Legal issues on the forum "TAXI" 2013


2018-03-20 23:33:07




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International Eurasian forum “Taxi” was held in St. Petersburg on 8 and 9 August 2013. During the working sessions, the speakers raised the topical issues of modern taxi sector, discussed the peculiarities of legal regulation and positive sides of the use of modern technology.

More recently, legislators seriously undertook the reform of the taxi. The problem is that the adopted laws and amendments caused the taxi community mixed reactions. Many of the reviews on the Internet criticizing the adopted Federal law №69, popularly called “taxi law”. Part of the act came into force in the summer of 2012, but in full force earned just now.

The results of «law on taxis” and the peculiarities of legal regulation of the taxi sector in the city of St. Petersburg on the forum said Popov, Stanislav Vladimirovich - Chairman of the transport Committee of St. Petersburg. He noted several important legal points and led an impressive number of statistics. So, on presented by Stanislav Vladimirovich diagram, it was shown that the smallest percentage of obtaining an official license for taxi operations accounted for 2012, when the Federal law №69 first started work.

But more important was the bringing of comparative data on the advantages and disadvantages of taxi legislation before and after the adoption of the “act taxi”. It turned out that earlier advantages were more than disadvantages. For example, the disadvantages of the laws treated the inability to attract carriers to administrative responsibility for the lack of agreement and lack of authority to establish a color painting of cars. And if the first fault is considered serious, the second hardly anyone deem essential. With the adoption in 2011 of Federal law No. 69 was able to move the cons in the pros, but the list of disadvantages of expanded: the lack of provisions on the regulation of dispatching services, the lack of authority to regulate work in the organized taxi stands and more. How much all it cost is possible to take a single color to judge it makes no sense.

It Is only to say that this is more of a desire to imitate Europe and the United States, where a taxi can only be yellow. But don't forget – these countries practice color uniformity has become a tradition and is present for many decades. In the US, this probably due to one of the first official taxi service, which was called the Yellow Cab Co. (hence the yellow color). In the States taxi drivers deliberately go to paint the car in yellow, because it is the confidence of the customers and contributes to the recognition of taxis in city traffic. In Russia there is no such deeply-rooted traditions.

The Situation with modern legislation in the sphere of taxi commented the representative of the Company MADIV – partner International forum «Taxi»

- Indeed, the law is liked is not everything. Even if we turn to statistics, we can conclude that with the entry into force of the law reduced the number of drivers wishing to obtain a license. Of course, in comparison with 2012, this show has increased. But it is rather related to the growth of the market of taxi services in the country. Since then, as MADIV and other similar companies started their activities, taxi services becomes more and in large and small towns. At a forum already there were proposals to recognize a taxi by public transport. And rightly so. While developing technical solutions, MADIV also kept an eye on the overall development of the taxi market. And he has developed more than good, approaching the Western type. Artificial stimulation by the introduction of unnecessary rules, like color uniformity will not accelerate but rather slow down the progress.

While the new law is fully operational less than six months, and to make long-term predictions before. But the findings about the need for another round of legal reform voiced at the Eurasian forum of 2013.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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