The staff of the "Courier Service Express" about the working conditions and salary


2019-04-20 21:00:22




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Today, our attention will be presented to the staff of the "Courier Service Express" about his employer. This point is extremely important for those who want to get a job here. It is always useful to know which firm you are applying. Let us try to understand what is what. Is it worth it to find a job in "Courier Service Express"? Or is it better to stay away from this employer away? Maybe he was in the "black list" of companies that offer various jobs to build a career? About all that we have to learn.staff courier service Express

All his

The First thing to note is that the staff of the "Courier Service Express" often emphasize that you need your own car for work. Work transport is available, but preference is given to those who are his own.

Not very scary, but it is unpleasant. In principle, practice shows that the "CSE" ("Courier Service Express") when applying for a job as a driver does offer their cars. Especially when we are talking about large shipments and parcels. In addition, often the work of taking and walking couriers for delivery of small parcels to the house. While there is nothing strange or frightening, right?


Reviews of the "Courier Service Express" emphasize that in the interview you will be offered several options for graphics work. For students it is possible to combine, as well as part-time.

In General, it is proposed to work a 2/2 or 5/2. And time is about 12 hours - from 8 am to 8 PM. "Concessions" are only made Hiking couriers, of which not so much - work day lasts from 10:00 to 19:00.courier service Express tracking


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But, as practice shows, "Courier Service Express" (package tracking, shipment and other logisticheskie services - that's their profile) violates this condition of the contract. You'll find huge processing, and even after work have to fill out reports and other documentation. Of course, no charge is implied.

Social guarantees

Employment "Courier Service Express" (Moscow and other cities of Russia) promise that you will be given all social security and entitlement payouts. This technique is often used to attract new staff to work.

Many people "Courier Service Express" to the contrary. The thing is that the social package will be provided to you, but not in full. Although documents will be prepared as if you "slander" on the employer. So, complaining about it is useless.CSE courier service Express

Problems arise with payments, and maternity. If you are a girl, who managed to get into the "Courier Service Express", we will have to postpone the planning for the child. Otherwise you will simply lose your job. Or will be forced to resign or will find an article according to which you must vacate the vacancy. In principle, nothing surprising. This scheme is used everywhere. And not only "CSE". So, while nothing special about this employer can be said.

Leave and sick Leave

However, the numerous reviews of the staff of the "Courier Service Express" repeatedly emphasize that the vacation and sick leave (paid) you will be given. Though the payouts are not that great, but it's better than getting nothing at all. So we can only rejoice.

But in order to earn paid leave you will have to work for a company for over a year. Few people linger here for so long. But the hospital always give. And the payoffs come just in time on a plastic card. So no cheating. It pleases. Most companies do not provide formal paid vacation and sick leave.

However, if you were ill, that you can simply dismiss. For long passes. Even if they were due to sick leave. Consider this fact, if you decided to find a job in the company.


"Courier Service Express" (tracking and maintenance of parcels in Russia - the main direction of the organization) pays, as we are assured in the interview the only "white" salary. And even the salary you as a courier, promise is not so small - about 15 000 rubles a month. Tempting, isn't it?courier service Express Moscow

Plus, the staff of the "Courier Service Express" emphasize that employment here beckon all payments, allowances, bonuses and other monetary rewards that will accrue on a monthly basis. But is it really?

Not quite. Practice has shown that employment in the agreement States the salary of 10 000 roubles, and paid the "black" salary. That is, there is no guarantee that you will not be deceived. However, many argue - if properly and conscientiously perform their duties, no one will cut you earnings. On how much he worked - and got so much. On the one hand this is true. But another kind of cheating company is still there. This is the sum of salary. And the moment repels many potential applicants.

Plus, to the disadvantage of the organization can be attributed to the permanentwage arrears. Sometimes it may not pay for several months. Numerous reviews of the staff of the "Courier Service Express" says that to the firm to get a job mostly. Those who just need money and have nowhere else to go. But people with higher education try to stay away from this employer away.

Getting results

Fines and penalties in "CSE" are not uncommon. But there are these events only when the poor workers perform tasks. The size of the punishment "Courier Service Express" (package tracking, tracking packages, and other logistics services - that is the profile of the organization) is fixed. And nobody is going to levy multimillion-dollar fines for the smallest infraction. In this regard, the firm has really shown itself as a good employer.courier service Express package tracking

And what we can conclude from all this? "Courier Service Express" is a company which is suitable for employment and start a career. But only those who are willing to work day and night tirelessly. The only way to achieve success here. Many staff are advised not to test himself and stay away from "CSE". But nevertheless, recently there has been reduced staff turnover. The employer is able to give at least some stability.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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