SU-35 specifications. Air force fighter Russia


2019-03-29 15:20:39




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The SU-35 is known as a multipurpose fighter with the ability to show his best qualities in the confrontation with enemy aircraft. It can also deliver powerful blows high precision from a distance at targets on land, at sea and in the air.

su 35 specificationsSU-35 (NATO version of the Flanker-E+) - aircraft with super-maneuverability. It was created based on the platform T-10C Sukhoi. The MIG-35 and SU-35 4++ generation aircraft. This is not the last word of military technology, but close.

The Term "Generation 4" indicates that the performance characteristics of the SU-35 is almost equal to the level of the fifth generation. To classify the aircraft to the fifth generation gave no stealth characteristics of phased array and active array.

The SU-35 emerged in the result of deep modernization of the SU-27 machine with excellent performance parameters. Multilateral modernization led to the creation of the new fighter. Innovations affected the design, equipment, capabilities and purposes.

Getting the path

The Prototype of the SU-35 "Russia" Made his first takeoff in the spring of 1985. The new plane kept the resemblance to the SU-27, however, significantly changed the aerodynamic characteristics.

To Describe the weapons of the aircraft can only in superlatives. This is a record for fighters the number of missiles - 14. Total combat load of the machine is 8 tons.

su 35


2006 was the year of the initial batch of machines. Premiere prototype was released in 2007. A year later started the first flights. By March 2009, the novelty has already produced hundred of flights.


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Me? the MAKS-2009 air force has awarded the company a contract for 48 machines until 2015. According to the results of execution of the contract, the military Department of the country plans to conclude a similar contract until 2020.

In 2010, it was reported that the results of the preliminary tests, which proved the machine's compliance with the required parameters of the super-maneuverability and the onboard equipment.

The First six SU-35S in the framework of serial production of the Ministry of defense received in 2012. 2 months later started on his state tests.

Further admission of the new items look like this:

  • 2013 - 12 PCs.
  • 2014 – 12 PCs.


As already mentioned, the SU-35 is subjected to the modernization of the su-27. The braking of aircraft during landing is performed by the deviation to the side of the rudders.

The SU-35S has the engines AL-41F1S with thrust vector control. Developed engine nauchno-proizvodstvennaya Kompaniya "Saturn". The engines comply with the conditions that must be met for the most modern fighters. Although the plane has the old control system, it allows him to move without afterburner at a speed above the speed of sound.

Resource aircraft is thirty years or 6000 flight hours.

speed su 35


The SU-35, technical characteristics of the glider which is a similar device with its predecessor, SU-27, is proud of its flight characteristics.

It differs from its predecessor is that its edge is treated with special materials. In addition, the canopy has a special conductive coating. There is no braking flap and horizontal tail.


Like other units, the power plant has undergone changes in the SU-35. Technical characteristics of the engines meet the requirements of the fifth-generation aircraft.

In Addition to the basic jet aircraft engines AL-41F1S, which had two, SU-35 equipped with an additional gas turbine engine having a capacity of 105 kilowatts, ТА14-130-35. It is designed for use in an additional power setting that allows you to power AC 115V 200V and consumers with power up to 30 kVA and condition the cabin and compartments.

the cost of su 35

Technical parameters

  • The Crew of 1 person.
  • The wing Area reaches 62 m².
  • The sweep Angle of the wings 42°.
  • Length, m - 21,90.
  • Height, m - 5,90.
  • The Wingspan of 14,75 m.
  • Empty the plane has a mass of 19 t, the operating takeoff weight-25 tons maximum weight-34 tons, fuel – 11 t
  • Engines: turbojet weighing 1520 kg with afterburner and thrust vector control, AL-41F1S. Link: 2 × 8800 kg; afterburner: 2 × 14 500 kgs.

Flight options

The Designers have ensured maneuverability SU-35. Technical characteristics of the aircraft and its flight parameters shown below:

  • Max speed is 1400 km/h.
  • Speed at high altitudes — 2500 km/h.
  • Range: at an altitude of 3.6 km-4500 km, at an altitude of 200 m – 1580 km.
  • Length of run: parachute for braking, normal takeoff weight the application of the brakes – 650 m run with full afterburner — 450 m.
  • Ceiling - 20 kilometers.
  • Climb rate is 280 m/s.
  • Wing Loading: max takeoff weight – 611 kg/m², normal – 410 kg/m².

As we can see, the speed of the SU-35 is very decent.


  • Combat load of 8 tons.
  • 12 seats suspension arms.

The Plane has several types of weapons:

  • Gunnery;
  • Missiles «air»managed;
  • Unguided rockets and bombs;
  • Missiles «air-to-surface” to manage.

From small arms and cannon the aircraft is equipped with built-in automatic single-barrel cannon GSH-301 30 mm caliber high rate of fire. The gun is placed on the right half of the wing and has a complement of 150 rounds.

Missile and bomb armament of the SU-35 is located on the starting devices, ejection device and beam holders.

Locations for the suspension arms:

  • Wing-6 PCs.
  • Wingtips – 2 PCs.
  • Engines – 2 PCs.
  • Center-2 PCs.

Weapons «air» the aircraft can carry 8 missiles, medium-range R-27 with radar or heat seeker. You can still use up to 10 homing missiles RVV-AE radar heads or up to 6 missiles short-range R-73 with thermal homing.

Weapons «air-to-surface” can include 6 self-guided missiles KH-29T, KH-29L and S-25ЛД laser heads. In addition to missiles, the aircraft can be armed with guided bombs. To fight the enemy ships used anti-ship missiles KH-31A.

Unguided weapons «air-to-surface” can reach 8 tons. The number of bombs can be up to 16 PCs.

arms of su 35


The SU-35, technical characteristics of radars which provide control of the air, capable of detecting targets even at long range.

The Parameters of the radar station.

  • Diameter of the phase antenna array, cm - 0,9.
  • Working frequency range is 8-12 GHz.
  • Viewing Angle 240°.
  • The Number of transceivers - 1772.
  • Operating power - 5000 watts.
  • Maximum power of 20,000 watts.
  • Target found for collision course with the squares of the scattering 3 m² at a distance of 350-400 km, effective area of scattering of 0.01 m² — a distance of 90 km.
  • Simultaneously fired at 8 targets.
  • At the same time is targeting and detection of 30 targets in the air or on the ground 4.

Radar Н035 IRBIS can detect targets with area of scattering 3 m² at a distance of 400 km from the Radar enhanced opto-electronic integrated system and optical-location station.

In Addition to the already existing SU-35 electronic countermeasure can be involved stations group of electronic protection.

In the cockpit mounted holographic display, which is located on the front of her glass, and two displays operating in the mode of mnogogrannost.

In addition, there is a set of L-150-35, warning about the radiation.

Station optical sensing allows controlling up to 4 air targets at a distance up to 80 kilometers. Infrared sensors are warning of missile attack.

For the purposes of electronic warfare fighter is equipped with containers.

su 35 the Russian

Military equipment

SU-35 is armed with guided missiles "air-air". They can be of different types according to range and method of guidance. Ground and surface targets the pilot can shoot missiles with TV guidance, bombs managed and unmanaged type.

Particularly impressive jamming aircraft radar. It gives you the opportunity to find the air circuit at a distance of 400 km and surface detection Range of 200 kilometers.

Comparison with the F-35

Manufacturer defines the SU-35 as 4++ car, that is, has a number of properties inherent to the fifth generation. The ability to shoot down planes-stealth gives the fighter his maneuverability. SU-35 specifications A few other.

The Propulsion system of the aircraft performing complex maneuvers. Pilotage SU-35 gives you the opportunity to perform “Cobra Pugachev” and “chakra Frolova”.

European experts with a grain of salt relate to the maneuverability, considering that in a real fight low visibility is much more important than maneuverability. Stealth – characteristics which the fighter has initially. Many experts believe that compliance with the requirements of stealth was the main demand of customers, the F-35. Once he has low visibility, he doesn't need high maneuverability.

However, on the other hand, despite the importance of stealth technology for a fighter, it is not a cloak of invisibility. Knowledge of the conduct of the air battles are constantly updated. Military and post-war planes of the first generations as a priority task used the altitude, high speed, manoeuvrability and combat power. The next generations requirements has changed: the main was the speed of the SU-35, next - maneuverability.

The Experts highly appreciated the maneuvers performed by the SU-35 at the air show in Paris. Unambiguous victory in the air they are certainly not mean, but the trajectory that it is impossible to predict, can cause programs targeting missiles of the enemy. At the same time he SU-35 is able to produce rockets of small range with the maximum probability of destroying the aircraft of the enemy.

The F-35 to maximum extent is dependent on its small signature and tries to avoid collisions in dogfighting ("stabbing" it is contraindicated). Melee gives significant advantages of the SU-35. Russian machine has a large Arsenal of weapons, high range.But the main ridge of the SU-35 maneuverability, about which legends. This characteristic has become a business card of these aircraft. The cost of the SU-35 for the Russian Armed forces – roughly $ 40 million.

su 35

Customers of the SU-35

Soon the order of the Ministry of defense on these fighters. In addition, the aircraft are interested in four foreign customer.

The Aircraft can be delivered to China, Vietnam, Venezuela and Indonesia. In China can be supplied 24 units. Another 60 aircraft awaiting the rest of the country.

By 2020, the number of cars produced can be increased to 96 units. Now ends the execution of a contract for 48 Sukhoi for the Russian air force. The press reported that the planned order is an extension of the party machinery.


Thus, we can conclude that the SU-35 is an extremely efficient machine. Be created in Russia. To assess the prospects of the SU-35 in combat Raptor without hitting them in a real fight is very difficult because it is unknown what advantage, stealth, and electronic components or maneuverability.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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