Why the ruble depends on oil, not gas and not gold? Why the ruble depends on oil prices and the dollar no?


2018-04-01 18:21:15




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The Value of the national currency and the oil price are interrelated in direct proportion.

Many in our country wonder why the ruble depends on oil. Why if dropping the price of black gold, imported goods are more expensive, harder to get to travel abroad? The national currency becomes less valuable, and with it - and all the savings.

Why the ruble depends on oil prices?

The Price of the ruble is set depending on the proposals on the Euro and the dollar on the Moscow exchange. However, there are many factors that influence the volatility of the currency market. Very often the question arises, why the ruble depends on oil, not on gas? The blue fuel is also makes the price of the ruble, but at the very least.

why the ruble depends on oil

Russia's Economy and its budget is dependent on raw material prices. Half of the Treasury income is generated from the profits received by the country, trading oil, gas and metals.

The ruble dependent on energy prices, form the exports of the Russian Federation. They determine the status of the current account balance.

This question is no less logical: why the ruble depends on oil and the dollar no? After all, the United States also has hydrocarbons. And oil fell as rapidly as ours.

The fact that the ruble – more than raw currency. USA in this sense earns more diverse. After the development of various sectors of the economy the national currency is easier to stay afloat. So the dollar is more stable and less prone to crisis fluctuations.

Reasons of low price of oil

To understand why the ruble depends on oil, you need to understand the factors that shape the price of hydrocarbons.

why the ruble depends on oil prices

A rapid fall in the price of black gold on a global scale has resulted from several factors:

  1. The Main consumer in the world market of hydrocarbons – China. The period of intensive growth of this giant passed. Now China is growing at a frantic pace, and therefore the raw materials she needs for less.
  2. Manufacturers of low-cost shale, the US, dumping the world price of minerals, in turn, the monopoly in the market lower prices as much as possible, to squeeze out a competitor.
  3. The Recent lifting of sanctions on Iran has led to the fact that this country began to increase the oil production. However, OPEC members are also not willing to reduce the rate of production of black gold.

In the market of hydrocarbons formed a surplus when supply exceeds demand. Now the buyer dictates the price market, so the price is reduced.


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Prerequisites to higher prices for energy

The Rise in oil prices, observed some time ago, created some of the preconditions more or less stable ruble. Over the last period, the national currency is held in one corridor. This is the question about why the ruble depends on oil. Such a small stabilization caused by the recent agreement of member countries of OPEC. Major exporters of black gold has committed to reduce the rate of production of hydrocarbons.

why the ruble depends on oil

The Situation is temporarily stabilized, and the price of oil rose slightly, allowing the national economy to breathe a little.

How to save the national currency?

Actually, the way out of oil crisis, pushing the ruble to the bottom, and shaking the national economy, not so much.

The First thing, and it's obvious you should wait for increase in the price of fuel. The question is that nobody knows when the price of oil will be adequate. After all, Russia – not the only country producing the black gold. Moreover, technologies to alternative energy, not standing still, and this, again, has the demand for oil and, therefore, on prices.

More advanced option – to develop other sectors of the economy. The idea of import substitution in this sense very useful. Now we are not just consumers of goods that we have supplied from abroad. Country themselves of these benefits and creates, using their own resources, including human. This strategy is not one day. In a similar development, the question “Why the ruble depends on oil?” will not be so acute. This strategy will make the domestic currency stable, and the citizens – more protected in social terms.


The Russian budget Revenues declined sharply after a collapse in oil prices. The adjustment of the national currency allows some time to balance the economy.

why the ruble depends on oil and the dollar no

The longer the ruble able to stay in the same corridor, the less impact threatens the country's budget. Russia's economy is very dependent on imports, so the dollar, being in the range of 55-60 rubles, does not allow high inflation.

In General, the intensity in the currency market reduced through import substitution. This strategy stimulated directly the agricultural sector. Inner products can now compete on price and quality with imports. A sharp strengthening of the ruble is not profitable for the same reasons.

Also, there is another tool used by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation – increases in interest rates. Large interest rate strengthen the ruble, because it attracts market participants to keep money in domestic currency.


It's No secret that exchange rate fluctuations make. Very often in the process of this game are serious financial institutions and banks. In terms of large sums of money, the participants can significantly affect the redistribution of forces of currencies, because that way you can change the supply and demand. Smaller players trying to prilovchitsya, only more razbalansirovat exchange rate fluctuations.

why the ruble depends on oil and not gas

For U.S. dollars to work hard, because the global system it is running in the trillions. The mass of the ruble in the global circulation is relatively small. In principle, it would be easy to derail, if not for the occasional intervention of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The Central Bank has a currency intervention, and monitors the adequacy of the change rate of the domestic currency. Selling intervention, the ruble strengthened. Buying dollars – decrease.

In the early 2000-ies, when the price of oil was very profitable, the Central Bank bought dollars in the stock.

Why the ruble depends on oil, not gold?

In the world today, almost no country has pegged its currency to gold reserves. If to proceed from reality, one ruble contains about 4 gold kopeks. For example, the U.S. dollar contains about 3 gold cents.

Earlier, when the money was minted from alloys containing gold and silver, they themselves were provided, but for almost 50 years currency and gold reserves of the country are coming apart.

At the moment, security is the leader in gold, the Indian rupee, which provides 7%.

Since the domestic currency is weak backed by gold, then depending on the gold reserves to speak of.

why the ruble depends on oil and not on gold

Reasons for the jump and fall of the Russian currency can be very diverse. Often they are difficult to analyze. Maybe a little time will pass and the question about why the ruble depends on oil will not be as relevant.

Article in other languages:

AR: https://tostpost.com/ar/finance/7087-why-the-ruble-depends-on-oil-not-gas-and-not-gold-why-the-ruble-depend.html

BE: https://tostpost.com/be/f-nansy/12682-chamu-rubel-zalezhyc-ad-nafty-a-ne-ad-gazu-ne-ad-zolata-chamu-kurs-rub.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/finanzen/12683-warum-der-rubel-ist-abh-ngig-vom-l-und-nicht-vom-gas-und-nicht-vom-gol.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/finanzas/12692-por-qu-el-rublo-depende-del-petr-leo-y-no-es-de-gas-y-no-de-oro-por-qu.html

HI: https://tostpost.com/hi/finance/7091-why-the-ruble-depends-on-oil-not-gas-and-not-gold-why-the-ruble-depend.html

JA: https://tostpost.com/ja/finance/7090-why-the-ruble-depends-on-oil-not-gas-and-not-gold-why-the-ruble-depend.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/arzhy/12685-nege-rubl-baylanysty-m-nay-gaz-zh-ne-altyn-nege-rubl-m-nay-ba-asyna-t-.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/finanse/12681-dlaczego-rubel-zale-y-od-ropy-naftowej-a-nie-od-gazu-i-nie-od-z-ota-dl.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/finan-as/12675-por-que-o-rublo-depende-do-petr-leo-e-n-o-de-um-g-s-e-n-o-de-ouro-por-.html

TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/maliye/12687-neden-rublesi-ba-l-d-r-petrol-de-il-gaz-de-il-alt-n-neden-rublenin-ba-.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/f-nansi/12686-chomu-rubl-zalezhit-v-d-nafti-a-ne-v-d-gazu-ne-v-d-zolota-chomu-kurs-r.html

ZH: https://tostpost.com/zh/finance/7702-why-the-ruble-depends-on-oil-not-gas-and-not-gold-why-the-ruble-depend.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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