Insemination of cows: methods and recommendations. Artificial insemination of cows: technology


2020-05-03 12:20:23




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Today, almost all countries that somehow depend on their own agriculture, adopted adopted intensive development of the latter. What does it mean? This suggests that farm managers are trying to improve the performance of their enterprises without increasing the number of the means of production. This is especially true in livestock production.

insemination of cowsModern farming does not allow for barrenness in animals. Each cow every year have to give at least one calf. Of course, the lion's share in ensuring this task is played by the feeding and the work of the veterinary services, and competent insemination of cows is extremely important.

Things are not so distant days

Even a hundred years ago the only way to get the calf was a natural mating with a cow bull. Oddly enough, but artificial insemination of cows existed even then, but its efficiency was sadly low. There is evidence that even the first civilization of herders experimented with soft sponges made of plant fibers.

They were placed in the vagina of animals, and after natural mating squeeze. So occurred the first attempt of simultaneous insemination of several animals. But the cow after insemination were seldom pregnant. As a rule, the success was contributed to by the ancient farmers less than 40% of cases.

The Problem was that the sperm (with such a barbaric method of their preparation) were often deformed and unviable, but because successful insemination of cows was not every time.


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No Wonder the bulls were in every run-down farm. And it lasted (in our country, anyway) until 70-80-ies of the last century, and in some places the insemination of cows a bull is used to this day. But to do so is strictly prohibited.

artificial insemination of cowsWhat is the reason that the insemination of cows was solely “human” occupation? It's very simple. Leukemia and other diseases of farm animals. To guarantee the suppression of their sexual transmission is possible only if each spermatoza be obtained from one tested animal.

The Tools used in the insemination supplies

So, to inseminate a cow artificial method (one of three), you will need many tools and equipment. The most basic are listed in the following list:

  • Thermostat-defroster.
  • Dewar, which contains frozen sperm for insemination of cows.
  • A Syringe-catheter.
  • Optic Microscope.
  • Gloves.
  • The Mirror of the vaginal.
  • Light source.
  • Tool Bag, which carried out artificial insemination of cows. Instruction (officers) for technician-asemanator.

In addition, requires a large enough stock of reagents used for decontamination of the environment and verification of the survivability of sperm.

Basic for the development of artificial insemination

Each certified item of IO must have the following:

  • Entrance vestibule with a disinfecting Mat.
  • Spacious playpen.
  • The Heart of any item is a fully equipped laboratory.
  • Washing.
  • Storage room.
  • Machines for insemination, but they are only at points of IO, which are located in breeding farms. In other cases, the operator has “field”.

Note that the arena has to have powerful enough lighting to ensure proper comfortable. If there are machines, they are made strictly on specified for such purpose the state Standards, because the locking device must be both reliable, but at the same time not to frighten and not to injure the animal contained therein.

if the cow selection after inseminationRequired required a few buckets (preferably metal, easier to sterilize), in the arena should be a wash basin, a capacity for the manufacture of disinfectants, as well as a mug Esmarch. Indoor technician-seminatore is a separate room with ventilation that will store the Dewar with frozen semen.

The location of the laboratory and wash room

Directly by the laboratory be located in a spacious and bright room, the entrance to which must be restricted from the washing. There should be a microscope for evaluation of semen parameters, cabinets for storage of instruments and reagents, as well as a refrigerator.

Washing is located directly in front of the arena. As the name implies, this is the place sinks and cleaning equipment tools, instruments and utensils used in the manufacture of chemicals. Also in this room you can have a separate washing machine for washing towels, upper garment technicians. Then have additional tables and cabinets for the storage of equipment, electric stove for boiling water and cooking solutions. All premises must necessarily be as spacious, clean, bright and dry.

Basic methods of insemination

Currently, artificial insemination of cowsare three main metagame:

  • Ectocervical.
  • Visionvictory.
  • Nanoservicemain.

Ectocervical insemination

The Most common method, through which the artificial insemination of cows. What is it? Its name consists of two parts: rectum – is a rectum. Cervix – the cervix. Simply put, the cervix in this method of insemination record rectal. How is self insemination?

The Operator, pre-charging the syringe, tempting vulva of the animal and the area of the rectum. Hand in glove for rectal examination he introduces into the rectum of the animal. After a few rotatory movements, and achieving relaxation of the body, he finds the cervix, similar to oblong ribbed cylinder and locks it.

Second hand asemanator enters the syringe for insemination of cows in the vagina and gently pushing it forward, insert the tip into the cervix. The main task – to hold it as far as possible, but at the same time not to injure the delicate mucous membrane lining the organ. Then inside of the uterus is injected dose of semen. Hand remaining in the rectum, the operator makes a few massage movements, evenly distributing the semen in the cavity of the body. After work, the vulva is re-wash with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilina.

insemination of cows the bullWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of this method of insemination? Let's start with the disadvantages. First, the operator is required extreme accuracy as its second hand is in the rectum, and at any time (if asemanator be careless) directly into the syringe can fly a piece of dung. And this, as you can see, puts an end to the essential sterility of the equipment. You have to start all over again. What else is wrong with this technique of artificial insemination of cows?

Second, young and inexperienced professionals are not always able to find the cervix, and fixing things are even worse. As a result, the syringe is injected in the best case for ¼ of its length, which automatically reduces the effectiveness of the insemination to unacceptably low values. In addition, due to poor fixation and inability to contribute to the pipette is so that the operator injure the mucous membrane of the cervix.

And now about the merits. Oddly enough, but it ectocervical insemination of cows and heifers – the most hygienic method. If you think about it, there is nothing unusual in this. Judge for yourself: in the vagina of cows is injected only a thin pipette. While it is not sterile and carries no bacteria.

By the Way! If the cow selection after insemination, it makes sense to look at it carefully: if the secret of turbid and yellowish impurities inclusions, it almost certainly suggests infection.

By fixing the cervical experienced operators fully administered dose of semen into the uterus, due to which the probability of fruitful insemination increases significantly. In addition, this is not necessary in some “sophisticated” tools: we need only a glove and a pipette with pre-filled with dose of semen. So there is nothing surprising in the fact that ectocervical insemination is currently the most widely spread in all countries where dairy and meat cattle breeding. What are the methods of insemination of cows?

Visionvictory method

As in the previous case, the name consists of two words. The word of cervix you already know, but the root of “Federal” means “to see, to notice”. That is, when this method of insemination, the operator directly sees the cervix. How is this possible? The thing is, how is artificial insemination of cows in this case.

Chief among them – the vaginal speculum. This tool is similar to a kind of forceps, only their jaws clicking diverge in two sides. The walls of the vagina be stretched to the sides, and asemanator see the cervix. Accordingly, after this it introduces the syringe with a dose of sperm and semen squeezed into the inner cavity of the body.

syringe for insemination of cowsWhat are the strengths and weaknesses of this method? Let's start with advantages. First, when witzenbichler method of insemination, the operator sees the cervix and to monitor the correctness of the pipette visually. This is especially valuable for young specialists, who do not have the proper experience.

In addition, that much more valuable, you can assess the condition of the genital organs of an animal. So much easier to notice signs of infection before it will really begin to manifest. By the way, if there is a insemination of cows after calving (within two or three months), the first animal were examined for the presence of endometritis (including hidden).

Unfortunately, negative aspects as well. Unlike the previous method where the vagina into “small” pipette, in this situation in the genitals, the operator is forced to enter the hand. Before it is required to carefully wash away the vulva, and still no guarantee of preserving the sterility does not give one. In addition, when insemination in this way young animals there is a considerable chance of damaging the mucous membranes of the vagina (if the operator of a large hand).


Finally, when this method of insemination is almost impossible properly to fix the cervix. For the inexperienced professional and in this case the chances of successful insemination become very small.

Finally, the main drawback is the need for thorough sterilization of the mirror before each insemination (!) animal. Of course, not all elementary vouchsafed to do it, but because there are cases of transfer of infectious diseases (if the cow selection after insemination, then it is almost certainly sick with endometritis).

But still, despite all its shortcomings, this method is good if insemination of heifers. The fact that they are very difficult to seed ectocervical way. First, in their rectum can fit only very slender hand specialist. Second, the same applies to the genital organs of young animals. So vaginal mirror, and the syringe in these circumstances – the perfect “duet”. In addition, a special need for fixation of the cervix in this, as in heifers it is still not deformed, soft, and therefore the pipette syringe will fit there without any problems. What are the different methods of insemination of cows?

Nanoservicemain method

methods of insemination of cowsSo what is ‘of cervix” you already know. A "Manus" is the hand. So the method is very similar to the previous one with one exception – vaginal mirror, this method is not used. As in the previous two cases, before starting the work, thoroughly rinse the vulva with a solution furatsilina or potassium permanganate, and then, taking in hand a syringe with a dose of semen to enter her vagina. The operator finds the cervix, inserts a syringe in there and squirt out its contents into the cavity of the body.

In principle, the technique of insemination of cows in this method is completely analogous to witzenbichler method. But still there is a small difference, which is at low risk of infection, as no extra tools are not used.

How to determine a cow is ready for insemination?

So we figured out the main methods of artificial insemination. However, for all this time and not a question was raised regarding how to determine a cow ready for insemination procedure…

In principle, make it fairly easy. If the animal is to pet the sacrum and pelvis, it stands still, making no attempt to kick you. The outer labia are swollen, one can get a small amount of clear or slightly dusky mucus. To inseminate a cow should, after waiting a couple of hours after the start of the hunt. After 10 hours, the procedure should be repeated. It should be remembered that the hunt only lasts about 20 hours, and therefore the next attempt will be available only after 20-21 days. The best time of insemination of cows – morning.

Experienced technicians can check the readiness of cows for insemination, jewelry probing the ovaries by rectal examination. Have a “Mature” of the animal clearly noticeable ready the follicle that is about to burst, releasing the egg. Again, what to do, such a study can only be a very experienced and careful technician, because a careless technician will almost certainly damage the follicle, making further insemination is meaningless.

The Process of preparing the animal for insemination

If insemination is not performed in the arena (as is often the case), then before the stall should be thoroughly cleaned. It should be remembered that for harvesting in any case, you cannot use the “hard” disinfectants, limiting normal potassium permanganate or something like that. The anus cow manually cleaned of manure. Then the operator has to find the cervix and her body, and then a massage of these organs. In those rare cases, if you still use the insemination of a cow a bull, an animal in heat is also needed to clean!

After that the entire rear part of the cow, including the buttock and the root of the tail, gently washed in warm soapy water, completely removing the dried crust of manure, excreta, etc. After this, rinse the treated area with a solution furatsilina. Only after all these procedures, you are ready for insemination. So many cycles “sinks” you need to hold in order to guarantee not to bring in the reproductive system cow no infection. So is insemination of cows.

Note that artificial insemination of animals in recent years develops extremely rapidly. This contributes to the fact that the animal – a lucrative sector of the economy, and semen from valuable sires are trying to use with maximum efficiency.

artificial insemination of cows manualArtificial insemination allows us not only to approximate the probability of a calf to 100% and gives us an opportunity to get cow two calves per year (one is born, the second – in the womb). So it is possible to defeat the barrenness and increase the economic profitability of agriculture.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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