AppGlobal: reviews of the franchise


2020-05-15 11:20:12




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The Number of users of mobile phones operating systems Android, iOS and Windows Phone is growing every day. People understand that with a smartphone they have access to unlimited information: you can plan your day, keep the books, to indulge the media, install the useful apps and games. Due to this, the creation and promotion of applications for mobile devices can be called a promising field, in which a large number of people.

Mobile apps – a promising new niche

AppGlobal reviews

Everything is explained how to construct smartphones. The person conducting with your phone, the main part of the day, is actually in the limit of reach of the application that is on his device. For example, he sees a notification from a particular program, you may log into it using the icon on the desktop and, therefore, to familiarize yourself with its contents. Given this, the developers are waging a war for the smartphones and tablets of ordinary users. In fact, with today's technology it is possible to produce not only entertainment or games and to earn on advertising, but also to offer clients your services, products, collect their feedback, and so on. Mobile apps can become a powerful engine of any business.

How to promote products through the app?

Actually ways by which you can attract new customers for your business using their mobile phones, there are many. For example, you can organize the output prices of their products in customer-friendly form, or to conduct interactive promotions, contests, any organized distribution and so on. How to convince people to install your app on your phone and what to do with it, – depends on the imagination of your marketer. And, of course, the basis of all this is the program itself in its technical sense.


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AppGlobal reviews about the franchise

Create your own apps AppGlobal

There are several ways to create the application. It is possible to develop from scratch, can be ordered from the Studio or to create using ready-made designers. The first two methods are costly in time and money, while the third assumes the presence of special software. The proliferation of such deals AppGlobal. The reviews of their customers indicate that the company is offering licenses to a special constructor that allows to significantly facilitate and accelerate the process of developing business applications. Thanks to the capabilities of the platform, everyone can open his own business dedicated to creation of applications. Thus, you can offer to entrepreneurs and companies from your city quality mobile applications without additional hiring programmers or learning the basics of creating programs.

AppGlobal reviews Resellers

As stated on the website AppGlobal (reviews confirm this), the company works on the basis of the franchise. This means that licenses are available for a fee. To make it regularly, and the meaning of the whole venture is that the cost of the deductible will be less than the price of your services to final consumers – business owners who use the app. In addition, you will make a profit due to the number of orders: the more customers you find, the more viable cooperation.

Terms of the franchise

Of Course, access the designer is not free. The cost depends on which package is purchased by the customer. There are only two tariffs, the difference between them is the number of licenses (applications that can be published). First, the cost of 59 thousand rubles, includes 30 licenses and further monthly payments in the amount of 11 thousand. The second package – unlimited tariff value of 119 thousand, monthly payments for which amount to 45 thousand rubles. It is noteworthy, that the fee for months begins to accrue only after 90 days after purchase.

Besides being a partner, bought the franchise granted access to the primary constructor, there are other possibilities from AppGlobal. Reviews show that this education website, various promotional materials to attract new members, templates for websites and so on. That is, the company offers not just access, but also of some help in starting your own business in mobile apps. This is a clear advantage of AppGlobal. Reviews about the franchise show that this greatly simplifies the start of the activities of the client.

AppGlobal reviews on


Of Course, the mobile application market is now in the Bud. We can take for example the Western business model, where many shops have their own program with the prices and the list of goods, adapted to work on iOS or Android smartphones. Which, of course, cannot be said of our domestic realities. This shows that, most likely, after 5 years we are waiting for the same.

So for some it's a real chance to conduct their company using such an application designer. Reviews AppGlobal represent a reliable partner and generally praised. Why worry about what you “throw” immediately afterpurchase with licenses in hand, not worth it. Support is quite strong.

How to save?

Despite the fact that about AppGlobal reviews are mostly positive, it should be noted one important caveat. The company is not the author of the constructor that it sells. If you look carefully, you can find information that they simply resell the product of a foreign company BiznessApps. Just the service is slightly modified to be adapted to domestic realities, and transferred.

application Builder reviews AppGlobal

And, admittedly, I did pretty good. But many may not be comfortable with the price of the license, exhibited AppGlobal. Reviews Resellers indicate that the company simply buys access from BiznessApps and sells at a higher price, due to which the final cost of each application increases.

To avoid this, there is one simple tip – please contact directly to BiznessApps. Minus their designer is the lack of Russian language and possible difficulties with the transfer of funds (though it is not as significant a problem). But their services are only $ 59 per month (about 3,400 rubles). Thus, you can save money, not overpaying to a reseller, which is AppGlobal. The reviews about the company from those who are already cooperating with foreign developer, directly indicate that their designer is not inferior to the domestic counterparts.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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