Premix for laying hens: vitamin composition and instruction


2020-04-13 14:20:24




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The Successful breeding of laying hens on the mini-farm will be only in case of proper feeding. The diet of this bird should be as balanced as possible. To get from laying as many eggs as possible, they usually give the grain and mash 2-3 times a day. In this special spiked in feed premixes, which is a complex of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antimicrobials. The use of such additives allows to strengthen the body of the bird and make it more productive.

The need for the application

The Deficiency of vitamins and micronutrients in the feed of laying hens, occurring especially in winter, can lead to such problems as:

  • The mortality of young animals;

  • The decrease in the activity of adult birds;

  • The increased morbidity due to the weakening of the immune system.

  • Drop in egg production.

premix for hens laying hens

The Lack of premix in the diet of birds can cause the eggs will decrease the commercial quality. For example, they can thin the shell or change for the worse chemical composition. Eggs, birds not receiving the necessary vitamins and minerals tend to be smaller.

In particular, it is important to use premix for laying hens in farms in the fall, winter or spring. Without such additives it is impossible to do in the case if the chickens are not outdoor, and the cellular method. In addition, experts advise to mix the premixes in the feed:

  • After vaccination, birds;

  • The transition to another kind of food;

  • Adaptation when you change the region (climate).

That is a useful premix can be under any stressful situation for the chickens. In addition, these supplements allow in some cases to reduce feed costs.

No contraindications the use of premixes for chickens not. The absence of any side effects — it's also that is different than almost any premix for laying hens. How to use the Supplement particular brand right, the manufacturer always specifies in the attached to the complex instruction.

composition of the premix for hens laying hens

Types of premixes

Currently, the industry produces the following types of such dobavok:

  • Vitaminnyi;

  • Mineralnye;

  • Kompleksnye;

  • Lechebnye;

  • Belkovye.

Hens are particularly relevant are the first three types of premixes. Vitamin supplements to build their immune system. Mineral premix when added to the feed improve the quality of the eggs. Complex additives allow to achieve simultaneously both of these objectives. Therefore, in the farms they are the most popular.

In Addition, to vary such mineral-vitamin complexes in the percentage of additives in the feed. Most often, landowners used premix for laying hens 1% or 0.5 %. Quite common also mix 2-3 %.

Release Form of premixes

Available on the market such supplements are usually in durable packages, packing them can be very different. The owners of household farms and mini-farms usually buy premix for laying hens in small standard packs of 150 grams. These additives are used strictly metered. Therefore, the package the manufacturer is usually indicated by a number of feed (10, 30, 100 kg) etc. for this particular product.

Most popular premixes for laying hens

The Russian market such products are supplied by many companies. However, some Supplement manufacturers, the farmers are very popular. For example, a very good deserve such premixes for laying hens otzyvy:

  • «Rabushka»;

  • «Miovic»;

  • «Good Selyanin»;

  • «Chudo»;

  • «Hutorok»;

  • «Zdravo».

The Composition of the premix for laying hens "Ryabushka"

It is this addition, Russian farmers use most often. The composition of the premix “Ryabushka” is actually very rich and varied. What vitamins and minerals and in what quantity contained in this Supplement (150 grams) can be viewed in the table below.

The Composition of the premix "Ryabushka"

Vitamin or mineral


700 thousand IU


150 thousand IU


0.5 g

0.1 g


0.2 g


0.3 g



25 г


2 г


0.4 г


2.5 г


10 мг


1 г


0.25 г


5 г


6 г


0.1 г


0.07 г

Преимущества порошка «Рябушка»

Попадая в организм птицы, этот премикс воздействует на многие, происходящие в нем процессы. На клеточном уровне он стимулирует окислительно-восстановительные реакции. При ежедневном использовании у несушек не только повышается продуктивность и улучшается здоровье. Фермер избавляется также и от таких проблем, как расклев яиц, падеж, преждевременные линьки, рахиты, болезни костей и глаз птицы.

Инструкция по применению добавки

Конечно же, только при правильном использовании может принести пользу любой премикс для кур-несушек. Инструкция по применению комплекса «Рябушка» проста. На птицефабриках эту добавку подсыпают курам в зерново-овощные мешанки по утрам. В приусадебных хозяйствах и на фермах рубленую зелень и корнеплоды несушкам обычно дают в обед. Соответственно именно в это время применяется и премикс. Подмешивать добавку допускается только в охлажденный корм.

Суточная доза премикса «Рябушка» на одну голову составляет, согласно инструкции, 1 грамм. Таким образом, трем - четырем несушкам в корм следует добавлять 1 чайную ложку этого средства, а 10-ти — 1 ст/л.

Чаще всего на полках магазинов можно встретить «Рябушка», концентрированный премикс для кур-несушек, 1 %. Инструкция по применению в отношении приготовления комбикорма из него достаточно проста. Из 150 грамм (стандартная пачка) такой добавки фермеры готовят 15 кг качественного комбикорма.

Противопоказание у средства «Рябушка» имеется только одно. Не допускается скармливать его курам, выращиваемом на промышленном комбикорме. Ведь в такой еде все необходимые добавки и так уже имеются в полном объеме.

Премикс «Миавит»: разновидности

Эта качественная добавка выпускается украинской компанией «Тандем-2002», являющейся официальным представителем германской фирмы Miavit GmbH. Российский партнер этого предприятия - общество «Кормовит». При желании сегодня можно приобрести несколько разновидностей премикса «Миавит» для кур-несушек. Выпускается такая продукция для:

  • цыплят;

  • молодок;

  • коммерческой птицы;

  • производителей.

добрый селянин премикс для кур несушек

Преимущества добавки

Представляет собой этот премикс для кур-несушек серый порошок со специфическим запахом. К преимуществам добавки "Миавит" потребители относят:

  • точность рецептуры;

  • возможность выбора оптимального варианта продукта;

  • возможность длительного хранения без потери качества;

  • отличную «текучесть».

Подмешивать премикс «Миавит» в корм птице очень легко, благодаря использованию производителем специального наполнителя.

Состав добавки

Как и «Рябушка», «Миавит» содержит просто огромное количество полезных для здоровья птицы витаминов и минералов. Какой именно состав (на 1 кг) имеет этот премикс для кур-несушек, можно посмотреть в таблице.

Состав премикса "Миавит"




1.1 млн МЕ


350 тыс. МЕ


0.3 грамма


10 г


6 г


0.3 г


0.6 г


1.3 г


120 г


3 г


0.4 г


2 мг


4 г


1.6 г


12 г


10 г


125 мг

Помимо витаминов и микроэлементов, эта добавка содержит также энзимы и антиоксиданты.

Инструкция по применению

Используют этот комплекс точно так же, как и премикс «Рябушка». То есть просто подмешивают курам в зерно либо дают с тертыми овощами и корнеплодами. Вводят в корм птице премикс «Миавит» вthe amount of 0.25% of the total weight. To mix additive, despite its “fluidity”, should, of course, as carefully as possible.

Complex “Zdravo Hen”: the advantages

This premix is made of the Nizhny Novgorod firm “Your company”. It is usually Packed in convenient packages of 600 grams. The advantages of the complex "Trevor" many owners of personal plots include:

  • The absence in the composition of growth promoters and hormones;

  • Reduced feed costs;

  • The higher egg production (7-10 days).

Especially useful, according to farmers, this premix to give a weakened bird. “Zdravo" not only helps to improve the health of hens, and prevents cannibalism. In the market there are supplements of this brand is designed not only for adult birds, but also for Chicks.

premix for hens laying hens how to apply

Composition and method of application "of Zdravo”

Growth Hormones in the premix, as mentioned, no. It does not contain and harmful birds, deteriorating quality of its meat and eggs, antibiotics. Is a Supplement “Zdravo” grey homogeneous powder brown. In respect of vitamins and trace elements premix for laying hens “Zdravo” really rich. Contains this Supplement:

  • Vitamins A, E, D, K, N, In (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12);

  • The 7 most essential body minerals chickens;

  • Amino acids and enzymes.

According to the manufacturer, the composition of the premix “Zdravo” components, among other things, run in the poultry organism metabolic mechanisms. They also prevent the development of stagnant processes and improve the appearance of the feathers of chickens. Mixed with this premix in feed of poultry in the amount of 1 g per head per day.

Additive “the farm”

This premix is just fine affects the metabolism in the body poultry. Particularly good reviews this Supplement has earned the owners of the farms. The fact that the use of vitamin-mineral complex “the farm” allows not only to increase the productivity of laying hens. In its application, among other things, increases the size of the eggs and improved shell quality. I.e., the product becomes attractive presentation.

How to use premix “the farm” for laying hens, and composition

Has a strong influence on the quality of the eggs this product primarily because in its manufacture the manufacturer is mainly focused on a mineral complex. That is, the addition of “the farm” is very useful to keep the bird, for example, with bone (curvature, lameness). It is also recommended to use it when eye problems in chickens, Esclave eggs, loss of the pen.

Method of application of the premix is not more difficult than any other. Mix it in feed the birds every day. Use approximately 10 grams of the additive per 1 kg of fodder or grain.

premix for hens laying hens 1 instruction

Premix “Miracle”

This Supplement is a powder of yellowish-brown color. It is packaged in bags and bags of different sizes and in bottles made of polymeric materials. Permits “Miracle” being added to a food, normalizes metabolism in the organism of laying hens has a positive effect on their health and performance.

The complex is Produced in Ukraine, the company «Accno relief”. According to the manufacturer, the Supplement does not contain any harmful chemicals or stimulants. This premix is suitable for poultry of all age groups.

How to apply

Use the premix for laying hens “Miracle” is exactly the same as any other. That is, add to grain or mash. Dosage is 10 grams per 1 kg of feed. One teaspoon is placed approximately 5 g of this additive. The bird receiving food from this premix, be sure to provide free access to water. No other specific recommendations on the use of additives “Miracle” the manufacturer does not. The composition of this premix is also quite rich. Additive “Miracle” contains:

  • Vitamins A, E and D3;

  • Iron, copper, manganese, zinc, iodine, calcium, cobalt.

Also it includes Biotin and lysine. As filler in the manufacture of the premix manufacturer uses ordinary bran.

premix for hens laying hens yolk

Supplement ‘the Good peasants”: the advantages

This vitamin and mineral complex the manufacturer recommends to keep the bird almost from the first days of life. “the Good peasants” - a premix for laying hens, the use of which significantly reduces the attack of the young. Also, this additive accelerates the development of birds. In adult chickens in its application significantly increases productivity. If no ‘the Good peasants" hens lay 3-4 eggs a day, after its introduction in the diet of — 5-6.

The advantages of this complex, among other things, should include the fact that it is completely environmentally friendly product. Moreover, its use contributes to the excretion of chickens of different kinds of toxic substances.

premix for hens laying hens instruction

Structure and manual

Pour this premix is recommended only freshly prepared food. Dosage it according to the instructions for adult birds is 0.5grams per day on its head. In addition to vitamins (A, D3, E, etc.), as well as useful minerals in the supplements “Good peasants” has carotenoids. Such a useful component makes it especially popular with farmers this premix for laying hens. The yolk in the egg when it is used becomes saturated bright color even in winter.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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