Camp for children


2022-02-28 14:01:00




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Many former ones are reopening their doors today and waiting for young visitors. Most often they are located outside the city, near the forest, so that children can breathe clean air. One of the most famous is the camp "Youth". Thousands of children have a rest here every year. The magnificent nature of the Altai Mountains, professional staff and creative counselors make every day spent here a real fairy tale.

Where is the camp located

Charming Altai Territory... Even the air here is completely different - it is clean, transparent, filled with the scent of the forest. It was here, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, in the village of Shubinka, Yegoryevsky district, that the "Youth" camp unfolded. The territory itself is impressive - it is 25 hectares, a huge potential for a full and safe rest for your children.

Camp Youth

Immediately behind the fence of the camp, a ribbon forest begins, which saturates the air with phytoncides and calls for a walk, for mushrooms and berries. There are many squirrels living in the forest, the favorites of all the camp guests. The camp's residential cottages are located on the shore of Gorky Lake. Sandy beaches, so beloved by children, are always called to take a sun bath. The Yunost camp uses the natural potential of this unique salt lake.

Its mineralized water has the property of calming the nervous system, improves the condition of the skin in various diseases. Healing mud from the bottom of the lake cures diseases of the joints and spine.

Living conditions

There are 20 cozy cottages in total, where children rest. It is with them that the first exciting moment on arrival at the Youth camp is connected. You need to break up into squads, move into your house, examine it. The cottage includes 4 living rooms (bedrooms), each with 10 beds. The recreation center is ready to accept 800 children, the dining room and the service staff are designed for this number. In winter, the Yunost camp does not stop working, but there is only one heated building here, so only 40 people can be accommodated at the same time. In addition to cottages for children, there are hotels for teachers, visiting guests and parents if they decide to spend a vacation with their child.


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Youth Children's Camp

The Youth children's camp is well equipped for a comfortable stay. A shower designed for 20 seats is constantly running. Each cottage has hand and foot sinks, a hygiene room, dryers for shoes and clothes. Showers with hot water are equipped on the shore of the lake so that the children can wash off the salt crust after bathing. There is a laundry service.

Interior arrangement

Since children come here first of all to rest, parents often have a question about what they will do. The children's health camp "Yunost" provides more than enough opportunities for interesting spending of free time. Its founders took care not only of interesting leisure, but also of the physical, intellectual and creative development of young people.

camp youth photo

A gym is constantly operating, where an experienced trainer can choose an individual program. A billiard hall and various sports grounds will help not only to keep fit, but also to communicate with peers during competitions.

Lovers of a relaxing holiday can visit the library and museum, study in a computer class and watch movies on satellite TV. There is an office of psychological relief, where a specialist will help you quickly adapt to separation from your parents and a new environment.

Power supply

The most exciting question for parents is what the children will eat. The menu is developed in accordance with the recommendations of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Even the most spoiled children speak very well about the dining room. A balanced 5-day diet of the sanatorium type has a good effect on health. The oldest children, returning from the camp, refuse chips, "Cola" and Chinese noodles, because they felt a change in health and now want to eat right.

Youth Health Camp

Outdoor activities

There are mandatory activities in which all children participate (the exception may be poor health). These are morning exercises, hiking in the surrounding area, swimming in the lake, entertaining relay races and competitions. In addition, there are plenty of opportunities for additional loads, compliance with the training regime (if the child is seriously engaged in sports). The Youth health camp today provides 6 sports grounds for football, volleyball, and basketball for children. That is why children's and youth teams come here in the summer to have a good rest and enjoy their favorite sports.

Youth Children's Health camp

Fans of various martial arts were also not ignored, a universal open training ground for wrestling, judo and other types of martial arts works for them. Athletes are waiting for a modern obstacle course, a treadmill and a gym. And in the evening it's so good to play table tennis on special verandas. And, of course, discos are held every day.

Entertainment activities

Every year, in the spring, a competition opens for vacant positions of counselors. If teachers value more pedagogical experience, the ability to convey something new to young people, then here the requirements are different. They usually accept young people (18-20 years old), creative and cheerful, with high organizational abilities, who can sing and dance. Their goal is to help the guys have fun and have an unforgettable time.

Camp Yunost Altai Krai

It is the creative potential of counselors that makes it possible to conduct interesting games-travel, show programs, hiking, sports competitions and discos. Thanks to them, children, even when they grow up, do not forget the Youth camp. Photos taken for memory keep memories of the warmest and most joyful days.

Often it is those guys who rest here every year who in the future return as counselors to their native penates.

Children's creative studios

There is no child who does not have talents, they only need to be revealed. The camp gives an opportunity to try yourself in a variety of fields: vocal, applied art, choreography, ISO, testoplasty. Perhaps, having arrived from the camp, your child, who was not interested in anything, will say: "I found something that interests me."

Local TV works here. A small newspaper is being produced, which is distributed throughout the camp. Anyone can try himself in writing notes, collecting photos, describing the events that are taking place. An even more interesting opportunity is to become a TV star. The guys themselves prepare small informational or entertainment programs, which are then broadcast on the camp territory. For someone, this game will be a turning point in their life, after which they will decide to devote themselves to literature, journalism or cinema.

Communication with the outside world

It is believed that there is no cellular connection on the territory, and you can only call the city from stationary devices. But the technology is being improved, powerful translators and modern cellular devices allow you to talk freely almost throughout the camp. Being constantly in touch, the child easily tolerates separation from his parents.

Every parent wants their child to spend the summer having fun and with health benefits, and not being bored all day in the yard or whiling away the days at the computer. The ideal option is the Youth camp. Altai Krai will charge with cheerfulness and health for the whole upcoming academic year, and grades at school will be much better if the reward is a new season spent here.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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