Does the black film from weeds?


2020-04-03 15:20:21




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One of the most time-consuming work on the dacha is weed control. Parasitic plants are selected from vegetable crops nutrients. As a result of recent lower productivity, more sick, and in some cases can and do die. For weed control are used as mechanical methods (weeding), and chemical (herbicides). Both these technologies are fairly effective but have a number of disadvantages.

Weeding procedure for a long time, chemicals can also accumulate in plant tissues, which makes the fruit a health hazard. Meanwhile, there is a technique that allows to reduce labor costs when growing vegetable crops and at the same time to exclude the possibility of negative influence of herbicides. Modern enterprises have started to release a special black tape from weeds. This material is relatively inexpensive, time and effort also vacationers can save a lot.

black film from the weeds

Does the black film from weed?

To Use this material simply. In the spring, he stretches out on the ground. It then bore holes for planting. One of the features of the black film is that it does not transmit sunlight. As a result, the weeds that do not receive UV light, stop the development.

In Europe the film and tar paper for weed control used for a long time. And do it not only private individuals but also large farms. In this part of the world it is considered that weed black film helps very well. Many local gardeners also spoke of a similar fashion good. But some gardeners still refer to this procedure skeptical. So does the black film from weeds? Let's understand this in more detail.


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What processes occur under the film

Weed control black film can actually be quite successful. The edges of this material lying on the ground, usually covered by soil. As a result, the garden bed mulch in this way, creates a special microclimate. Soil under the film warms up very quickly. Therefore, weeds at the first stage accelerates its development. However, germinating, grass rests in foil, heated in the sun. The result is the loss of surface parts of the plant. After some time decompose and the roots of the weed.

black film from weeds how to lay

Where to use

Apply the black film from weeds (photos of the beds presented on the page) is allowed on the open ground and in greenhouses. Very often this material is used for the development of virgin lands. In this case the film lay directly on top of the weeds and left it for a long time (1-2 months). As a result, the grass rots along with the root system. Soil under the film becomes loose and can be easily processed. Subsequently, even in the absence of the film weeds on the plot grow not so actively.

Advantages of using

Thus, weed control using black film allows to reduce labor costs on the garden, in the greenhouse or in the nursery. In comparison with conventional methods, this method of mulching also has the following advantages:

  • Warming the soil early in the spring;
  • Best heat retention by the soil in winter;
  • Reduction of costs for irrigation;
  • No need loosening;
  • Accelerate development of plants.

Because black film is an airtight material, the soil underneath warms up very quickly. Therefore, plants in the spring with this mulch begin to develop at an accelerated pace. Also, this material reduces the risk of death of crops in recurrent frosts.

Moisture film does not let. And so water the plants in the beds, mulch the material possible. Evaporating, the moisture in this case condenseries on the film, and again flows downward. To use this material more convenient than many other types of mulch. Everything you need in this case is once spread the film on the site.

weed control black film

Another benefit of using this material include the fact that, unlike organic matter, almost never formed mold. Of air flowing under the film through to make a hole, this is enough.

Disadvantages of

Of Course, there is such a material not only advantages. The main disadvantage of the use of black film from weeds, many gardeners considers the impossibility of feeding the soil in the beds. Organic mulch in the fall is usually perekidyvaetsya that allows to increase the content of humus in the soil. This film is devoid of advantage.

In addition, spread it on the ground - occupation is fairly troublesome. On top of that, this material is also quite easily damaged. Replace the tape in the beds have in a few years. This procedure is also quite time-consuming. This particularly applies to perennial plantings. Indeed, in this case, when disposing the film must be careful not to damage the plants.

On virgin soil this material is for removing weeds also sometimes use impractical. Rot under the film usually only enough soft grass. Hard weeds thus to eliminate often not possible. After all, sometimes such herbs even, for example,asphalt is not a hindrance.

black film from weed reviews

What to look for when buying material

Protection from weeds black film to be effective, of course, provided just the right choice. Release this covering material today, many companies. While the black mulch film can vary according to specifications.

If you select this material, you should pay attention primarily on its thickness. A thin film is suitable only for heating of soil in spring. Proper mulching it is necessary to take the material more durable and thick. Long-term culture, for example, strawberries are usually protect from weeds black film 100 µm. Thicker material even in this case, use impractical. Is a very thick film is expensive and suitable mainly for construction projects.

If mulching annual crops is expected, it is possible to apply and thin enough material. In this case, the most often used option 80 microns.

How to lay a black film of weeds

Technologically, the stacking of this material - the procedure is simple. However, when you perform this operation, you should observe some rules. Lay the tape on the ground only after the soil in the spring is fully warmed up. Previously the area should be cleaned of debris and dirt. More attention should be paid to sharp objects that may damage the material - the dry twigs, glass, rocks. If the area already has some weeds, it is desirable to remove.

To Prepare the tape you need so that it more tightly to the soil surface. In those places where air will remain “bubbles”, later can begin to develop the weeds. Of course, too much to actively grow they will not and they will not be green and white but none the less.

black film against weeds

After the material is laid out on the ground, its edges are tamped down some goods. This can be, for example, stones, bricks, or even just soil. Later in the film are cross-shaped or slit-like holes for planting plants. Round or square slotted to perform is not necessary. Experienced gardeners, it was observed that with this method of cutting the plants later develop worse. The distance between the holes is selected depending on the kind of vegetable crops. For example, for strawberries, this figure will reach 30-35 cm

Once in the garden, mulch film, the blossom appears on the South side in the material you should do some semicircular holes. Without proper air exchange in the soil plant is known to develop worse. Besides in this case there may be podizanje of the soil. The holes will provide air access under the film. Moreover, with them the soil beneath such covering material will not be too very hot.

How to water the plants under the film

Moisture under such covering materials, as already mentioned, is well preserved. However, to throw mulch in a similar way plants during the season, of course, need. This can be done as a “root” and irrigation. Water will freely pass into the cut in the film under the plants holes will be in the garden.

Reviews gardeners

About 20 years ago in Russia there was a boom in the use of black film from weeds as mulch. However, in subsequent from the similar way many of the gardeners refused. This could be explained first and foremost by fragility and not too good quality then film. Today many gardeners to film technology shelter return. The main advantage of this technique gardeners consider, of course, the opportunity to abandon the weeding. As to the advantages of black film many gardeners include the fact that results in the use of such material does not get dirty on the ground.

weed control using black films

Best of all this mulch, according to most truckers, suitable for strawberries and cucumbers. Also helps weed black film reviews, which actually are mostly positive, when used for tomatoes and zucchini.

The drawbacks of this covering material gardeners will take at most that its use is difficult to observe the rotation. Because the slits in the film are made at a certain distance from each other. And what's good for one culture, may be entirely inappropriate for another. It is for this reason that film and have to be replaced usually at least once in three years.

How to store

If you are using black tape against weeds in perennial cultures, usually leave it for the winter directly in the beds. If the material was used as mulch, for example, for cucumbers or zucchini, in the fall of it, of course, are better off. To keep film producers and experienced gardeners suggest wound on a round stick. Preliminary material should be wiped with a cloth. The resulting coil is in the winter, keep in a dark dry place at air temperature of 10 OC. This method of storage helps to extend the life of the material.

protection from weeds black film


The conclusion from the foregoing we can draw a simple. The black film can truly be considered a good defense against weeds. Given the fact that the price of this material is relatively low, apply it on the country site, definitely worth it.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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