The city and the population. Ural unvarnished: industry, ecology


2018-08-12 13:00:34




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The Picturesque area of the country. The unique beauty of nature. The largest industrial region, “the backbone of the state». Here was forged the greatest victory in a terrible war. The power and pride of Russia. Professionally trained people. Ural appreciates this.

The people of the region

The Number of the Ural industrial district - more than twenty million people, less than in the Central zone of the country. The vast majority live in one hundred and forty cities. The settlements resemble two lines, stretching to the South. The formation of settlements in these places there is a kind of. Not like in other parts of the country. The objects built in the XVIII century. So in the Urals appeared in the city-factories. The migration of citizens occurs for the following reasons: the climate, the environment, the underdeveloped economy, the problems with employment. Gradual Exodus of young people. Leaving this region because of the harsh climate, miserable social infrastructure, inability to find employment.

In this region, diverse population. Ural - a melting pot of nationalities living in harmony. The peoples in the ethnic composition are sparse. Dominant - Russian - 82%, Tatars - of 5.14%. People will be less and on. Reasons: negative growth and the outflow to other regions. There is a steady process of aging.

Industrial area

The Ural industrial district includes Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, Perm Krai and four regions: Sverdlovsk, Orenburg, Kurgan and Chelyabinsk. The formation of the people of the Urals affected by geographical location and exposure of cultures and civilizations.

The First people appeared in the ice age from the East and South. The abundance of rivers and forests, diversity of natural resources has stopped the settlers, and people settled here. Such waves were many. Because of the large number of ethnic groups in the Ural gets a lot of religions. The vast majority gravitates to Christianity in the South to Islam. North profess a pagan cult. The density of the population of the Urals, apparently, does not affect religious affiliation.

the population of UralAt the crossroads of Europe and Asia lies the Republic of Bashkortostan. Well-developed industry and agricultural sector. High-tech companies produce products. Home industry - mechanical engineering. Only in instrumentation branch involved hundreds of factories, the sixth part of the Russian machine tools created here. The Republic is famous oil-processing and chemicals.


If we talk about the density of the population of the Urals, according to this indicator is the leader of the Chelyabinsk oblast and, on the contrary, Kurgan – inferior. Residents of stone jungle prevail - 74,8%. The consequences of rapid industrialization of the territory. Trained personnel is the main value.

the density of population of the UralsThe Distant city planners had no idea that the layout of the cities-factories in the future will result in environmental disaster. This became clear at the end of the twentieth century. In the Central part of the settlements work in hazardous enterprises of metallurgy and chemistry. Built abutting residential neighborhoods. Most of the items are located in intermountain basins, which complicates the output of harmful emissions by using air flow. The concentration of contaminants is exceeded in tens times - it is also the Urals. The population and the towns have disrupted the mournful burden for the environment.


The framework region, heavy industry, mechanical engineering and petrochemicals. The abundance of forests has given impetus to the development of harvesting and processing of wood. Southern suburbs – suppliers of grain.

The Ural industrial district is located near the East bins of the country, where there are inexhaustible reserves of raw materials and energy Siberia, stimulating prosperity. Have a well-developed transport network, capable of transmitting flows of goods.

Ural population and the city
Udmurtiya, with a population of half a million people, is part of the industrial region. Russian - 62%, then the natives - 28%, and the rest of the population. Ural – the harsh territory.

Komi-Perm - 150 thousand representatives. Indigenous people make up 60%.
Bashkirs – belong to the Turkic group, the predominant religion is Islam. The number of aboriginal people - 2 million, the majority in their own country. In Bashkiria 4 million inhabitants, of which: Russian - 39% of indigenous and 22%, Tatars - 28%, other nationalities - Chuvash and Mari - small. Therefore, the Republic is multinational. The population of the southern Urals flexible and tolerant.


Izhevsk, capital of Udmurt Republic, the birthplace of the famous gunsmith Kalashnikov. The settlement created the iron mines in the eighteenth century. Later built a weapons factory, which became the basisthe defense industry. Ekaterinburg, the Ural capital, is the fourth largest centre of a strong Russia with a half million inhabitants. Industrial giant railway junction. Urban transport is varied, including metro. There is an international airport.

the population of the southern UralsChelyabinsk - an industrial and cultural center of the homonymous province with a population of over a million people. During the war years was “capital tank”, produced products for the front, was the focus of evacuated factories, working population. Ural plowed for wear.

Ufa - heart Bashkortostan, originates from the times of Ivan the terrible. Economic potential in the chemical, metallurgical and oil fields, not exhausted.

The inexhaustible Riches of the Urals, given that the storage of underground resources for five centuries, are being developed, and the reserves will end soon.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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