Compatibility of Gemini and the lions: in marriage, in parenting, in business


2018-03-21 02:22:06




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Although astrology and claims to give authoritative guidance, by and large, much depends on the specific pair. In assessing the overall compatibility of Gemini and the lions, we can say that these people have a future. More precisely, they can be - and even become bright and cloudless - only on the condition that if they make enough effort and goodwill.

compatibility Gemini and the lionsPerfect compatibility of Gemini and the lions can not be named. The elements of fire and air, though, and are strengthened mutually, and can not live without each other, but in close constant communication will not only sparks, but blazing fires. Leo just craves worship and adoration, he should always be in the spotlight. But restless Gemini can't focus on one object. Their attention will constantly dissipate, whereas the lion is unlikely to accept the role of "one or one"... it is Difficult for partners to have at home, because no one inclined to take an inferior position and to constantly maintain the fire in the hearth. Someone, therefore, will always feel unjustly offended. But spiritual compatibility Gemini and the lions can be called almost perfect. They admire the ideas and views of each other, both inspire the desire for the new and unusual. They will always be something to talk about, especially in music, in literature both understand. Less successful may be compatibility Leo woman and Gemini man. She would often feel neglected, they might try to take a leadership position. sign compatibility Leo and GeminiIt would seem that all the responsibility frivolous spouse seeks to pass on to her. And he could not withstand its pressure and push, his attention will begin to switch to other women.

In contrast to the intellectual, emotional compatibility of Gemini and the lions may not be acceptable. It's too different "weight categories". Lion need some consistency, his feelings remain at the same level for a long time. The twins also start to appreciate home only when they are over forty. Their emotions resemble seesaws - intense, but fragile. Easy vosplamenenie, as the Twins just suck it up and lose all interest in the partner. compatibility Leo woman and GeminiBut in the relations of parents and children this is a good option. Sign compatibility Leo and Gemini can in this case be extremely successful. Because the mother or father - in contrast to the marriage partner - with tenderness and gentleness to see the tricks of eternal fidgets. If a child lion, and some of the parents were Twins, he will be able to learn from them the freedom of thinking, to adopt an ironic attitude towards the world. They are not too demanding and do not suppress the child's personality. More than anything, Gemini appreciate the freedom and adventure. Such parents will not be bored.

Compatibility of Gemini and the lions are well manifested in business relations. One can generate ideas, another is to lead the implementation. Gemini feel free to business contacts, they are perfectly able to establish useful connections. In business, such a pair can be a very successful tandem.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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