How to lay tile: tips masters


2018-05-23 19:00:53




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Tile is a common option when decorating the floor and walls in the hallway, the kitchen and bathroom. If you want this work can be performed independently. For this you will need to correctly calculate the amount of materials, technology features, and recommendations of professionals on the implementation of this work. How to lay tile, will be discussed in the article.


How to lay tile quickly and smoothly? This question is of interest to many owners of houses and apartments that started a repair. The choice of tile for decoration is a good decision. This material is durable. It is easy to operate, does not absorb moisture. The surface of the tile can be easily cleaned from various contaminants. While this finish does not absorb moisture. It is not possible to develop on the surface of the walls of fungus and mold, which creates a healthy microclimate in the premises.

How much to tile?

Laying tile often trust the professionals. It would be a good solution, if the owners want to do the repair quickly. Experts can lay tile on any scheme. This greatly enhances the decorative effect finishes.

If the hosts have enough free time for self-laying tiles, and also they want to save money family budget, they may perform this work with their hands. This is a relatively simple process. You only need to understand all its subtleties. In this case, will create a spectacular finish to any room.

How to put tile on the wall or floor? You should pay special attention to the choice of materials. On their quality to save money is not recommended. According to reviews from customers and professional installers, cheap tile collections can meet the mismatch of size of plates. They can be 2 mm or more. Also the surface color of tiles in one pack may vary significantly. Therefore, the store should pay attention to the collection presented by renowned manufacturers. They are used in the production of plates of high-tech equipment. A small production could not provide the high quality products.


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Before starting, be sure to carry out the calculation. You will need to create a plan for future coverage, as well as the cost of materials and tools.

Feedback about the tiles

What is the cost to put tile? This is one of the first issues considered by the owners of private property before carrying out repairs. A variety of materials that differ in quality, price, scope and design.

How to put tile on the wall?

For the floor choose a tile that is resistant to mechanical stress. His durability should not be below 3. Better buy kitchen and corridor products 4-5 durability. The bathroom is only required in the presence of household appliances (washing machine). For walls, you can choose the tile easier. The lower the durability, the cheaper the tile. However, you should pay attention to trim 2-3 class. They will be more durable during operation than the tile class 1 abrasion resistance.

On the market are the products of foreign and domestic companies. Russian tiles are in demand today more than foreign products. This is due to its high quality at a quite affordable price. So, the most popular manufacturers in our country are “Kerama Marazzi”, “Shakhtinskaya plitka”, “Cersanit”. The cost of such products is from 600 to 1000 RUB. per m².

To calculate how much it costs to lay tile, you must first pay attention to its cost. So a variety of materials French, Polish, Czech and German production. Their value is from 1000 to 2500 rubles per m². The quality of such products is almost no different from the tiles of the Russian production. Therefore, such products are acquired only if the design is perfect for interior and like the owners.

The Most expensive, luxurious finishes are of a plate of Italian and Spanish production. The minimum price of such products is 3 000 RUB. per m². This material is used for the creation of interior design. It looks luxurious, rich and very original. The interior in this case will look stylish and impressive.

Cost of installation

Many owners turn to professionals to put the tiles. Square meter finishing is different. The price depends on the experience and appetite of the master. Also in different cities the cost of the services of a professional repairman different. The average cost of work (excluding materials) by a specialist of the middle level is from 800 to 1200 rubles. per m². However, in St. Petersburg, Moscow for the same work will be required to pay is from 1200 to 3000 rubles. for m².

How to lay floor tile?

It Should also be noted that the master set a minimum price for their work. So, to decorate a tile floor in the bathroom, do not expect that the wizard will need to spend 800-1000 RUB In different regions and differentspecialists the minimum value is different. For example, the minimum value of the wizard may be from 2500 to 5000 RUB. In this case, to seek professional help becomes impractical. The cost of such finishes will beat all records.

It is Also worth considering that the price of the specialist's work depends on the complexity of the work. The above rates are based, that the Foundation floor or walls are ready for finishing. If you need to make a tie or to prepare base boards need to pay much more. Also the price increases if the tile is placed on the stage, apply mosaic or original method of installation.

It is in such moments, the hosts and begin to think about self-decoration of the kitchen apron or the floor in the bathroom, the hallway. In this case, the question arises about how to put tile on a wall or the base of the room. Reviews masters, who first tried to lay the tiles in their hands, encouraging. Indeed, to perform their own trim tiles will practically everyone. You only need to consider all the details of this process.

Creating a finish plan

Planning for repairs to be executed with your hands, you should start with learning the techniques, how to lay tile in the bathroom. Expert advice will help you to understand all the nuances. First you need to draft a future finishing. To do this, draw the surface of the scale indicating the natural size. This can be floor, wall in bathroom or kitchen apron. You need to accurately convey the configuration of the base.

How to put tile?

Next you need to choose a method of laying tile. It can be traditional. In this case the plates are placed one above the other. Good parallel and perpendicular to the seam lines. This method is most suitable for beginners. When the styling is minimal waste of materials.

A Second possible variant stacking is the technique of the shift. Each subsequent row of plates is shifted by half of the previous finish. It resembles brickwork. It is also a good option for the novice master.

You Can lay the tile diagonally. In this case, the plate is tilted at an angle of 45º. The finish looks spectacular. However, you need to carefully measure the position for each tile. This method of installation uneconomical. The result is a lot of waste.

Learning how to lay tile, we also need to consider more interesting ways of laying tile. You can use plates of different sizes. In this case, you will need to create an exact plan of the surface. Most often on the walls using various decor in the process of finishing the surface. It can be borders and panels, just panels of several tiles with interesting pattern.

Design and installation method must be carefully considered at the planning stage of repair works. In accordance with the established plan materials are being purchased.

Materials and tools

By Studying the step-by-step guide, how to lay tile in the kitchen, bathroom or hallway, you need to pay attention to the correct preparation of materials and tools for work.

In Addition to tile required to purchase tile adhesive. This mixture is sold in dry form. The bags can have a weight of 25-30 kg (depending on manufacturer and series). Available are a large number of adhesives. They differ in cost and quality. Most buy glue for tile installation inside the premises is the Ceresit-CM-11. This part costs about 400 rubles for a bag of 25 kg. in this part of the cement mixture is composed of different plasticizers and additives. They improve the adhesion strength of tile floors. Also work with this material is simple.

In addition to the tile adhesive, you need to purchase primer. It is treated with the surface before starting work. In the process of the training room on the walls and the floor can accumulate construction dust. The primer will provide a base for further finishing. This material is relatively inexpensive. You can buy cans of 5 liters costs about 100-150 rubles.

Considering the method of how to put tiles in the bathroom, you should pay attention to additional materials. Need to buy TIC for pointing joints between tiles. Also need to purchase grout in accordance with the tone of the tile. The cost of these materials together does not exceed 500 rubles.

For the installation of tile will need to prepare construction level, container for mixing glue, tile, tape and a pencil. Need notched trowel and drill bit (to drill holes for enclosures and switches).

Training wall

There are a few simple tips on how to lay ceramic tile. First you need to prepare the ground for the subsequent work. If it has old finish, it must be removed. If the walls have paint, it can be removed using a grinder with a nozzle. The dismantling of the old tiles is carried out with the punch. Put it in shock mode and slid under the bottom edge of the plates.

On the walls may be old plaster. It can fall away in pieces. The entire finish will need to remove. If the walls have mildew, the surface is sanded with sandpaper. After this it is treated with special antiseptic composition. When selecting materials you need to give preference to such formulations which includeyourself anti-fungal components.

With the help of a plumb and level determine whether smooth wall. Most often, (in 95% of cases), the surface is uneven. So you will need to handle it with plaster. Considering how to put tile on the wall, the process of preparation to focus on. First you need to ground surface. Next on her set screeds. They are mounted on the same mix, which will be processed the wall. All lighthouses put on the level. After that, the gaps between them and the wall must be filled with mortar.

To align the wall, you will need to mix the grout. You can add 1 part tile adhesive. The solution is to throw on the wall and spread his rule. Excess solution is removed back into the container.

Leveling concrete floor

How to put tile in the room?

Considering how to lay floor tile, should be given to the preparation process due attention. If the base is concrete, you can apply self-leveling compound. This option is quite costly. However, the work will be done quickly and easily. The second method involves the use of beacons.

First, determine the highest floor level. From him using a level, hold the line on the perimeter walls. Then stretched between the corners diagonally the rope. If they do not intersect with the floor, the drawn line will become the new floor level. In some cases, the rope will touch the floor. Therefore, it needs to be lifted a few millimeters up. The floor level will be even higher. Next, install the beacons.

The Technology of laying is not different from that applied to the walls. Guides should be level with the created markup. After that, apply the solution and aligning it on the guides set by the rule.

To understand how to lay tile in the bathroom with their hands, should be given to the process of preparing a lot of attention. Grout dries long enough. This will require about 3-4 weeks. The surface should be moistened. Otherwise it will crack. At the same time to exploit the tub will not work at least a week. It should definitely be considered before beginning work.

Self-leveling mix is more expensive, but it dries faster. In a day you can walk on the surface of the floor. Subsequent finishing is carried out in a week.

Prepare the wooden floor

Some owners of private houses and apartments are interested in how to put tile on the wood floor. Such a basis also requires special training. First you need to assess the condition of the old wooden cover. If the boards do not creak, does not bend, you can leave them as is. Otherwise, you need to remove the old coating. If the joists are in good condition, between them, poured a layer of expanded clay.

Next, mount the Board, tearing off those that are already rotten or defective. The distance between boards should be 3-5 mm. It is necessary for ventilation reasons. Instead of boards to use waterproof plywood sheets. So the work will move faster.

The surface is veiled with a layer of waterproofing. This communities can be polyethylene, bitumen or tar paper. Further, this material is lined with a layer of reinforcing mesh. It should be a metal (material with cells of 10 × 10 mm). After that, put beacons and pour a cement screed with a height of 3-5 cm Can be used for these purposes, self-leveling floors.

Learning how to lay tile, you should also pay attention to the training of “dry” grounds. In this case, the screed is not required. Waterproofing is placed on a water-resistant plasterboard sheets. They will be mounted tiles.

Installation of tiles on a vertical surface

How to put tile on the wall quickly and correctly? First you need to prepare tile adhesive (according to the manufacturer's instructions). Laying tile is done from the bottom up. First you need to mount the rail. It should be perfectly smooth. It will be laid the first row. Subsequent series are spread on this level.

How to put tile on the wall quickly and correctly?

After that you need to apply to the back side of the tile adhesive. To do this, use a toothed spatula. The tiles are slightly pressed to the wall. This will allow the solution evenly distributed under the tile. When the second tile is inserted between the cross (thickness 2-4 mm). The evenness of the masonry is controlled by the level. At the end of the row of tile will need to be cut with a tile.

When all brickwork is created, it needs to dry out (a day or two). After that you need to prepare the grout for joints. It is applied with a rubber spatula. If the material reaches the surface of the tile, it should be removed immediately. If he has time to harden, wash it off then it will be more difficult.

Laying tile on a floor

Put the tile on the floor, even easier than on the wall. However, there are a number of nuances. Installation begins from the far wall. At the same time move towards the door. It is recommended to perform the layout of the base. This will prevent the displacement of the plates.

How to lay tile in the bathroom with their hands?

Next you need to apply glue to the surface of the tile. It also used a notched trowel. It is laid on the surfacefloor, and then a little kiss. Next you need to put on the surface level of the building. If one corner is raised higher, it should be dipped with a hammer with a rubber nozzle. Tapping on the tile surface, it is necessary to align its position.

If the wizard is overdone and tile ‘drowned" below the established level, you will need to remove and again apply the solution to the surface. Also mounted a second tile. Between them put crosses. The size of the joint chosen in accordance with the size of the tile. Continue to the end of the room. It also cut tile. If not, you can use a grinder with a special attachment. It is more dusty and time-consuming process. However, this tool is also used quite often. After drying of the tile adhesive, apply the grout.

Having Considered how to lay tile, you can do all the work yourself. The result will be not worse, than professional artists.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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