective elements (stripes or chevrons), the pedestrian becomes literally 3 times more visible to the driver, giving him the opportunity to react in a timely manner.

The benefits of using luminous elements

The First and most important advantage of the use of reflective elements is reduced by 85% the risk of hitting pedestrians under the vehicle. Second – the visibility of the reflective element is always in any weather, any bad weather. And neither fog nor rain will not be a hindrance. Reflectors have excellent ability to reject the stream of photons exactly in the direction from which they emanate, and because the headlights of the car makes them perfectly visible.

reflective elements for pedestrians

There are many types of reflectors. Clothing with large reflective strips can be easily purchased at the store. But for everyday wear she, of course, is not necessary. Therefore, reflective tape it is possible to sew on their outer garments. Here only sold it only in bulk and, in principle, find it problematic, is that available in any online store.

The Presence of reflectors on clothes now rely on the law

On the roadway, the driver usually sees a pedestrian at a distance of 25-30 meters, and even if he was driving at a speed of 45-50 km/h, his braking distance would still exceed this length. Because the speed limit was not a panacea for accidents, especially in the cities the problem is compounded by the intense light of headlights from oncoming traffic, improper street lighting.

reflective elements for kids

That's why from July 1, 2015 came into force of Supplement and a small amendments in the existing law on the retro-reflective elements on clothing. In accordance with the now position, in the dark reflective stickers or patches on clothing should be available to all pedestrians , as crossing the street and moving along the roadsides and trails. Seen without reflectors on clothing, the pedestrian will receive a warning or a fine of 500 rubles. And in the case of getting into a traffic accident some of the blame for this pedestrian will have to take on.

Supply reflectors

What to do if you are still not able to find in stores special fabric or ribbon and sew these reflective elements on clothing? Don't worry, this problem is solved. You can use all kinds of accessories, the range is quite diverse. These include strips (stickers), glow-cover for backpacks, bracelets, pendants, badges and others do not attract attention in the daytime details, but bringing its reflective effect favour day and night.
traffic reflective elements

In the Russian legislation there is a GOST 32074-2013, which informs citizens about the regulations for the production of reflective parts, it also provides recommendations for the placement of these elements on clothing. With these documents you can find on the website of the traffic police. By the way, you also need to consider that the lifetime of the reflectors 24 months.

Our children – the most important topic

It's a sad fact, but children are the most vulnerable road users, because the importance of Svetovrachene items on children's clothing should not be underestimated. The law requiring the presence on the outer clothing of the children elements of the reflectors,already entered into force, and because of the failure of his parents will incur administrative liability.

the use of reflective elements

Reflective elements for children nowadays often have to be present at clothes of kids of all ages. This is not surprising. These important and necessary details of become an integral part of children's clothing from many popular brands. It is particularly important that the reflective element was present on the clothing of schoolchildren who have to return home unaccompanied by adult relatives. This part drivers is much easier to see crossing the road child in the dark, which is very popular in winter and in cloudy and foggy weather.


Great, if luminous elements are present on the new bought clothes, but if it is not available, it is quite possible to buy and sew them by hand. Colors and design representing modern reflective elements, very diverse. Sewn on the upper garment of a child, they not only do not spoil her appearance, but also improve it significantly. Especially fashion and on the wave of great popularity are considered to be flicker. This glow in the dark badges and labels with different funny pictures, who love children.

 the law of reflective elements

Flickers easily stick to clothes and are pleasing to the eye with its raznoobraznie shapes and colors. You can also sew the baby's clothes reflective tape. All this is necessary for children, even in summer, especially at night on dimly lit roadways. Needless to say, reflective elements for children can significantly lower the rates of child injury on the roads.

Improving statistics and international experience

Given the above, it is legitimate to conclude that should improve the situation on the roads changes to traffic regulations. Reflective elements are designed to make pedestrians more visible on the road and on a cloudy day, and night. The solution to this problem involves modern technology, which are made reflective elements. On the road the person is in motion, and because the light from a headlamp illuminates it from different angles. The special composition of the light reflecting element is reflected the rays in the opposite direction, which creates the effect of bright and slightly iridescent glow.

Today the leaders of enterprises in our country, employees are due to work schedule have to go home on unlit parts of the carriageways of the roads, a duty to take steps to ensure staff is reflective bracelets. For example, abroad reflective elements for pedestrians has long been considered to be usual and mandatory parts to ensure the safety of both children and adults. And the biggest and famous company for the production of clothing for children mandatory release new models with reflective elements.

Unusual lesson for students

Not so long ago in one of the Belgorod high schools was held an unusual occupation. Students 4 classes were visited by the inspectors of traffic police. Guests are offered to children along with them to make reflective elements for pedestrians. The inspectors told the fourth grade class, what are the details on the clothes, make pedestrians visible on the road even in the dark. They had brought with them svetkamrazuka film and allowed children to cut out any flickers in your own style.

reflective elements with their hands

The Guys are extremely enthusiastic about doing this, they particularly liked that the film is self-adhesive, and it can easily be affixed on garments. Inspectors actively helped the students had fun talking and giving advice. Children with great pleasure combined color and invented shapes to flicker. Girls are more favored hearts and flowers, and boys - funny emoticons. But both loved to produce reflective elements with their hands.

More such sessions

Of work Produced at the end of the classes decorated the school backpacks the kids. And some even went home not with empty hands, receiving the gift slickery for bikes and decals for baby strollers for youngest children in their families. In the regional center is not the first year actively promoting reflective elements. In this time pupils of initial classes of schools of the city provided reflective armbands.

reflective elements on clothing

The Flickers don't happen too much: let the child will them as much as possible. Because the most hazardous areas, which also include the crossroads, the propertysvetogorets will make little pedestrian visible to drivers moving in the same and in the opposite direction.

Reflective tape

This detail is sewn on the sleeves of jackets and other outerwear in the form of armbands armbands. Choosing the place for their location, you need to consider, in addition to the aesthetic visual perception, they are no overlap during movement of the child. Most often the tape are in the form of vertical and horizontal stripes, and right and left. In addition, when a sufficient amount of luminous strip, you can sew all along the available edges of clothing.

Fantasy for every taste

In Addition to the above, svetkamrazuka tape can be mounted:

  1. Hats.
  2. Along the lower outer edges of the pants.
  3. Gloves and mitts.
  4. Back outerwear and other parts.

Fasten strips

reflective elements

Reflective elements flicker – it is a great fun sticker emoticon with a funny face or even any funny character. Kids love these stickers, everyone chooses to taste, to decorate a briefcase or school backpack. The cyclists stick flicker on the helmet, and on the frame and on two sides between the spokes of a Bicycle. In addition, flicker adorn the waist, sleeves and vests.

Even in the distance noticing the reflector, the driver is trying in advance to reduce speed, if necessary, to slow down or even stop flowing “radiant” sticker strips or a pedestrian. And some fans decorate their clothes, sticking reflective tape in a decorative pattern or a graphic pattern. By the way, most of reflective elements is adhered to the garment through the iron, applying adhesive to the clothes and slightly propadu a preheated average temperature of the device.

A Little about the production technology of the light reflecting film

In comparison with the manufacture of conventional adhesive film, the production process is reflective of a cloth is much more complicated. For the manufacture of the retro-reflector need a fully cast transparent film. The effect of retro-reflection is achieved by the fact that the transparent polymer layer contains optical elements, which include microprism or tiny glass beads.

Then the process enters a vacuum chamber within which the reverse side of the loaded optical elements of the leaf layer is the thinnest aluminum foil. After all the procedures performed on the film applied to the adhesive layer and cover it with a protective silicone backing.

the law of reflective elements on clothing

To date, the use of reflective elements, designed and created for visibility in the dark traffic signs also works for the benefit of pedestrians, making Cochrane an even greater number of human lives.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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