In sleep to kill the snake does not mean to fight in reality


2019-07-06 10:00:25




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Whether you want to believe in dreams? For me the question is clear: in dreams you need to believe. However, this does not mean that you need to read dream books. in my sleep to kill the snakeFirst, because the interpretation of the dream depends on the psychology and physiology of a particular person, namely, someone been having these dreams. Second, most of the available dream books were charlatans. Third, even horoscopes, compiled by well-known psychic detectives or psychologists, for reprint, often distort information. In addition, dream books, compiled “once for all”, can not simply be accurate: they do not take into account any personality characteristics or classes, nor the way of life. You want examples?

What does it mean if in a dream to kill the snake?

Freud is confident that the snake is a symbol of the penis. A slithering snake, from his point of view, this is the dream about sex. to dream of killing a snakeKiss with a serpent - the desire for oral sex. According to Freud, the sex - everything that you can dream of. To kill the snake means to suppress the desire for same-sex pleasures. The age of the dreamer it does not take into account. Wang also without regard for age predicts another. She believes in the dream to kill the snake is to be a harbinger of things in the distant future, people will finally start to believe in God, will restore all the temples and cast out the devil. There is another Aesopian dream. To kill the snake in the dream, it means either get rid of the insidious traitor, or, on the contrary, this betrayal to face. However, if a witness to the murder would be loud screaming frog, then your problem will solve on their own. Dream DM. and Over. Winter explains that in her sleep to kill the snake refers to the imminent conflict. But if the snake do not touch it, and just make the most of her venom, it is possible to prevent the twine against the dreamer intrigue. Even more interesting is the interprets the dream of the New family dream book. Quote: “If you had dream to kill the snake, then ahead of the expected anxiety and excitement associated with the upcoming joy”. For me personally, this interpretation is unclear. However, nothing wrong with that every dream in his own way interprets the same dream. People and impressionable believers have the opportunity to choose the most harmless or the most satisfying interpretation. But the unpleasant can be forgotten. And be honest, do you often in my sleep to kill the snake? But prophetic only be considered to be repetitive or very bright, almost indistinguishable from reality dreams.

What really?dream interpretation to kill a snake in a dream

In fact, dream about snakes can mean anything. Kids these reptiles can dream after going to the zoo or after photographing with boa. A girl, abandoned by loved ones, may it to imagine in the way, creeping creature. Have zmeelova or working with poisons, sleep may be an echo of the day's worries and nothing to symbolize. If in a dream to kill the snake will have a sick person, this could be to recovery, and to increasing disease. In order to learn how to read your own dreams, you need to:

  • Many years to observe what you see in sleep;
  • Match dreams with reality;
  • Learn to analyze.

This is a really fascinating process. But to the popular dream books it has no relation.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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